1850 Census
Ferguson     Michael         16  Ire.    NJ      Essex; Clinton
Ferguson     Ellen           19  Ire.    NJ      Essex; Newark North Ward
Ferguson     George          55  Ire.    NJ      Essex; Newark North Ward
Ferguson     Sarah           45  Ire.    NJ      Essex; Newark North Ward
Furgerson    James           17  NY      NJ      Essex; Rahway
1860 Census
Ferguson     Joseph          18  Male    Ny     NJ      Essex 2-Wd Newark
Furguson     Robert          38  Male    Scot   NJ      Essex 3-Wd Orange
Ferguson     Henry W         40  Male    Ny     NJ      Essex 6-Wd Newark
Furgeson     John            28  Male    Scot   NJ      Essex Bloomfield Twp
1870 Census
Ferguson     Margaret        18  Female  Irel   NJ      Essex 2-Wd Newark
Ferguson     John            28  Male    Irel   NJ      Essex 3-Wd Newark
Fergeson     Anthony         50  Male    Irel   NJ      Essex 5-Wd Newark
Ferguson     Joseph W        26  Male    Ny     NJ      Essex 6-Wd Newark
Ferguson     Henry W         50  Male    Ny     NJ      Essex 7-Wd Newark
Ferguson     Hugh            55  Male    Irel   NJ      Essex 7-Wd Newark
Ferguson     Wilhelmina      30  Female  Ny     NJ      Essex 7-Wd Newark
Ferguson     William         45  Male    Ny     NJ      Essex 7-Wd Newark
Ferguson     David           40  Male    Scot   NJ      Essex Bloomfield Twp
Furgeson     James           25  Male    Irel   NJ      Essex Bloomfield Twp
Fergeson     John            38  Male    Scot   NJ      Essex Bloomfield Twp
Ferguson     Thomas          31  Male    Irel   NJ      Essex East Orange Twp
Ferguson     John            25  Male    Irel   NJ      Essex Irvington P O
Ferguson     William         38  Male    Ny     NJ      Essex Montclair Twp
Furguson     R C             45  Male    Scot   NJ      Essex South Orange
Ferguson     Mary A          16  Female  Irel   NJ      Essex W Orange Twp
1900 Census
Ferguson        James            43  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 10-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Samuel           25  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 10-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Theresa          54  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 10-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Jennie           4   Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 11-Wd Newark
Farguson        M Jane           41  Female  Engl    NJ      Essex 11-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Patk             32  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 11-Wd Newark
Furgoson        Thomas           60  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 11-Wd Newark
Ferguson        John             40  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 12-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Charles          34  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 13-Wd Newark
Ferguson        George           35  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 13-Wd Newark
Furgesson       John             68  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 14-Wd Newark
Ferguson        James            45  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 15-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Thomas           54  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 15-Wd Newark
Ferguson        John D           30  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Sabara           41  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        William E        68  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 1-Wd Montclair
Ferguson        John S           45  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Rhinehard        29  Male    Ma      NJ      Essex 1-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Ward Jr          25  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd Newark
Forgeson        Gunillie         24  Female  Swed    NJ      Essex 1-Wd West Orange
Ferguson        James            62  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 2-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Lillian          22  Female  Engl    NJ      Essex 2-Wd East Orange
Fergeson        Charlett         43  Female  Engl    NJ      Essex 2-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Thomas           27  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 2-Wd Newark
Furguson        Thomas           42  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 2-Wd Orange
Ferguson        Alexander        26  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Catherine        57  Female  Scot    NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Charles C        45  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Emma             30  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Frank            35  Male    Aust    NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Fergusson       John             26  Male    Aust    NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        John G           38  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        C D              70  Female  Scot    NJ      Essex 3-Wd Montclair
Furgenson       Robert           34  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 3-Wd Orange
Fergurson       Robert           31  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd West Orange
Ferguson        Elizabeth        22  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 4-Wd East Orange
Ferguson        George R         41  Male    Oh      NJ      Essex 4-Wd East Orange
Ferguson        John F           33  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 4-Wd East Orange
Furgison        Angelo           49  Male    Engl    NJ      Essex 4-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Ward L           51  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 4-Wd Newark
Ferguson        William          25  Male    Cana    NJ      Essex 4-Wd Newark
Fergurson       Joseph (Jos) H   32  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 5-Wd East Orange
Ferguson        George           38  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 5-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Charles          50  Male    ??      NJ      Essex 5-Wd Orange
Ferguson        Charles          27  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 5-Wd Orange
Ferguson        John             26  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 5-Wd Orange
Ferguson        Charles          30  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 6-Wd Newark
Fergeson        Julia            39  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 6-Wd Newark
Furguson        Ralph            45  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 6-Wd Newark
Fergeson        William          33  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 6-Wd Newark
Fergerson       Margurite        24  Female  Cana    NJ      Essex 7-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Joseph W         56  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 8-Wd Newark
Ferguson        William J        36  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 9-Wd Newark
Ferguson        George           50  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex Belleville Twp
Ferguson        May A            61  Female  Irel    NJ      Essex Caldwell Twp
Furguson        Kittie B         28  Female  Ny      NJ      Essex Franklin Twp
Ferguson        Catharine        44  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex Glen Ridge Boro
Fergerson       Isabella         60  Female  Engl    NJ      Essex Millburn Twp
Ferguson        James            31  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex Millburn Twp
Ferguson        Quinn            34  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex South Orange
Furguson        New              48  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex Vailsburg
Furgersen       Robert           39  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex West Orange
1910 Census
Fergerson       Margaret         40  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 10-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Gerad S          53  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 10-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Lizzie           24  Female  Irel    NJ      Essex 11-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Thomas           70  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 11-Wd Newark
Ferguson        James            23  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 12-Wd Newark
Ferguson        John             45  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 12-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Charles          44  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 14-Wd Newark
Fergusen        Henry L          41  Male    Engl    NJ      Essex 16-Wd Newark
Ferguson        George           42  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 16-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Harry W          29  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 16-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Peter            35  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Dist Belleville Twp
Ferguson        Edwin W          30  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Florine          24  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        James            73  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 1-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Charles          54  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 1-Wd East Orange
Ferguson        Frank            26  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd East Orange
Ferguson        William F        50  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd East Orange
Ferguson        Livingston       34  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 1-Wd Montclair
Ferguson        Oscar W          36  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 1-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Reinhardt        42  Male    Norw    NJ      Essex 1-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Robert           40  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 1-Wd Orange
Ferguson        Mathew C         28  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 1-Wd West Orange
Ferguson        Charles A        60  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 2-Wd East Orange
Ferguson        Isabel           44  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 2-Wd East Orange
Farguson        Isabella         78  Female  Scot    NJ      Essex 2-Wd Millburn Twp
Ferguson        Angus            45  Male    Cana    NJ      Essex 2-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Charlotte        49  Female  Engl    NJ      Essex 2-Wd Newark
Fergusen        Howard           24  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Alexander        36  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Charles          42  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        James            32  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Jeannette        79  Female  Scot    NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        John             39  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Kate             70  Female  Scot    NJ      Essex 3-Wd Bloomfield
Ferguson        Martha           26  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd East Orange
Ferguson        Henry            52  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd Irvington
Ferguson        Mary             45  Female  Irel    NJ      Essex 3-Wd West Orange
Ferguson        George R         50  Male    Oh      NJ      Essex 4-Wd East Orange
Ferguson        Minne W          45  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 4-Wd East Orange
Fergenson       John             51  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 4-Wd Newark
Fergenson       W P              ??  Male    ??      NJ      Essex 4-Wd Newark
Fergueson       Florence         38  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 4-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Christina        22  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 4-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Delia            69  Female  Irel    NJ      Essex 4-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Edward           21  Male    Pa      NJ      Essex 4-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Scott            45  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 4-Wd West Orange
Ferguson        Robert H         52  Male    Ma      NJ      Essex 5-Wd East Orange
Fergason        Emma A           33  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 5-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Patrick          27  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 5-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Charles          38  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 5-Wd Orange
Furgeson        Charles          67  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 5-Wd Orange
Ferguson        Charles          43  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 6-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Martha           52  Female  Scot    NJ      Essex 6-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Mathew           59  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 6-Wd Newark
Ferguson        William          46  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 6-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Jane F           36  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 7-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Lizzie           35  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 7-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Thomas           63  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 7-Wd Newark
Fergusson       William          26  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 7-Wd Newark
Furgerson       Thomas T         33  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 7-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Anna E           62  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 8-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Charles H        37  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 8-Wd Newark
Ferguson        James            30  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 8-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Ward L Jr        36  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 8-Wd Newark
Ferguson        William          33  Male    Engl    NJ      Essex 8-Wd Newark
Ferguson        William          23  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 8-Wd Newark
Ferguson        David            25  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 9-Wd Newark
Ferguson        David            33  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 9-Wd Newark
Ferguson        Frank L          32  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 9-Wd Newark
Ferguson        William          39  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex Glen Ridge Boro
Ferguson        Duncan           44  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex South Orange Twp
Ferguson        William H        21  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex Verona Boro
1920 Census
Ferguson        Thomas           50  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 10-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Susan            78  Female  Irel    NJ      Essex 11-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Theresa A        75  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 11-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Ward L Jr        48  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 11-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Gerard S         62  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 12-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Leona            12  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 12-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Mary             60  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 12-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        May              9   Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 12-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Charles          39  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 13-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Eliza            60  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 13-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Frank            23  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 13-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Frank L          42  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 13-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Harry            21  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 13-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Isabel M         53  Female  Scot    NJ      Essex 13-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        John             25  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 13-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        William          24  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 13-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        William W        36  Male    Engl    NJ      Essex 13-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Alfred Jos       11  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 13-Wd; Newark City; St Marys O
Ferguson        James P          9   Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 13-Wd; Newark City; St Marys O
Ferguson        Eleanor          10  Female  Pa      NJ      Essex 14-Wd; Newark City
Furguson        Christian        18  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 14-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Christpher       67  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 16-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        George N         32  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 16-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Harry            38  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 16-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        James M          23  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 16-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Roy              24  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 16-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Walter           38  Male    Cana    NJ      Essex 16-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        William M        38  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 16-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        David            40  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Belleville
Ferguson        Hugh             30  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Belleville
Ferguson        Samuel           23  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Belleville
Ferguson        Alfred E         23  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        Allan            13  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        Edward W         40  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        John E           33  Male    Pa      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        Robert M C       50  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        Charles          64  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; East Orange
Ferguson        Frank C          36  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; East Orange
Ferguson        Martha           58  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; East Orange
Ferguson        Matthew          37  Male    Engl    NJ      Essex 1-Wd; East Orange
Ferguson        William          60  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; East Orange
Ferguson        William          6   Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Irvington
Ferguson        Alexander        44  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Montclair
Ferguson        Williams         42  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Montclair
Ferguson        Alexander M      25  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Newark City
Furguson        James            26  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Robert           53  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 1-Wd; Orange
Ferguson        James            53  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Belleville
Ferguson        Thomas B         40  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Belleville
Ferguson        William J        31  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Bloomfield
Furguson        Mary M           4   Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        Elmer            33  Male    Ma      NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Irvington
Fergason        Elizabeth        40  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Newark City
Fergason        John             50  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Newark City
Fergenson       Harry            41  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Alfred L         24  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Francis          64  Female  Germ    NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Newark City
Furguson        Angie            60  Female  Ny      NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Charles          46  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Orange
Ferguson        Howard G         33  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 2-Wd; Orange
Fergueson       John C           26  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        Charles K        53  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        Edward           23  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        George           46  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        James P          42  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        John C           44  Male    Pa      NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        John D           49  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Bloomfield
Ferguson        Samuel D         39  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Irvington
Fergerson       Jessie           21  Female  Engl    NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Montclair
Fergerson       W A              46  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Montclair
Fergerson       Harriet          22  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Montclair; Childrens Ass
Ferguson        Reinhardt        50  Male    Mi      NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        David            45  Male    Engl    NJ      Essex 3-Wd; Nutley
Ferguson        James            37  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 3-Wd; West Orange
Fergerson       M W              48  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 4-Wd; East Orange
Ferguson        Charles Roy      23  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 4-Wd; East Orange
Ferguson        George R         60  Male    Oh      NJ      Essex 4-Wd; East Orange
Ferguson        Charles          60  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 4-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Donald           21  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 4-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Harry B          33  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 4-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        John             57  Male    Norw    NJ      Essex 4-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Ruth K           22  Female  Ny      NJ      Essex 4-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Thomas           63  Male    Va      NJ      Essex 4-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Bridget          35  Female  Irel    NJ      Essex 4-Wd; Orange
Ferguson        John             30  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 5-Wd; East Orange
Ferguson        Patrick H        43  Male    Il      NJ      Essex 5-Wd; East Orange
Ferguson        Ralph            70  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 5-Wd; East Orange
Ferguson        Robert H Dr      62  Male    Ma      NJ      Essex 5-Wd; East Orange
Ferguson        Mary             52  Female  Sc      NJ      Essex 5-Wd; Montclair
Ferguson        Charles          74  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 5-Wd; Orange
Ferguson        Bessie           25  Female  Scot    NJ      Essex 6-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Margaret         49  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 6-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Mary J           54  Female  Ny      NJ      Essex 6-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Peter            46  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 6-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Lizzie           44  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex 7-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Stella           16  Female  Hung    NJ      Essex 7-Wd; Newark City; Essex Co Ho
Fergerson       Charles          24  Male    Fl      NJ      Essex 8-Wd; Newark City
Fergerson       Harold           2   Male    Ny      NJ      Essex 8-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        James A          41  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex 8-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        David            43  Male    Scot    NJ      Essex 9-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Robert           32  Male    Pa      NJ      Essex 9-Wd; Newark City
Ferguson        Mary             83  Female  Nj      NJ      Essex Caldwell Twp
Furguson        Peter H          63  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex Caldwell Twp
Ferguson        William          48  Male    Irel    NJ      Essex Glen Ridge
Ferguson        Smith            46  Male    Ny      NJ      Essex Millburn Twp
Ferguson        Chester          34  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex South Orange Village
Ferguson        William          38  Male    Nj      NJ      Essex West Caldwell
Furgerson       Hannah E         70  Female  CT      Nj      Essex 3-Wd; Montclair

NJ 1920
Ferguson , Ada 32-79-17-42
Black 45 NJ
Essex Co
Montclair Talbot St #6

NJ 1920
Ferguson , Adelia 30-165-2-99
White 20 NJ
Essex Newark 13th ave 61
Enumerated with Morehouse, Harriet
Relation to above: daughter
(apparantly daughter of Ferguson , Lizzie Sheet 2, line 98)

NJ 1920
Ferguson , Alfred E 58-11-12-88
White 23 NJ
Essex Bloomfield Liberty 9
Ferguson , Daisy W 22 NJ
Martha M 58 Scotland
Alexander B 27 Scotland

NJ 1920
Ferguson , Alfred, Jos. 45-233-23-62
White 11 Ireland
Essex Newark
Saint Marys Orphanage

NJ 1920
Ferguson , Alfred L 34-102-5-35
White 24 NY
Essex Newark Orleans 33
Ferguson , Estelle W 22 NY
Anna D 3 9/12 NY
Alfred S 2 NJ
Virginia D 2/12 NJ

NJ 1920
Ferguson , Alice 43-216-13-98
White 41 NJ
Essex Newark Roseville Ave 43
Enum with Crumbel, Sahra Rel: Maid

NJ 1920
Ferguson , Alexander 32-76-2-5
white 44 Scotland 1894-1901
Essex Montclair Burnside 10
Ferguson , Isabella W 41 NY
Isabella D 22 NY
John S 14 NY
Alexander S 12 NY
Hugh H S 10 NY
Blair, Hugh H BL 33 NY
Ral, Harvey S BO 31 Austrailia AL
Ral, Ethel J BO 29 Austrailia
Ral, Malcolm BO 2 2/12 England