1860 Census
Fergison     J               35  Male    La     TX      Montgomery Montgomery P O
Ferguson     G               48  Male    SC     TX      Montgomery;Montgomery
1870 Census
Ferguson     Green           46  Male    AL     TX      Montgomery; Danville Pct
1900 Census
Furgerson       Marshal          46  Male    Ga      TX      Montgomery 4 J-Pct
Fergerson       Dan              21  Male    Tx      TX      Montgomery 4-Pct
Fergerson       Lack             27  Male    Tx      TX      Montgomery 4-Pct
Furgerson       William E        41  Male    Ms      TX      Montgomery 6 J-Pct
Furguson        J E              35  Male    Ky      TX      Montgomery Willis Pct
Furguson        J L              60  Male    Ms      TX      Montgomery Willis Pct
Ferguson        ??? M            32  Male    TX      TX      Montgomery; 4 J-Pct
Ferguson        Joe              51  Male    VA      TX      Montgomery; 4-Pct
Ferguson        Robert           34  Male    MS      TX      Montgomery; 6 J-Pct
1910 Census
Furgerson       William          51  Male    Ms      TX      Montgomery 10-Pct
Fergerson       Ruth             6   Female  Ky      TX      Montgomery 1-Pct
Furguson        M J              49  Male    Ga      TX      Montgomery 4 J-Pct
Furgurson       T A              54  Male    Ms      TX      Montgomery 8 J-Pct
1920 Census
Furgerson       Ed               28  Male    Ky      TX      Montgomery Conroe
Furguson        O S              32  Male    Ms      TX      Montgomery Conroe
Fergueson       John             44  Male    Tx      TX      Montgomery Willis
Fergueson       Simeon           24  Male    Tx      TX      Montgomery Willis
Furgeson        Edward           29  Male    Tx      TX      Montgomery Willis
Furguson        Carrie           63  Female  Tx      TX      Montgomery Willis
Furguson        Green W          50  Male    Tx      TX      Montgomery Willis
Furguson        Henry M          26  Male    Ms      TX      Montgomery Willis
Furguson        Marshell J       64  Male    Ga      TX      Montgomery Willis
Ferguson        Ruth             15  Female  KY      TX      Montgomery; 8 J-Pct
Ferguson        Vernie           35  Female  KY      TX      Montgomery; Conroe
Ferguson        Mattie           75  Female  TX      TX      Montgomery; Willis
1930 Census
Furgeson        Odis R           17  Male    MO      TX      Montgomery 1 J-PCT (East Part)
Fergerson       Carl             31  Male    KY      TX      Montgomery Conroe
Fergusson       Tabitha          57  Female  MS      TX      Montgomery Conroe
Ferguson        Carrie           55  Female  TX      TX      Montgomery; 4 J-Pct
Ferguson        Everett W        27  Male    TX      TX      Montgomery; 4 J-Pct
Ferguson        Green            62  Male    TX      TX      Montgomery; 4 J-Pct
Ferguson        Frank            41  Male    TX      TX      Montgomery; Conroe

TEXAS -- 1860 Census -- Montgomery
FERGISON    J.        Montgomery       98
FERGUSON    G.        Montgomery       86

TEXAS -- 1870 Census -- Montgomery FERGUSON         Green      Montgomery       372
TEXAS -- 1880 Census -- Montgomery FERGERSON      J.L.           Montgomery           87ED 123

1860 Montgomery Co., Texas
page 086, Town of Montgomery, 18 June
G. Ferguson male                        48 SC 5500/80,000
S. female                               40 Ms.
G. male                                 18 Ms.
J. male                                 17 Ms.
K. male                                 11 Ms.
E. female                                8 Ms.
S. female                                6 Ms.
William                                  2 Ms.
Not sure as to the occupation but with this kind of assets he surely
was not a farmer. It also appears that he lives in town.

1860 Montgomery Co., Texas
page 098, P.O. Montgomery, 3 July
J. Fergison male                        35 La.
J. female                               30 Tx.
L.E. female                              1 Tx.
Z. male                                 17 La.

1870 Montgomery Co., Texas
page 372, P.O. Danville, 16 Aug.
Green Ferguson                          46 Al.
Mary                                    40 Al.
William                                 14 Al.
Mary                                    12 Al.
George                                  10 Al.
Green                                    8 Al.