Fergason A K Boarder 38 OR OR Grant; Canyon City 1892 1930 Fergusson Ablius E head 58 Idaho OR Baker; Connor Creek 1872 1930 Fogerson Ala L head 50 TX OR Klamath; Klamath Falls 1880 1930 Furguson Albert Lodger; Servant 22 OR OR Linn; Orleans 1908 1930 Furgerson Alex L head 40 OR OR Union; Hat Lake 1890 1930 Hettie L Furgerson Ferguson Alice M Lodger 65 IL OR Multnomah; Portland 1865 1930 Ferguson Almira E head 56 VA OR Hood River; Odell 1874 1930 Ferguson Alvia R head 36 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1894 1930 Alice P Ferguson Ferguson Andrew R head 75 IA OR Marion; Salem 1855 1930 Henrietta A Ferguson Ferguson Anna Cousin-in-law 52 MO OR Multnomah; Portland 1878 1930 Ferguson Archie head 36 OR OR Douglas; Days Creek 1894 1930 Emily E Ferguson Fergesson Archie Brother 54 Scot. OR Harney; Burns 1876 1930 Ferguson Archie R Boarder 53 WA OR Douglas; Tiller 1877 1930 Ferguson Ase head 24 MN OR Multnomah; Portland 1906 1930 Edna Ferguson Fergerson Ashford head 52 OR OR Wasco; The Dalles 1878 1930 Effie L Fergerson Ferguson B M head 43 TX OR Douglas; Sutherlin 1887 1930 Helen A Ferguson Ferguson Ben W head 39 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1891 1930 Fae E Ferguson Ferguson Bert head 42 OR OR Jackson; Medford 1888 1930 Pearl Ferguson Ferguson Bertha E head 68 NJ OR Polk; Independence 1862 1930 Ferguson Betty I daughter 20 WA OR Multnomah; Portland 1910 1930 Ferguson Beverly head 4 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1926 1930 Ferguson Burton head 30 WI OR Deschutes; Bend 1900 1930 Grace Ferguson Fergueson C Lester head 43 OR OR Lane; Eugene 1887 1930 Mary L Fergueson Ferguson Carrie Roomer 37 MO OR Multnomah; Portland 1893 1930 Fergerson Cartha E Aunt 85 OH OR Yamhill; Precinct 11 1845 1930 Ferguson Chancey N head 38 OR OR Polk; Rock Creek 1892 1930 La Verne Ferguson Ferguson Charles head 65 IL OR Deschutes; Bend 1865 1930 Mary Ferguson Ferguson Charles head 31 KS OR Multnomah; Portland 1899 1930 Minnie A Ferguson Ferguson Charles A head 32 OR OR Yamhill; Precinct 12 1898 1930 Mildred Ferguson Ferguson Charles H head 58 IA OR Multnomah; Plympton 1872 1930 Elmira B Ferguson Ferguson Charley Lodger 20 OR OR Grant; Bear Valley 1910 1930 Fergerson Chester Lodger 38 OR OR Klamath; Plevna 1892 1930 Ferguson Chester A head 30 OR OR Umatilla; Precinct 51 1900 1930 Thelma J Ferguson Ferguson Chester L head 28 WA OR Multnomah; Portland 1902 1930 Seynneva L Ferguson Ferguson Clara B Patient 62 OH OR Marion; Salem 1868 1930 Ferguson Clarance head 44 WI OR Multnomah; Portland 1886 1930 Guladys K Ferguson Ferguson Clarence Lodger 38 OR OR Deschutes; Redmond 1892 1930 Ferguson Clarence head 51 IA OR Multnomah; Portland 1879 1930 Ina Ferguson Ferguson Claude Nephew 17 OR OR Malheur; Fair 1913 1930 Ferguson Clifford J Nephew 11 OK OR Multnomah; Portland 1919 1930 Ferguson Clinton head 50 MN OR Tillamook; Maple Leaf 1880 1930 Mabel Ferguson Ferguson Cora I Mother-in-law 58 IA OR Lane; Eugene 1872 1930 Ferguson Cora K Mother 50 OR OR Yamhill; Newberg 1880 1930 Ferguson Daniel C head 55 No. Ire.OR Multnomah; Portland 1875 1930 Anna Ferguson Fergusson Dariel head 57 Cana. OR Multnomah; Portland 1873 1930 Edith H Fergusson Ferguson David head 53 NE OR Klamath; Klamath Falls 1877 1930 Lucille Ferguson Ferguson David Boarder 59 Iceland OR Lincoln; Siletz 1871 1930 Ferguson David H head 41 IA OR Multnomah; Portland 1889 1930 Ferguson Davney head 57 KY OR Marion; Salem 1873 1930 Daisy Ferguson Ferguson Dawid head 41 Scot. OR Clatsop; Astoria 1889 1930 Gertrude Ferguson Ferguson Dock head 74 MO OR Umatilla; Pendleton 1856 1930 Ferguson Donald L head 27 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1903 1930 Ferguson Donna head 43 TX OR Douglas; Garden Valley 1887 1930 Ferguson Doroth R Lodger 26 ID OR Multnomah; Portland 1904 1930 Ferguson Dorotha R Lodger 26 ID OR Multnomah; Portland 1904 1930 Ferguson Dorothy A Inmate 16 ND OR Multnomah; Rockwood 1914 1930 Ferguson Dorothy V Maid 22 IL OR Marion; Salem 1908 1930 Ferguson Duncan head 60 Scot. OR Coos; Marshfield 1870 1930 Margarette G Ferguson Fergeson Duncan Lodger 79 Cana. OR Clatsop; Astoria 1851 1930 Ferguson Dunian head 34 NY OR Coos; Marshfield 1896 1930 Ferguson Earl Roomer 11 WA OR Umatilla; Pendleton 1919 1930 Fergason Earl E head 31 Idaho OR Harney; Burns 1899 1930 Lorraine L Fergason Ferguson Earl L head 31 OR OR Marion; East Hubbard 1899 1930 Ferguson Earline Boarder 2 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1928 1930 Ferguson Edward V head 66 IN OR Marion; Salem 1864 1930 Orie E Ferguson Ferguson Edwin B head 43 CA OR Polk; Monmouth 1887 1930 Josephine Ferguson Ferguson Electa S head 40 KS OR Lane; Eugene 1890 1930 Fergusson Elizabeth head 54 KS OR Multnomah; Portland 1876 1930 Ferguson Ellis head 41 KS OR Multnomah; Portland 1889 1930 Jennie Ferguson, & Estille Ferguson Ferguson Ellis A Boarder 25 WA OR Malheur; Harper 1905 1930 Fegerson Elmer head 42 OR OR Marion; Monitor 1888 1930 Alicia Fegerson Ferguson Elmer D head 46 PA OR Lane; Goshen 1884 1930 Elsie V Ferguson Ferguson Elmer J head 24 ID OR Multnomah; Portland 1906 1930 Violet Ferguson Ferguson Elsworth L head 26 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1904 1930 Jeannette C Ferguson Ferguson Emery W head 23 ID OR Union; Hilgard 1907 1930 Marie Ferguson Ferguson Ernest head 25 CA OR Wasco; Maupin 1905 1930 Genevieve Ferguson Furgeson Esther M daughter 27 NE OR Multnomah; Errol Heights 1903 1930 Ferguson Etta E head 62 OR OR Wasco; The Dalles 1868 1930 Ferguson Eugene O head 31 OK OR Morrow; Heppner 1899 1930 Fay Ferguson Ferguson Eugene W head 23 PhilippiOR Marion; Salem 1907 1930 Esther G Ferguson Fergason Eva L head 57 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1873 1930 Fergueson Evalina J daughter 16 OR OR Union; La Grande 1914 1930 Fergerson Evelyn Lodger 20 MN OR Multnomah; Portland 1910 1930 Ferguson Everett S head 22 Cana. OR Multnomah; Portland 1908 1930 Estelle E Ferguson Ferguson Fay Inmate 14 MO OR Multnomah; Rockwood 1916 1930 Fergusson Florence Niece 14 MD OR Multnomah; Englewood 1916 1930 Fergueson Florence Boarder 18 OR OR Wasco; The Dalles 1912 1930 Ferguson Floyd Lodger 22 OR OR Grant; North Fork 1908 1930 Ferguson Floyd B Lodger 27 OR OR Klamath; Sprague River 1903 1930 Ferguson Floyd E head 33 WA OR Yamhill; Newberg 1897 1930 Willma M Ferguson Ferguson Floyd W head 36 OR OR Clackamas; Oregon 1894 1930 Olga A Ferguson Ferguson Forrest Lodger 19 KY OR Clatsop; Vesper 1911 1930 Furgeson Francis L Adopted Son 7 US OR Union; Hilgard 1923 1930 Sam E Ferguson, & Hester C Ferguson Furgeson Francis L Adopted Son 7 US OR Union; Hilgard 1923 1930 Sam E Ferguson, & Hester C Ferguson Ferguson Frank head 34 OR OR Clackamas; Abernathy 1896 1930 Nona Ferguson Ferguson Frank head 72 OH OR Polk; Airlie 1858 1930 Lillis Ferguson Ferguson Frank B head 60 IL OR Marion; Salem 1870 1930 Blanch B Ferguson Fergeson Frank S head 33 MI OR Multnomah; Portland 1897 1930 Emily Fergeson Ferguson Fred head 59 MI OR Douglas; East Reedsport 1871 1930 Fergerson Fred head 52 MI OR Multnomah; Gresham 1878 1930 Lea V Fergerson Ferguson Fred B Lodger 26 TX OR Multnomah; Portland 1904 1930 Ferguson Garland T head 38 IA OR Multnomah; Portland 1892 1930 Frances Ferguson Fergeson Geo W Brother 70 MO OR Benton; Corvallis 1860 1930 Ferguson George head 50 WI OR Jackson; Medford 1880 1930 Florence D Ferguson Fergurson George Roomer 51 Scot. OR Marion; Salem 1879 1930 Ferguson George A Uncle 72 CA OR Multnomah; Portland 1858 1930 Ferguson George A head 50 OR OR Umatilla; Pendleton 1880 1930 Frankie Ferguson Fergerson George D head 32 MO OR Malheur; Nyssa 1898 1930 Mora Fergerson Ferguson George F head 37 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1893 1930 Hannah Ferguson Ferguson George M Lodger 65 IA OR Clackamas; Logan 1865 1930 Furgason George M head 64 IA OR Multnomah; Englewood 1866 1930 Katharine Furgason Ferguson George R head 54 KS OR Lane; Eugene 1876 1930 Addie L Ferguson Ferguson George T head 42 IN OR Union; North Powder 1888 1930 Clara M Ferguson Ferguson Geroge head 48 MO OR Coos; Marshfield 1882 1930 Grace R Ferguson Fergerson Glen Inmate 16 OR OR Marion; Pringle 1914 1930 Ferguson Goldie head 41 MT OR Yamhill; McMinnville 1889 1930 Ferguson Gus L head 39 MO OR Deschutes; Bend 1891 1930 Orpha Ferguson Fergusen Guy head 45 KS OR Multnomah; Portland 1885 1930 Inez Fergusen Furguson Guy L head 33 MO OR Klamath; Klamath Falls 1897 1930 Bulah Furguson Ferguson H T head 64 MO OR Baker; Baker City 1866 1930 Ferguson Harold head 40 OH OR Lane; West Moreland 1890 1930 Ena V Ferguson Ferguson Harry A head 48 NY OR Josephine; Fruitdale 1882 1930 Margaret R Ferguson Ferguson Harry B Boarder 44 WA OR Coos; Powers 1886 1930 Ferguson Harry D Brother-in-law 29 NY OR Multnomah; Portland 1901 1930 Ferguson Harvey E head 41 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1889 1930 Henriette Ferguson Ferguson Harvey O head 48 OR OR Hood River; Hood River 1882 1930 Nellie Ferguson Ferguson Henry Lodger 18 OR OR Lane; Eugene 1912 1930 Ferguson Henry Patient 77 MI OR Marion; Salem 1853 1930 Fergason Henry head 36 OR OR Union; La Grande 1894 1930 Susan Fergason Ferguson Hilda Inmate 31 OR OR Marion; Pringle 1899 1930 Ferguson Hiram P head 40 MA OR Multnomah; Portland 1890 1930 Ferguson Howard head 57 IL OR Klamath; Klamath Falls 1873 1930 Della M Ferguson Ferguson Howard P head 42 WA OR Clackamas; Glenmorrie 1888 1930 Bessie L Ferguson Fergeson Hugh B Boarder 30 MI OR Multnomah; Portland 1900 1930 Furgason I Hattie Lodger 58 OR OR Umatilla; Pendleton 1872 1930 Fergason Ida A Servant 38 WA OR Multnomah; Portland 1892 1930 Furgison Ida M head 29 OR OR Lane; Richardson 1901 1930 Ferguson Ines F Patient 74 Cana. OR Clackamas; Oregon 1856 1930 Ferguson Ion H head 23 OR OR Douglas; Roseburg 1907 1930 Ferguson Iswac Roomer 47 MI OR Multnomah; Portland 1883 1930 Ferguson J J head 66 MI OR Multnomah; West Portland 1864 1930 Ferguson J V head 36 WA OR Baker; Baker City 1894 1930 Ferguson J William head 41 NE OR Multnomah; Portland 1889 1930 Lucile A Ferguson Ferguson Jacob head 61 Scot. OR Multnomah; Portland 1869 1930 Jean S Ferguson Ferguson Jacob head 72 No. Ire.OR Union; La Grande 1858 1930 Furgeson Jacob M Roomer 75 NY OR Wasco; The Dalles 1855 1930 Ferguson Jacob W head 75 OH OR Washington; Tigard 1855 1930 Ferguson James Reporter Forest G46 MI OR Washington; Hillsboro 1884 1930 Fergerson James head 51 MO OR Marion; Salem 1879 1930 Marcy L Fergerson Ferguson James A head 34 PA OR Clackamas; West Linn 1896 1930 Ethel C Ferguson Ferguson James A head 47 Eng. OR Multnomah; Portland 1883 1930 Rosetta B Ferguson Ferguson James C head 65 NY OR Klamath; Klamath Falls 1865 1930 Jessie M Ferguson Ferguson James E head 41 Eng. OR Multnomah; Portland 1889 1930 Myrtle A Ferguson Ferguson James E Lodger 55 IA OR Multnomah; Portland 1875 1930 Ferguson Jasper H Stepson 17 OK OR Multnomah; South Kelly Butte 1913 1930 Ferguson Jennie Mother 69 US OR Multnomah; Portland 1861 1930 Ferguson Jennie head 71 IN OR Wasco; The Dalles 1859 1930 Ferguson Jennuy Inmate 6 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1924 1930 Ferguson Jess A head 41 OR OR Umatilla; Precinct 13 1889 1930 Ferguson Jesse E Brother-in-law 38 CO OR Morrow; Heppner 1892 1930 Ferguson Jesse J head 45 OR OR Lane; Eugene 1885 1930 Rose A Ferguson Ferguson Joe head 66 IN OR Josephine; Grants Pass 1864 1930 Leona Ferguson Ferguson John Lodger 70 NY OR Baker; Baker City 1860 1930 Ferguson John Lodger 44 Cana. OR Clatsop; Jewell 1886 1930 Ferguson John head 35 NY OR Coos; Marshfield 1895 1930 Gladys A Ferguson Ferguson John head 47 Cana. OR Douglas; Tiller 1883 1930 Mary L Ferguson Ferguson John head 52 Cana. OR Multnomah; Portland 1878 1930 Sadie Ferguson Fergeson John head 50 Norway OR Multnomah; Portland 1880 1930 Florence Fergeson Fergusson John head 61 PA OR Multnomah; Portland 1869 1930 Ferguson John B head 53 KY OR Klamath; Klamath Falls 1877 1930 Ora B Ferguson Ferguson John C head 29 OR OR Lincoln; Toledo 1901 1930 Eva M Ferguson Ferguson John E Stepson 28 OR OR Clackamas; Ardenwald 1902 1930 Ferguson John E head 33 OR OR Clatsop; Elsie 1897 1930 Hazel May Ferguson Ferguson John E head 67 PA OR Multnomah; Portland 1863 1930 Sarah J Ferguson Ferguson John G head 49 MD OR Lane; Lost Valley 1881 1930 Ella Ferguson Ferguson John H head 67 TN OR Clackamas; Marquam 1863 1930 Georgia A Ferguson Ferguson John J head 44 Cana. OR Multnomah; Portland 1886 1930 Florence Ferguson Ferguson John L head 66 PA OR Linn; Brownsville 1864 1930 Alice S Ferguson Ferguson John O head 44 OR OR Lincoln; Newport 1886 1930 Jennie M Ferguson Ferguson John R head 44 CO OR Multnomah; Portland 1886 1930 Katherine Ferguson, & Fannie Ferguson Ferguson John T head 64 IN OR Washington; Scholls 1866 1930 Carrie H Ferguson Ferguson John W head 75 IL OR Multnomah; Portland 1855 1930 Myrta G Ferguson Ferguson John W head 75 IN OR Union; Union 1855 1930 Martha Ferguson Ferguson Judson H head 70 PA OR Hood River; Hood River 1860 1930 Anna Ferguson Ferguson Kathrine B head 57 MO OR Multnomah; Portland 1873 1930 Ferguson Katie O Sister 65 OR OR Yamhill; McMinnville 1865 1930 Newlin Kenneth head 27 OR OR Yamhill; Newberg 1903 1930 Cora K Ferguson, & Florence Newlin Forgeson Lee R head 28 NE OR Klamath; Klamath Indian Reservation 1902 1930 Ferguson Lenord D head 24 ID OR Union; Perry 1906 1930 Alta G Ferguson Forgerson Leona A Stepdaughter 19 WY OR Marion; Salem 1911 1930 Ferguson Leonard Snl 39 WA OR Gilliam; Arlington 1891 1930 Ferguson Leonard head 40 OR OR Marion; North Silverton 1890 1930 Mollie E Ferguson Ferguson Leonard S head 28 TX OR Multnomah; Rosaria 1902 1930 Doris M Ferguson Ferguson Leonidas head 62 MO OR Douglas; Melrose 1868 1930 Mary B Ferguson Ferguson Lillian R Mother-in-law 59 PA OR Tillamook; Bay City 1871 1930 Ferguson Linda head 36 OH OR Polk; Airlie 1894 1930 Ferguson Lois Inmate 5 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1925 1930 Ferguson Loriene Lodger 20 NE OR Lane; Eugene 1910 1930 Ferguson Louis D head 54 IA OR Multnomah; Portland 1876 1930 Nannie L Ferguson Fergurson Lynn B head 52 OR OR Yamhill; Newberg 1878 1930 Ferguson Margaret Servant 35 NE OR Coos; Marshfield 1895 1930 Fergurson Margaret Mother-in-law 73 Eng. OR Multnomah; Portland 1857 1930 Ferguson Margaret E Inmate 68 IA OR Grant; Middle 1862 1930 Furguson Margarete head 46 CT OR Yamhill; Lafayette 1884 1930 Susan L Furguson Ferguson Marshall L head 49 NE OR Klamath; Wood River 1881 1930 Lydia C Ferguson Ferguson Mary daughter 39 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1891 1930 Chas H Isom, & Agnes Isom Ferguson Mary Boarder 53 MN OR Yamhill; Precinct 41 1877 1930 Ferguson Mary F head 70 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1860 1930 Furgeson Mary L head 75 MI OR Clackamas; OR 1855 1930 Ferguson Mathew B head 50 Eng. OR Multnomah; Portland 1880 1930 Annie Ferguson Ferguson Matina head 63 KS OR Umatilla; Pendleton 1867 1930 Nancy H Ferguson Ferguson Maud H head 49 CA OR Multnomah; Portland 1881 1930 Ferguson Maude I Sister 30 MT OR Multnomah; Portland 1900 1930 Ferguson Merl Lodger 14 OR OR Hood River; Barrett 1916 1930 Ferguson Merle F head 38 PA OR Marion; Aurora 1892 1930 Sadie Ferguson Ferguson Mervin Lodger 33 NE OR Multnomah; Portland 1897 1930 Ferguson Mildred L head 32 CO OR Multnomah; Maplewood 1898 1930 Etta L Bridges Fergueson Millard A head 64 NY OR Wasco; The Dalles 1866 1930 Ferguson Molly daughter 28 Russia OR Multnomah; Portland 1902 1930 Louis Krieger, & Elizabeth Krieger Ferguson Myrtle head 34 OR OR Deschutes; Redmond 1896 1930 Ferguson Myrtle E Stepdaughter 32 MN OR Linn; Albany 1898 1930 Ferguson Nellie head 57 OR OR Polk; Eola 1873 1930 Ferguson Nelly F head 53 NE OR Marion; Breitenbush 1877 1930 Ferguson Newton A Roomer 34 GA OR Klamath; Klamath Falls 1896 1930 Ferguson Niles head 44 OR OR Wasco; Boyd 1886 1930 Martha J Ferguson Ferguson Nina head 56 Denmark OR Clackamas; Abernathy 1874 1930 Ferguson Noah Father-in-law 67 OH OR Lane; Springfield 1863 1930 Ferguson Norris R Grandson 10 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1920 1930 Ferguson Oleown head 28 OR OR Yamhill; Newberg 1902 1930 Mildred W Ferguson Fergerson Oliver O head 36 OR OR Clackamas; Ardenwald 1894 1930 Edith M Fergerson Ferguson Ollie head 32 OK OR Morrow; Heppner 1898 1930 Pearl Ferguson Furgason Oscar C head 34 OR OR Wallowa; Enterprise 1896 1930 Agnes Furgason Ferguson Ottis I head 53 OH OR Morrow; Heppner 1877 1930 Hattie Ferguson Ferguson Patrick J head 49 No. Ire.OR Multnomah; Portland 1881 1930 Anna Z Ferguson Ferguson Pearl N head 44 OR OR Clackamas; New Era 1886 1930 Ferguson Pearl N head 46 CT OR Yamhill; Precinct 29 1884 1930 Ferguson Peter Guest 30 Scot. OR Multnomah; Portland 1900 1930 Ferguson R A Snl 53 Cana. OR Jackson; North Jacksonville 1877 1930 Ferguson Rachel head 69 Cana. OR Multnomah; Portland 1861 1930 Ferguson Ralph C head 24 WA OR Tillamook; Tillamook 1906 1930 Anne L Ferguson Ferguson Ray B head 60 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1870 1930 Lena E Ferguson Ferguson Ray C head 38 NE OR Marion; Salem 1892 1930 Cora G Ferguson Ferguson Raymond head 28 OK OR Morrow; Heppner 1902 1930 Coramac Ferguson Ferguson Raymond J head 36 OR OR Polk; West Salem 1894 1930 Esther E Ferguson Ferguson Relferd head 27 ID OR Deschutes; Bend 1903 1930 Florence Ferguson Ferguson Reuben Boarder 19 MN OR Yamhill; Precinct 41 1911 1930 Ferguson Richard S head 80 NY OR Polk; Falls City 1850 1930 Loura C Ferguson Ferguson Robert Lodger 40 ME OR Multnomah; Portland 1890 1930 Ferguson Robert Lodger 46 MA OR Multnomah; Portland 1884 1930 Ferguson Robert H head 34 OR OR Jackson; Gold Hill 1896 1930 Augie Ferguson Fergeson Robert J head 48 Cana. OR Multnomah; Portland 1882 1930 Arcade J Fergeson Ferguson Robt L head 65 OR OR Gilliam; Mikkalo 1865 1930 Emma M Ferguson Ferguson Rosa J head 57 KS OR Klamath; East Chiloquin 1873 1930 Florence W Ferguson Fergueson Rose Boarder 16 OR OR Wasco; The Dalles 1914 1930 Ferguson Rosella Mother-in-law 64 UT OR Multnomah; Portland 1866 1930 Fergason Roy head 39 WA OR Polk; Eola 1891 1930 Gail Fergason Ferguson Roy S head 30 OR OR Polk; Dallas 1900 1930 Faith N Ferguson Ferguson Rozaltha head 75 IL OR Linn; Albany 1855 1930 Furgeson Rufus B head 40 OR OR Polk; Douglas 1890 1930 Ruby Furgeson Ferguson Russel E head 30 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1900 1930 Marian Ferguson Ferguson Russel N Lodger 27 IA OR Multnomah; Portland 1903 1930 Ferguson Russell W head 25 IL OR Multnomah; Portland 1905 1930 Margaret M Ferguson Ferguson S J head 48 CO OR Lane; Silk Creek 1882 1930 Ethel Ferguson Ferguson Sadie daughter 33 MI OR Washington; Aloha 1897 1930 John Nihite, & Francis Nihite Ferguson Sam E head 48 Cana. OR Union; Hilgard 1882 1930 Hester C Ferguson Ferguson Sam T head 49 MO OR Jackson; Ashland 1881 1930 Hulda Ferguson Fergison Silea E Father-in-law 69 KY OR Douglas; Roseburg 1861 1930 Fergerson Sonraymond C head 32 OR OR Umatilla; Precinct 13 1898 1930 Ester S Fergerson Ferguson Theodore head 23 SD OR Coos; Beaver 1907 1930 Anna Ferguson Ferguson Thomas head 38 OR OR Linn; Albany 1892 1930 Florence Ferguson Ferguson Thomas C Stepson 18 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1912 1930 Ferguson Thomas E head 28 Cana. OR Multnomah; Portland 1902 1930 Elsie L Ferguson Ferguson Thomas S head 32 Cana. OR Multnomah; Portland 1898 1930 Lydia Ferguson Furguson Twyla Servant 42 MO OR Klamath; Klamath Falls 1888 1930 Ferguson Uiban Inmate 82 MO OR Multnomah; Portland 1848 1930 Ferguson Vance T head 34 OR OR Multnomah; Portland 1896 1930 Anna Ferguson Ferguson Walter head 52 IN OR Jackson; Medford 1878 1930 Hellen Ferguson Ferguson Walter head 42 WA OR Tillamook; Tillamook 1888 1930 Mabel B Ferguson Ferguson Walter T head 36 IA OR Multnomah; Portland 1894 1930 Viola E Ferguson Ferguson Walter V head 30 NE OR Coos; Coquille 1900 1930 Florence M Ferguson Ferguson Wilbur G Lodger 36 IA OR Multnomah; Portland 1894 1930 Fergeson Will Brother 62 IA OR Douglas; Camas Valley 1868 1930 Ferguson William head 54 VA OR Jackson; Central Point 1876 1930 Ina M Ferguson Ferguson William head 46 MN OR Multnomah; Portland 1884 1930 Estella Ferguson Ferguson William Lodger 72 PA OR Multnomah; Portland 1858 1930 Ferguson William Inmate 68 WI OR Yamhill; Precinct 41 1862 1930 Saunders William head 41 OK OR Douglas; Roseburg 1889 1930 Annie Fergison, & Viola Saunders Ferguson William H head 50 WI OR Coos; Marshfield 1880 1930 Margaret Ferguson, & Hund M Ferguson Ferguson William H head 43 WI OR Jackson; Gold Hill 1887 1930 Lulu Davis, & Pearl Ferguson Ferguson William H Lodger 29 ID OR Umatilla; Precinct 30 1901 1930 Ferguson William R head 59 ID OR Umatilla; Precinct 20 1871 1930 Minnie R Ferguson Fergerson William S head 62 MO OR Umatilla; Precinct 21 1868 1930 Minnie R Fergerson Ferguson William W head 61 CA OR Multnomah; Portland 1869 1930 Ferguson Winfield Lodger 31 WY OR Multnomah; Portland 1899 1930 Fergusson Wm D head 29 MA OR Multnomah; Portland 1901 1930 Gladys M Fergusson Ferguson Wm T head 53 MO OR Baker; Baker City 1877 1930 Lulie M Ferguson