Did you know...

 that the good health, strength and stamina of the Scottish people has been attributed to their light, but wholesome diet of natural foods, rich in life sustaining qualities: venison, and small animals; wild-fowl; oysters, mussels and cockles; strawberries, and blueberries; carrots, leeks, turnips and potatoes; water-cress and sea-weed; oatcakes and bread; beef and mutton, butter, milk and cheese; and of course haggis and a "wee drappie" of their usquebaugh or "Water of Life"?

 that the MacBeths or Beatons were hereditary physicians to the Lords of the Isles, and that some of their impressive medical treatises have been preserved and are still in readable form?

 that in ancient times the seas about Scotland were sacred and the eating of fish taboo? Now, and for many years past, fishing is not only one of Scotland's most important industries, but a favorite Highland sport.

 that nettles, simmered until tender, and salted, peppered, and buttered, are a common Scottish vegetable, the fine, stinging hairs apparently dissolved by the cooking?

 that the traditional Scottish meat pudding, Haggis, is very similar to Philadelphia Scrapple?

 that French cuisine was introduced into Scotland's simple cookery during the Auld Alliance, and by the Queens and Ladies who came to Scotland's Courts and Castles from France?

 that Lorraine Soup, made from a very old recipe, is said to be named after Mary of Lorraine, daughter of the Due de Guise, wife of King James V, and mother of Mary Queen of Scots?

 that Southern Fried Chicken is actually of Scottish origin, brought to the United States-the Carolinas and Virginias-by Scottish immigrants after Culloden?

 that the American fall favorite "ginger-snap" actually originated in Edinburgh, Scotland?

 that there is evidence to the fact that the Scottish Highlanders were making Scotch whisky as early as the 14th Century?

 that "whisky" is a shortened and colloquial term for the Gaelic word "uisgebeatha" or "usquebaugh," which means "aqua Vitae" or "water of life"?

 that although Scotch whisky was used as a medicine, it was often distilled by the guidwife simply for a health-giving beverage?

 that the distinctive flavor of Scotch whisky is developed from the moss- or peaty-water with which the mash is mixed, the peat-fire smoke which dries the sprouting barley, and the aging in sherry-soaked casks? In America the casks are charred, but not in Scotland.

 that one of the earliest written references to Scotch whisky is an entry in the Scottish Exchequer Rolls of 1494-5 of "8 bolls (140 lbs.) of malt to Friar John Cor wherewith to make aqua vitae"?

 that the first records kept of the production of Scotch whisky in Scotland were begun in 1708, during which year approximately 50,000 gallons were produced?

 that by 1780, 300,000 gallons of Scotch whisky were being smuggled across the Border into England in addition to a nearly equal amount being sent in legally?

 that the United States is the largest market for Scotland's whisky, taking 45% of this export product at close to $135 million per year?

 that the well-known Drambuie of Scotland is a true cordial, the only one produced in the British Isles, and the only one in the world which has whisky as a basic ingredient?

 that tea drinking was introduced to the ladies of Edinburgh in about 1680 by the beautiful Mary of Modena, Duchess of York? The Duke of York, her husband, later became King James VII.