1790 Census			
Ferguson	Ann	SC	Charleston; St Andrews Parish
Ferguson	Ann	SC	Charleston; St Phillips & St M
1800 Census			
Ferguson	Ann	SC	Charleston; No Twp Listed
Ferguson	John	SC	Charleston; No Twp Listed
1810 Census			
Ferguson	Ann	SC	Charleston; Charleston
Ferguson	Edward	SC	Charleston; Charleston
1820 Census
Ferguson            Ann                      SC    Charleston; Charleston
Ferguson            John                     SC    Charleston; Charleston
Ferguson            R                        SC    Charleston; Charleston
Ferguson            Samuel                   SC    Charleston; St Johns Parish
1830 Census
Ferguson            James                    SC    Charleston; Charleston Neck
Ferguson            John                     SC    Charleston; Charleston Neck
Ferguson            Hugh W                   SC    Charleston; Charleston Ward 1
Ferguson            John                     SC    Charleston; Charleston Ward 1
Ferguson            Elisa                    SC    Charleston; Charleston Ward 2
Ferguson            William                  SC    Charleston; Charleston Ward 2
Ferguson            Sarah                    SC    Charleston; Charleston Ward 3
Ferguson            James                    SC    Charleston; St Johns Berkley
1840 Census
Ferguson            Eliza M                  SC    Charleston; no twp listed
Ferguson            James                    SC    Charleston; no twp listed
Furguson            James                    SC    Charleston; no twp listed
Furgueson           L                        SC    Charleston; no twp listed
Ferguson            Margaret                 SC    Charleston; no twp listed
Fergurson           Pleasant                 SC    Charleston; no twp listed
1850 Census
Ferguson        Abby Anne       0   SC      SC      Charleston; StJohns Berkley Parish
Ferguson        Anna B          2   SC      SC      Charleston; StJohns Berkley Parish
Ferguson        Frances R       3   SC      SC      Charleston; StJohns Berkley Parish
Ferguson        J duyne         13  SC      SC      Charleston; StJohns Berkley Parish
Ferguson        James           66  SC      SC      Charleston; StJohns Berkley Parish
Ferguson        Joseph S        6   SC      SC      Charleston; StJohns Berkley Parish
Ferguson        M A A           40  SC      SC      Charleston; StJohns Berkley Parish
Ferguson        Samuel wiagg    15  SC      SC      Charleston; StJohns Berkley Parish
Ferguson        Thomas B        9   SC      SC      Charleston; StJohns Berkley Parish
Ferguson        Adolphus        2   SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Alexander       24  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Briget          28  Ire.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Caroline        9   SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Catherine       47  Ire.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Catherine       10  NY      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Charles         14  Ire.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Daniel          22  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Dennis          17  Ire.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Dennis          31  Ire.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Eliza           20  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Fergason        Elizabeth       40  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Ellen           3   SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Emeline         8   SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Emeline         30  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Francis         8   Ire.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Hugh            16  Ire.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        James           18  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        James           22  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Jane            12  NY      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Jane            24  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Jerry           50  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        John            12  Ire.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        John            54  Ire.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        John            12  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Fergerson       John            30  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Fergerson       Joshua          38  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Julia           11  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Katey           15  Ire.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Margaret        34  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Mary            37  Eng.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Mary            6   SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Mary Jane       18  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Matilda         16  Eng.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Pat             37  Ire.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Phoebe          6   SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Robert          8   NY      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Sarah Ann       22  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Susan           35  Ire.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Fergerson       Tho             25  Scot.   SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Thomas          4   SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        Thomas          4   SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        W C             25  SC      SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
Ferguson        William         44  Eng.    SC      Charleston; StMichael and StPhillip
1860 Census
Ferguson     Elizabeth       58  Female  Sc     SC      Charleston 1-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     Ellen           20  Female  Bohe   SC      Charleston 1-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     George          27  Male    Ma     SC      Charleston 1-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     Mrs             60  Female  Sc     SC      Charleston 2-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     Joseph          14  Male    Sc     SC      Charleston 4-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     W C             30  Male    Sc     SC      Charleston 4-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     T B             19  Male    Sc     SC      Charleston 5-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     William         33  Male    Sc     SC      Charleston 5-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     Jane E          12  Female  Sc     SC      Charleston 6-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     Robert          40  Male    Scot   SC      Charleston 7-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     William         52  Male    Scot   SC      Charleston 8-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     John            50  Male    Scot   SC      Charleston Christ Church
Ferguson     James           76  Male    Sc     SC      Charleston St Johns Par
1870 Census
Ferguson     El              29  Female  Sc     SC      Charleston 1-Wd Charleston
Fergason     Joe             35  Male    Irel   SC      Charleston 3-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     John            26  Male    Irel   SC      Charleston 3-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     Adalaide        35  Female  Cana   SC      Charleston 4-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     Eliza           50  Female  Irel   SC      Charleston 5-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     William         40  Male    Ny     SC      Charleston 5-Wd Charleston
Furgerson    William         42  Male    Sc     SC      Charleston 8-Wd Charleston
Ferguson     John            55  Male    Scot   SC      Charleston Christ Church Par
Ferguson     William         20  Male    Sc     SC      Charleston Christ Church Par
Furguson     Ned             54  Male    Sc     SC      Charleston St Johns & Berkele
1900 Census
Ferguson        George M         43  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston 1-Wd Charleston
Ferguson        John F           39  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston 1-Wd Charleston
Ferguson        Margaret         26  Female  Sc      SC      Charleston 4-Wd Charleston
Ferguson        John             61  Male    Irel    SC      Charleston 9-Wd Charleston
Ferguson        Adelaide         41  Female  Sc      SC      Charleston Mt Pleasant Twp
Ferguson        Madge            15  Female  Sc      SC      Charleston Mt Pleasant Twp
Ferguson        Charles F        25  Male    Wv      SC      Charleston Sullivans Island
1910 Census
Ferguson        John             65  Male    Irel    SC      Charleston 10-Wd Charleston
Ferguson        John             60  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston 10-Wd Charleston
Fergusson       Andrew           24  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston 3-Wd Charleston
Ferguson        Charles B        44  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston 4-Wd Charleston
Ferguson        James L          42  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston 4-Wd Charleston
Ferguson        Sarah J          63  Female  Sc      SC      Charleston 5-Wd Charleston
Ferguson        John F           53  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston 7-Wd Charleston
Ferguson        Lawrence         60  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston James Island Twp
Furguson        Lawrence         60  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston James Island Twp
Ferguson        Adelaide L       13  Female  Sc      SC      Charleston Mt Pleasant Twp
Ferguson        John             50  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston Mt Pleasant Twp
Ferguson        Guy W            25  Male    Mo      SC      Charleston St Michael & St Philip Twp
Furgerson       George           24  Male    Pa      SC      Charleston St Michael & St Philip Twp
1920 Census
Forgenson       John E           44  Male    Pa      SC      Charleston 10-Wd; Charleston
Ferguson        Janie            23  Female  Sc      SC      Charleston 12-Wd; Charleston
Ferguson        Weaver T         29  Male    Al      SC      Charleston 12-Wd; Charleston
Farguson        John F           58  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston 3-Wd; Charleston
Ferguson        James L          51  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston 6-Wd; Charleston
Furgeson        Grace E          ??  Female  SC      Sc      Charleston 6-Wd; Charleston
Furgeson        Margurite D      26  Female  Ga      SC      Charleston 6-Wd; Charleston
Furguson        Charles B        53  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston 6-Wd; Charleston
Ferguson        Lewis H          31  Male    Ky      SC      Charleston 7-Wd; Charleston
Ferguson        Mary J           65  Female  Ky      SC      Charleston 7-Wd; Charleston
Ferguson        Thomas D         56  Male    Sc      SC      Charleston Mt Pleasant; Christ Church Par


FERGUSON, ANN        CHARLESTON CO, SC    10201100-00002-00
FERGUSON, JOHN       CHARLESTON CO, SC    11300010-20010-00

CHARLESTON DIST, SC 1810                
FERGUSON, Ann           CHARLESTON CITY         #  199
FERGUSON, Edward        CHARLESTON CITY         #  198

Charleston Co, SC 1860 Census                   
FERGUSON        Annett          Charleston      423
FERGUSON        David**         Charleston      192
FERGUSON        Elizabeth       Charleston      188
FERGUSON        Elizabeth*      Charleston      411
FERGUSON        Geo**           Charleston      214
FERGUSON        James           Charleston      400
FERGUSON        James           Charleston      158
FERGUSON        Jane            Charleston      302
FERGUSON        Jane E.*        Charleston      428
FERGUSON        Jerry*          Charleston      238
FERGUSON        Jos*            Charleston      343
FERGUSON        Mrs.            Charleston      219
FERGUSON        Robert*         Charleston      472
FERGUSON        T.B.*           Charleston      370
FERGUSON        W.C.*           Charleston      339
FERGUSON        William         Charleston      507
FERGUSON        William**       Charleston      385

SOUTH CAROLINA CENSUS, Charleston County--1870 Census                                                   
FERGUSON, Abram 43      M       B       SC      St Johns Berkley        1489    294
FERGUSON, Adalaide      35      F       W       CANA    4-Wd Charleston 1486    250
FERGUSON, Chas  70      M       B       SC      Johns Island    1489    440
FERGUSON, El    29      F       W       SC      1-Wd Charleston 1486    42
FERGUSON, Eliza 50      F       W       IREL    5-Wd Charleston 1487    398
FERGUSON, Frank 33      M       B       SC      St Stephens Par 1489    464
FERGUSON, George        4       M       B       SC      James Island    1488    98
FERGUSON, Harriet       30      F       M       SC      2-Wd Charleston 1486    92
FERGUSON, Jack  29      M       B       SC      St Johns Berkley        1489    282
FERGUSON, Jacob 45      M       B       SC      St Johns Berkley        1489    292
FERGUSON, Jacob 70      M       B       SC      St Johns Berkley        1489    294
FERGUSON, James 30      M       B       SC      5-Wd Charleston 1487    370
FERGUSON, Jno   26      M       W       IREL    3-Wd Charleston 1486    163
FERGUSON, Joe   42      M       B       SC      St Johns Berkley        1489    282
FERGUSON, John  33      M       B       SC      Edisto Island   1489    356
FERGUSON, John  55      M       W       SCOT    Christ Church Pa        1488    16
FERGUSON, Joshua        38      M       M       SC      4-Wd Charleston 1486    240
FERGUSON, Laurens       20      M       B       SC      James Island    1488    79
FERGUSON, Nancy 9       F       B       SC      3-Wd Charleston 1486    168
FERGUSON, Robt  70      M       B       SC      James Island    1488    86
FERGUSON, Salena        50      F       B       SC      4-Wd Charleston 1486    226
FERGUSON, Saml  30      M       B       SC      St Johns Berkley        1489    267
FERGUSON, Saml  69      M       B       SC      6-Wd Charleston 1487    518
FERGUSON, Sarah 8       F       B       SC      St Johns Berkley        1489    297
FERGUSON, Synes 50      M       B       SC      Christ Church Pa        1488    8
FERGUSON, Thos  27      M       B       SC      St Johns Berkley        1489    279
FERGUSON, William       20      M       W       SC      Christ Church Pa        1488    55
FERGUSON, William       40      M       W       NY      5-Wd Charleston 1487    401
Submitted by Leonard Damron <lldamron@swbell.net>

1800Ann Ferguson        Charleston Co.           102 01100-00002-00
1800John Ferguson       Charleston Co.           113 00010-20010-00
1810Ann Ferguson        Charleston Co.           199 Charleston
1810Edward Ferguson     Charleston Co.           198 Charleston
1820Ann Ferguson        Charleston Co.           064 000021-00001
1820John Ferguson       Charleston Co.           050 000040-00100
1820R. Ferguson         Charleston Co.           664 101100-00011
1820Samuel Ferguson     Charleston Co.           115 000000-00000 ?