1900 Census
Ferguson        Louis B          26  Male    Mi      Mil     Cuba 7th Cavalry
Farguson        Davis L          40  Male    Chil    Mil     Cuba Havana
Ferguson        Gordon S         22  Male    Scot    Mil     Philippines 11th Cavalry
Ferguson        Rocco            23  Male    Ny      Mil     Philippines 16th Infantry
Ferguson        John H           19  Male    Oh      Mil     Philippines 17th Infantry
Ferguson        Francis          26  Male    Irel    Mil     Philippines 19th Infantry
Ferguson        George W         24  Male    Tn      Mil     Philippines 19th Infantry
Ferguson        James            22  Male    Md      Mil     Philippines 1st Marine Corps
Ferguson        Frank            20  Male    Ny      Mil     Philippines 21st Infantry
Ferguson        Charles L        38  Male    Tn      Mil     Philippines 22nd Infantry
Ferguson        Asa T Pvt        24  Male    Mo      Mil     Philippines 23rd Infantry
Ferguson        James Cpl        37  Male    Scot    Mil     Philippines 23rd Infantry
Ferguson        Theodore H Pvt   20  Male    Engl    Mil     Philippines 26th Infantry
Ferguson        Malcolm Cpl      26  Male    Pa      Mil     Philippines 28th Infantry
Ferguson        James Pvt        22  Male    Ga      Mil     Philippines 29th Infantry
Ferguson        Bernard B Sgt    32  Male    In      Mil     Philippines 31st Infantry
Ferguson        Ira W Cpl        23  Male    Mo      Mil     Philippines 32nd Infantry
Farguson        Jonathan G Sgt   33  Male    Ia      Mil     Philippines 32nd Infantry
Ferguson        Harley P Pvt     24  Male    Oh      Mil     Philippines 33rd Infantry
Ferguson        Jasper N Spl     20  Male    Tx      Mil     Philippines 33rd Infantry
Ferguson        John M Pvt       25  Male    Tn      Mil     Philippines 33rd Infantry
Ferguson        Clyde Pvt        22  Male    In      Mil     Philippines 35th Infantry
Ferguson        John Pvt         25  Male    Oh      Mil     Philippines 35th Infantry
Ferguson        Winfield S Pvt   22  Male    Ks      Mil     Philippines 35th Infantry
Ferguson        Ed W Pvt         20  Male    Tn      Mil     Philippines 37th Infantry
Fergison        Walter P Pvt     30  Male    In      Mil     Philippines 37th Infantry
Ferguson        William P Pvt    39  Male    Tn      Mil     Philippines 37th Infantry
Ferguson        Henry M Pvt      26  Male    Ky      Mil     Philippines 38th Infantry
Ferguson        Samuel A Cpl     22  Male    Il      Mil     Philippines 38th Infantry
Fergusson       Archibald C Cpl  21  Male    Ks      Mil     Philippines 40th Infantry
Ferguson        Bernard Sgt 1    30  Male    Mo      Mil     Philippines 40th Infantry
Ferguson        George W Pvt     22  Male    Ks      Mil     Philippines 40th Infantry
Ferguson        Henrey W Pvt     26  Male    Ms      Mil     Philippines 40th Infantry
Ferguson        Obee O Pvt       25  Male    Sc      Mil     Philippines 40th Infantry
Ferguson        George E Pvt     19  Male    Il      Mil     Philippines 41st Infantry
Furguson        James L Pvt      26  Male    In      Mil     Philippines 42nd Infantry
Ferguson        Herbert L        22  Male    Ny      Mil     Philippines 43rd Infantry
Ferguson        John H           28  Male    Tx      Mil     Philippines 44th Infantry
Furguson        Henry R          22  Male    Il      Mil     Philippines 45th Infantry
Ferguson        Charles          32  Male    Ny      Mil     Philippines 47th Infantry
Ferguson        William D        23  Male    Fl      Mil     Philippines 47th Infantry
Ferguson        Beb              21  Male    Ne      Mil     Philippines 4th Cavalry
Ferguson        Louis J          18  Male    Ny      Mil     Philippines 4th Cavalry
Ferguson        Charles E        ??  Male    ??      Mil     Philippines 6th Infantry
Ferguson        Charles E        19  Male    Oh      Mil     Philippines 6th Infantry
Ferguson        David            26  Male    Nj      Mil     Philippines 9th Infantry
Ferguson        Harley B         ??  Male    NC      Mil     Philippines Company B Engineers
Fergusson       Oscar A          19  Male    Md      Mil     Puerto Rico 11th Infantry
Fegerson        C B              22  Male    Mi      Mil     US Navy USS Dixie
Ferguson        William E        19  Male    Ky      Mil     US Navy USS Farragut
Ferguson        Chauncey         23  Male    Oh      Mil     US Navy USS Hatford
Furgerson       Laban D          22  Male    Mi      Mil     Us Navy Uss Iowa
Ferguson        George           37  Male    Md      Mil     US Navy USS Keorsaye
Forguson        Alexander        39  Male    Cana    Mil     Us Navy Uss Lancaster
Ferguson        Earl             20  Male    Md      Mil     US Navy USS Lancaster
Ferguson        Charles B        22  Male    Mi      Mil     US Navy USS Monadnock
Ferguson        Thomas           53  Male    Engl    Mil     US Navy USS New Orleans
Ferguson        Melborn J        23  Male    Ca      Mil     US Navy USS York Town
1910 Census
Ferguson        Samuel           23  Male    Oh      Mil     CA USS Maryland; Mare Island
Ferguson        Samuel W         24  Male    Tx      Mil     CA USS Maryland; Mare Island
Ferguson        Grant W          21  Male    Il      Mil     CA USS South Dakota; San Francisc
Ferguson        Samuel A         23  Male    Cana    Mil     HI USS Chattanooga; Honolulu
Ferguson        Philip           26  Male    Ma      Mil     HI USS Cleveland; Honolulu
Ferguson        Gale L           26  Male    Oh      Mil     MA USS Missouri; Navy Yard Boston
Ferguson        James            22  Male    Pa      Mil     MA USS Missouri; Navy Yard Boston
Ferguson        Robert           20  Male    Pa      Mil     MA USS Missouri; Navy Yard Boston
Farguharson     Floyd            21  Male    Mi      Mil     Maine Kittery; York
Ferguson        George W         34  Male    Tn      Mil     NY Us Cable Steamer Joseph Henry
Ferguson        George D         24  Male    Ny      Mil     NY USS Tacoma; Navy Yard NY
Ferguson        James            21  Male    Tn      Mil     PA USS Georgia; Philadelphia
Ferguson        John             32  Male    Pa      Mil     Philippines Augur Barracks; Jolo; Jolo
Ferguson        Thomas           36  Male    Ma      Mil     Philippines Camp Cronnell; Samar
Ferguson        Robert S         32  Male    Il      Mil     Philippines Camp Eldridge; Luzon
Ferguson        John C           28  Male    In      Mil     Philippines Camp Overton; Mindanao
Fargerson       Uren             23  Male    Wi      Mil     Philippines Camp Stotsenburg  Luzon
Fergusson       William E        24  Male    In      Mil     Philippines Camp Stotsenburg  Luzon
Fargerson       Uren             23  Male    WI      Mil     Philippines Camp Stotsenburg; Luzon
Ferguson        Paul             22  Male    Oh      Mil     Philippines Camp Stotsenburg; Luzon
Ferguson        Frank S          33  Male    Wi      Mil     Philippines Depot Commissary; Manila
Ferguson        Roy              22  Male    Ny      Mil     Philippines Fort Mills; Corregidor
Fergerson       William H        28  Male    Ca      Mil     Philippines Fort William Mckinley  Rizal
Ferguson        Henry T          41  Male    Wi      Mil     Philippines Ludlow Barracks; Mindanao
Ferguson        Frederick R      22  Male    Ct      Mil     Philippines Naval Station Olongapo
Ferguson        James N          20  Male    Ri      Mil     Philippines USS Mississippi
Ferguson        James S          21  Male    In      Mil     Philippines USS Monterey; Olongapo
Ferguson        Emerson B        27  Male    Ny      Mil     SC USS Texas; Charleston
Ferguson        William C        39  Male    Pa      Mil     SC USS Texas; Charleston
Ferguson        William C        28  Male    Cana    Mil     US Navy USS Dixie
Ferguson        Frank M          19  Male    Pa      Mil     US Navy USS Indiana
Ferguson        Charles K        24  Male    In      Mil     US Navy USS Iowa
Ferguson        James            22  Male    Pa      Mil     US Navy USS Iowa
Ferguson        Robert           20  Male    Pa      Mil     US Navy USS Iowa
Ferguson        Charles William  23  Male    Ny      Mil     US Navy USS Kansas
Ferguson        John             17  Male    Ks      Mil     US Navy USS Nebraska
Ferguson        Harold M         21  Male    Ne      Mil     US Navy USS New Orleans
Ferguson        Samuel A         23  Male    Cana    Mil     US Navy USS New Orleans
Ferguson        William H        26  Male    Pa      Mil     US Navy USS New Orleans
Ferguson        John N           24  Male    Nc      Mil     US Navy USS North Dakota
Ferguson        Hugh O           30  Male    Oh      Mil     US Navy USS Tennessee
Ferguson        Henry W          25  Male    Ar      Mil     Virginia USS New Jersey; Hampton Roads
Ferguson        James B          71  Male    Cana    Mil     Washington Us Transport Dix
Ferguson        Alexander L      19  Male    Ny      Mil     Washington USS Colorado; Bremerton
Fergusson       Turner           18  Male    Tx      Mil     Washington Uss Washington  Puget Sound
1910 Census
Ferguson        Thomas S         49  Male    Cana    PR      San Juan Marina; Estacion Naval De Los

1900 Ancestry Census
Fergusson       Albert J         1881  19   Private        IN             MIL  Puerto Rico; San Juan                       1900
Fergusson       Archibald C      1879  21   Corporal       KS             MIL  Philippine Islands; Misamia                 1900
Ferguson        Asa T            1877  23   Private        MO             MIL  Philippine Islands; Jolo                    1900
Ferguson        Beb              1879  21   Private        NE             MIL  Philippine Islands; Tarlac                  1900
Ferguson        Bernard B        1868  32   Q. M. Sergeant IN             MIL  Philippine Islands; Post Caraga             1900
Ferguson        C B              1878  22   Ordinary SeamanMI             MIL  US Naval Forces; USS Dixie                  1900
Ferguson        Charles B        1878  22   Ordinary SeamanMI             MIL  US Naval Forces; USS Monadnock              1900
Ferguson        Charles E        1864  36   Private        IL             MIL  Philippine Islands; Clugao                  1900
Ferguson        Charles E        1881  19   Private Co G   OH             MIL  Philippine Islands; ??                      1900
Ferguson        Charles E        1900  0    Private                       MIL  Philippine Islands; Dumiaguite              1900
Ferguson        Charles L        1861  39   Corporal       TN             MIL  Philippine Islands; San Isidro              1900
Ferguson        Chauncey         1878  22   Ordinary SeamanOH             MIL  US Naval Forces; USS Hartford               1900
Ferguson        David            1874  26   Private        NY             MIL  Philippine Islands; 9th Infantry            1900
Forguson        Davis L          1860  40   35 Ot Head     Chile          MIL  Cuba; Office of Chief Quartermaster Division1900
Ferguson        Earl             1881  19   Yeo 3nd Class  MD             MIL  US Naval Forces; USS Lancaster              1900
Ferguson        Fermard c        1870  30   1st Sergt      MO             MIL  Philippine Islands; Cegayan de Misamis      1900
Ferguson        Francis          1875  25   Musician       IRE            MIL  Philippine Islands; Cebu                    1900
Ferguson        Frank            1881  19   Private        NY             MIL  Philippine Islands; Manila                  1900
Ferguson        George           1861  39   Mach 1 Cl      MD             MIL  US Naval Forces; USS Kearsoige              1900
Ferguson        George W         1878  22   Private        KS             MIL  Philippine Islands; Surigao Island          1900
Ferguson        George W         1876  24   Private        TN             MIL  Philippine Islands; Cebu                    1900
Ferguson        Gordon I         1879  21   Private        SCOT           MIL  Philippine Islands; In the field            1900
Ferguson        Harley B         1900  0    1st Lieutenant NC             MIL  Manila Philippine Islands; Malate           1900
Furguson        Henry B          1878  22   Private        IL             MIL  Philippine Islands; Iniga                   1900
Furguson        Henry M          1875  25   Private        KY             MIL  Philippine Islands; Batangas                1900
Ferguson        Herbert L        1878  22   Corp.          NY             MIL  Philippine Islands; Dagaine                 1900
Fergusson       Ivy W            1878  22   Corp           MO             MIL  Philippine Islands; FL Blanca               1900
Ferguson        James            1878  22   Private        GA             MIL  Philippine Islands; Catalogan               1900
Forguson        James            1864  36   Corporal       SCOT           MIL  Philippine Islands; Jolo                    1900
Furguson        Jas L            1875  25   Private        IN             MIL  Philippine Islands; Paete Laguna            1900
Ferguson        John             1876  24   Private        OH             MIL  Philippine Islands; San Miguel de Mayumo    1900
Ferguson        John H           1881  19   Private        OH             MIL  Philippine Islands; Dasel Zambales          1900
Ferguson        John H           1872  28   Corporal       TX             MIL  Philippine Islands; Hilongos                1900
Ferguson        John L           1879  21   Private        TN             MIL  Philippine Islands; Capiz                   1900
Ferguson        John M           1875  25   Private        TN             MIL  Philippine Islands; Candon                  1900
Fargason        Jonathan G       1868  32   1st Sergeant   IA             MIL  Philippine Islands; Orani                   1900
Furgason        Laban D          1878  22   Fires 2 C      MI             MIL  US Naval Forces; USS Iowa                   1900
Ferguson        Louis B          1875  25   Private        MI             MIL  Cuba; Columbia Barracks                     1900
Ferguson        Malcolm          1874  26   Corporal       PA             MIL  Philippine Islands; Binan                   1900
Ferguson        Melborn j        1877  23   O Seaman       CA             MIL  US Naval Forces; USS Yorktown               1900
Fergusson       Oscar A          1881  19   Private        MD             MIL  Puerto Rico; Henry Barracks                 1900
Ferguson        Osee O           1875  25   Private        SC             MIL  Philippine Islands; Iligan                  1900
Ferguson        Robert M H       1879  21   Private        TN             MIL  Philippine Islands; Silang                  1900
Ferguson        Rocco            1878  22   Private        NY             MIL  Philippine Islands; Aparri                  1900
Ferguson        Samuel A         1878  22   Corporal       IL             MIL  Philippine Islands; Batangas                1900
Fergerson       Theodore H       1880  20   Private        ENG            MIL  Philippine Islands; Jaminay                 1900
Ferguson        Thomas           1887  13   Seaman         ENG            MIL  US Naval Forces; USS New Orleans            1900
Ferguson        Thomas S         1861  39   Sergt U.s.m.c. CAN ENG        MIL  US Naval Forces; USFS New York              1900
Fergison        Walter P         1870  30   Private        India          MIL  Philippine Islands; Presido of San Francisco1900
Ferguson        William D        1877  23   Private        FL             MIL  Philippine Islands; Sorsogon                1900
Ferguson        William E        1881  19   Apprentice 1st KY             MIL  US Naval Forces; US Torpedo Boat Farragut   1900
Ferguson        Winfield S       1879  21   Private        KS             MIL  Philippine Islands; Balinag                 1900

Furgeson      ??                                  18 MI       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Mayen                     1902  1920
Ferguson      ??                                  ?? US       Mil. & Naval Forces    Mexico; Tampico                    ??    1920
Ferguson      Albert                              23 TN       US Mil. & Naval Forces Virginia; Portsmouth               1897  1920
Ferguson      Alex J R                            28 Eng.     US Mil. & Naval Forces MA; Boston                         1892  1920
Fengerson     Alexander J R  Ferguson  Alexander J28 Eng.     US Mil. & Naval Forces MA; Boston                         1892  1920
Ferguson      Allan                               19 TN       US Mil. & Naval Forces California; Vallejo                1901  1920
Ferguson      Andrew M                            20 NC       Mil. & Naval Forces    Dalmatia; Spalato                  1900  1920
Ferguson      Burton                              19 TN       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Coblenz Lutzel            1901  1920
Fergueson     Clarence       Ferguson  Clarence   18 IN       US Mil. & Naval Forces California; Vallejo                1902  1920
Ferguson      Clarence A                          19 PA       US Mil. & Naval Forces California; San Diego              1901  1920
Fergurson     Clarence W                          28 GA       Mil. & Naval Forces    Not Stated; Not Stated             1892  1920
Fergerson     Claude H                            21 KS       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Coblenz                   1899  1920
Furguson      Edgar S                             17 IN       US Military  Naval ForcVirginia; Portsmouth               1903  1920
Fergurson     Elwood C                            19 FL       US Military & Naval ForNot Stated                         1901  1920
Ferguson      Fred A                              36 IL       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Overseas Mil.             1884  1920
Ferguson      Fred B                              19 TN       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Mayen                     1901  1920
Ferguson      Fred H                              19 TX       US Mil. & Naval Forces Washington; Bremerton              1901  1920
Ferguson      George D                            24 VA       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Thur                      1896  1920
Ferguson      George D                            34 NY       US Mil. & Naval Forces Washington; Puget Sound            1886  1920
Ferguson      George E                            19 GA       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Andernach                 1901  1920
Ferguson      Glenn F                             21 US       Mil. & Naval Forces    Panama; Balboa                     1899  1920
Ferguson      Glenn L                             23 IA       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Overseas Mil.             1897  1920
Torgeron      Harold S       Forgeson  Harold S   23 MA       US Mil. & Naval Forces Massachusetts; Boston              1897  1920
Fergerson     Harry                               25 MA       US Mil. & Naval Forces Virginia; Portsmouth               1895  1920
Ferguson      Hervey                              28 MI       Mil. & Naval Forces    Dalmatia; Spalato                  1892  1920
Ferguson      Homer W                             19 IL       Mil. & Naval Forces    Philippine Islands; Overseas Mil.  1901  1920
Ferguson      Horace C                            20 MO       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Bendorf                   1900  1920
Farquharson   Horace W       FarguharsoHorace W   24 MI       Mil. & Naval Forces    Philippine Islands; Olongapo       1896  1920
Fergason      James                               32 PA       Mil. & Naval Forces    Cuba; Guantanamo Bay               1888  1920
Ferguson      James                               16 RI       US Mil. & Naval Forces California; San Diego              1904  1920
Furgason      James                               17 CA       US Mil. & Naval Forces California; San Pedro              1903  1920
Ferguson      James P                             23 TX       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Bendorf                   1897  1920
Ferguson      James R                             20 AR       Mil. & Naval Forces    Philippine Islands; Overseas Mil.  1900  1920
Torgerson     James W        Ferguson  James m    21 MN       US Mil. & Naval Forces MA; Boston                         1899  1920
Ferguson      Jess                                33 IL       US Mil. & Naval Forces California; San Diego              1887  1920
Furgerson     Joe B                               24 AL       UA Military & Naval ForCalifornia; San Diego              1896  1920
Ferguson      John A                              15 MD       Mil. & Naval Forces    Japan; Kobe                        1905  1920
Ferguson      John H                              20 NY       Mil. & Naval Forces    Dominican Republic; Dominican Repub1900  1920
Ferguson      Joseph                              19 Ire.     US Mil. & Naval Forces California; San Diego              1901  1920
Ferguson      Kenner C                            22 WV       Mil. & Naval Forces    US Virgin Islands; St Thomas       1898  1920
Ferguson      Leo R                               22 KS       Mil. & Naval Forces    China; Shanghai                    1898  1920
Forguson      Luther H                            19 KY       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Coblenz                   1901  1920
Fergerson     Ripley S       Ferguson  Ripley S   21 MS       US Mil. & Naval Forces California; San Diego              1899  1920
Ferguson      Robert                              18 IN       Mil. & Naval Forces    Cuba; Guantanamo Bay               1902  1920
Ferguson      Robert                              21 PA       US Mil. & Naval Forces Pennsylvania; Philadelphia         1899  1920
Ferguson      Robert C                            21 IA       US Mil. & Naval Forces MA; Boston                         1899  1920
Ferguson      Robert R                            23 LA       US Mil. & Naval Forces Pennsylvania; Philadelphia         1897  1920
Furgison      Samuel H                            39 TN       Mil. & Naval Forces    Philippine Islands; Overseas Milita1881  1920
Ferguson      Samuel R                            20 NJ       Mil. & Naval Forces    Japan; Kobe                        1900  1920
Ferguson      Thomas L                            34 IL       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Coblenz                   1886  1920
Ferguson      Thomas Russell                      27 MO       Mil. & Naval Forces    Consular Service; MO               1893  1920
Fergerson     Turner                              28 TX       US Mil. & Naval Forces South Carolina; Charleston         1892  1920
Furguson      Wesley                              19 MO       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Andernach                 1901  1920
Fergusson     William                             28 US       Mil. & Naval Forces    Germany; Coblenz Lutzel            1892  1920
Ferguson      William                             17 MD       US Mil. & Naval Forces MA; Boston                         1903  1920
Ferguson      William D                           ?? Not StateMil. & Naval Forces    Italy; Venice                      ??    1920
Ferguson      William F                           39 US       Mil. & Naval Forces    Philippine Islands; Overseas Mil.  1881  1920
Ferguson      William H                           24 CA       US Mil. & Naval Forces MA; Boston                         1896  1920
Ferguson      William J                           ?? MD       US Mil. & Naval Forces MA; Boston                         ??    1920
Pergerson     William L      Ferguson  William L  ?? Not StateUS Mil. & Naval Forces California; San Diego              ??    1920