1790 Census Forguson James SC Edgefield; No Twp Listed 1810 Census Furgeson Abram SC Edgefield; No Twp Listed Furgeson John Sr SC Edgefield; No Twp Listed Furgeson Joseph SC Edgefield; No Twp Listed 1820 Census Ferguson Charles SC Edgefield; No Twp Listed Ferguson John SC Edgefield; No Twp Listed Fergurson Joseph SC Edgefield; No Twp Listed Ferguson Wm SC Edgefield; No Twp Listed 1830 Census Forguson Thomas SC Edgefield Furgason W SC Edgefield 1840 Census Fergason Joseph SC Edgefield; no twp listed Ferguson Joseph SC Edgefield; no twp listed Fergurson Mary SC Edgefield; no twp listed Furgerson Rebecca SC Edgefield; no twp listed Fergerson Thos SC Edgefield; no twp listed 1850 Census Fergason Lewis 17 SC SC Edgefield; Edgefield Furgerson Antony 45 NC SC Edgefield; Hamburg Furgerson John J 11 NC SC Edgefield; Hamburg Furgerson Nancy C 40 NC SC Edgefield; Hamburg Furgerson Thomas H 11 NC SC Edgefield; Hamburg Furguson David M 5 SC SC Edgefield; The District Ferguson Elizabeth 14 SC SC Edgefield; The District Ferguson Gideon 18 SC SC Edgefield; The District Furguson Joseph 69 SC SC Edgefield; The District Ferguson Lewis 16 SC SC Edgefield; The District Ferguson Mary 52 SC SC Edgefield; The District Furguson Rachael 65 SC SC Edgefield; The District Ferguson Sarah 45 SC SC Edgefield; The District Furguson Sarah 49 SC SC Edgefield; The District Furguson Thomas 59 VA SC Edgefield; The District Furguson Wayn m 42 SC SC Edgefield; The District Furguson Whitfield 18 SC SC Edgefield; The District 1860 Census Fergurson S Mrs 58 Female Sc SC Edgefield Cairo P O Furgerson Mary 62 Female Sc SC Edgefield Saluda Regiment 1870 Census Furgerson Sally 66 Female Sc SC Edgefield Gray Twp Furgison Sarah 67 Female Sc SC Edgefield Ryan Twp Furguson Elizabeth 33 Female Sc SC Edgefield Saluda Divn Furguson Gideon 33 Male Sc SC Edgefield Saluda Divn Furguson Lewis 25 Male Sc SC Edgefield Saluda Divn
EDGEFIELD CO, SC 1811 FERGUSON, Aaron NO TOWNSHIP LISTED # FERGUSON, Eleaser NO TOWNSHIP LISTED # Edgefield Co, SC 1860 Census FERGURSON Mrs S.* Edgefield 96 FERGUSON Mary Edgefield 147
1820Charles Fergerson Edgefield Co. 091 100110-00100 1820Joseph Fergurson Edgefield Co. 077 100001-00100 1820John Ferguson Edgefield Co. 133 200100-20100 1820William Ferguson Edgefield Co. 128 002010-00010 1830Burt, Armstaed, Edgefield Twp. Edgefield 137 1830Burt, Eujane Edgefield Twp. Edgefield 163 Submitted by Leonard Damron <lldamron@swbell.net>