From: Sandi Smith <> TARRANT CO, TX DEATHS James Parson Ferguson d. May 29, 1900 Arlington, Tarrant Co. TX Ruth Ferguson d. May 15, 1906 Arlington Tarrant Co. TX. Charles Lawrence Ferguson d. Dec. 16, 1915 Arlington, Tarrant Co. TX. Nellie Mary Ferguson d. Nov. 2, 1900 Arlington, Tarrant Co. TX Grover Cleveland Ferguson d. Mar. 13, 1914 Arlington, Tarrant Co. TX. Jack Lloyd Ferguson d. Mar. 24, 1974 Arlington, Tarrant Co. TX. James Charles Ferguson d. Mar. 21, 1955 Arlington, Tarrant Co. TX James Richard Ferguson d. Mar. 5, 1990 Ft. Worth, Taqrrant Co. TX. Naomi Louise Ferguson d. Feb. 25, 1997 Ft. worth, Tarrant Co. TX. Robert Edward Lee Ferguson d. July 1, 1951 Arlington, Tarrant Co. Tx. FERGESON Dora, Mrs Tarrant 2/23/40 FERGUSON A.C., Inf of Tarrant 6/6/18 FERGUSON Alford Franklin Tarrant 1/15/33 FERGUSON Alice, Mrs Tarrant 1/4/29 FERGUSON Bell Tarrant 9/2/34 FERGUSON Callie D. Tarrant 2/6/32 FERGUSON Carl D., Mrs Tarrant 1/17/33 FERGUSON Clarissa, Mrs. Tarrant 2/25/07 FERGUSON Collin C. Tarrant 7/29/24 FERGUSON Dewey Mathey Tarrant 12/16/36 FERGUSON E.B. Tarrant 2/10/22 FERGUSON Edith J. Tarrant 7/6/16 FERGUSON Elizabeth Tarrant 4/10/04 FERGUSON Ella L. Tarrant 12/30/35 FERGUSON Elsa Eileen Tarrant 5/26/17 FERGUSON Emily Tarrant 8/16/20 FERGUSON Grant Tarrant 8/31/36 FERGUSON Grover Tarrant 3/13/14 FERGUSON H.E. Tarrant 8/19/27 FERGUSON Henry, Inf of Tarrant 10/18/30 FERGUSON J. Monroe Tarrant 1/31/17 FERGUSON J.L., Inf of Tarrant 5/24/32 FERGUSON James C. Tarrant 11/22/28 FERGUSON James Knox Tarrant 4/27/36 FERGUSON James Monroe Tarrant 3/1/26 FERGUSON James Neal Tarrant 2/25/39 FERGUSON Lee Calvin Tarrant 3/14/30 FERGUSON Leila Tarrant 5/19/12 FERGUSON Lenora E., Mrs Tarrant 4/25/22 FERGUSON Mai F., Mrs Tarrant 4/2/21 FERGUSON Malissia Tarrant 10/25/18 FERGUSON Marietta Tarrant 12/7/32 FERGUSON Marrie Jame Tarrant 3/24/36 FERGUSON Mary Joseph Tarrant 3/6/39 FERGUSON Mary Porter Tarrant 3/10/37 FERGUSON Maxine Tarrant 8/1/31 FERGUSON Melissa Tarrant 6/10/38 FERGUSON Melvine, Mrs. Tarrant 1/2/17 FERGUSON Nancy Ann Tarrant 1/13/37 FERGUSON Pless Henes Tarrant 12/8/39 FERGUSON Robert Tarrant 2/23/33 FERGUSON Robert Chester Tarrant 5/15/08 FERGUSON S. Tarrant 12/16/04 FERGUSON Sarah M. Tarrant 6/9/17 FERGUSON T.J. Tarrant 2/27/28 FERGUSON T.W. Tarrant 12/16/09 FERGUSON Thomas J. Tarrant 10/26/31 FERGUSON W.P., Mrs Tarrant 7/22/31 FERGUSON W.R. Tarrant 11/9/23