1790 Census Ferguson Jas NC Wilkes; Morgan Dist Ferguson Jeremiah NC Wilkes; Morgan Dist Ferguson Jno NC Wilkes; Morgan Dist Ferguson Jos NC Wilkes; Morgan Dist Ferguson Nicolas NC Wilkes; Morgan Dist Ferguson Rd NC Wilkes; Morgan Dist Ferguson Thom NC Wilkes; Morgan Dist Ferguson Thom NC Wilkes; Morgan Dist Ferguson Wm NC Wilkes; Morgan Dist 1800 Census Ferguson James NC Wilkes; Morgan Ferguson Jeremiah NC Wilkes; Morgan Ferguson John NC Wilkes; Morgan Ferguson Joseph NC Wilkes; Morgan Ferguson Richard NC Wilkes; Morgan 1810 Census Fargusson James NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Fargusson John NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Fargusson John NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Fargusson John Jr NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Fargusson Joseph NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Fargusson Micajah NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Fargusson Moses NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Fargusson Richard NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Fargusson Thomas H C NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Fargusson Thomas Y R NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed 1820 Census Ferguson George NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Ferguson James NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Ferguson John NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Ferguson John Jr NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Ferguson Moses NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Ferguson Richard NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Ferguson Thomas NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Ferguson William NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed Ferguson William NC Wilkes; No Twp Listed 1830 Census Fergusson George NC Wilkes Fergusson James, Jr. NC Wilkes Fergusson Jesse NC Wilkes Fergusson John NC Wilkes Fergusson Moses NC Wilkes Fergusson Smith NC Wilkes Fergusson Thomas NC Wilkes Fergusson Thomas, Jr. NC Wilkes 1840 Census Ferguson James NC Wilkes; Hortons District Ferguson John F NC Wilkes; Hortons District Farguson John T NC Wilkes; Hortons District Ferguson Mera NC Wilkes; Hortons District Ferguson Jeremiah NC Wilkes; Kilbys District Ferguson Jesse NC Wilkes; Kilbys District Ferguson Smith NC Wilkes; Kilbys District Ferguson Wm NC Wilkes; Spicers District Ferguson Moses NC Wilkes; Stewarts District Ferguson John B NC Wilkes; Walshs District Ferguson Thomas NC Wilkes; Walshs District Ferguson Thos NC Wilkes; Walshs District Ferguson Anderson NC Wilkes; Wilkesboro 1850 Census Fergerson Amanda 7 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Anderson 0 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Anna 15 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Appaline 13 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Barttel 18 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Bennet 13 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Chapman 30 NC NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Clara 22 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Furgerson Delphia 38 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Dicey 12 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Edney 20 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Eliza 1 NC NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Eliza 45 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Eliza 14 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Elizabeth 26 NC NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Elizabeth 16 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Ellen 45 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Furgerson Elvira 80 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Elvira 34 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Frances 2 NC NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Frances 39 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Franklin 36 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Franklin 22 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Gilla 40 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Isaac 23 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson James 32 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson James 17 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson James 10 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson James H 24 NC NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Jermiah 41 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Furgerson Jesse 65 VA NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Jesse 45 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Jesse 19 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Jesse 14 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Jesse 9 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Joel 31 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Joel 5 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Ferguson John 55 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Furgerson John 56 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson John 71 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson John 54 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson John 32 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson John 14 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson John 13 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson John 9 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson John 7 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson John 3 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Furgerson Jordan 34 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Joshua 26 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Leander 1 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Furgerson Linda 75 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Lindsey 18 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Liney 17 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Louisa 34 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Martha 16 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Mary 6 NC NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Mary 41 Rowann NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Mary 42 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Mary A 5 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Nancy 18 NC NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Nancy 27 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Nancy 14 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Nathaniel 14 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Nelly 33 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Furgerson Polly 42 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Furgerson Priscilla 40 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Priscilla 73 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Rebeeah 9 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Rena 23 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Furgerson Richard 84 VA NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Samuel 10 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Sarah 3 NC NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Sarah 54 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Sarah 30 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Sarah 12 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Sarah 5 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Sarah 4 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Smith 60 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Thomas 36 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Thomas 16 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergurson Thomas 8 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Triplett 38 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson William 68 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson William 11 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed Fergerson Zachary 0 Wilkes NC Wilkes; no twp listed 1860 Census Ferguson Linsey 28 Male Nc NC Wilkes Elkville P O Ferguson John 62 Male ?? NC Wilkes Hunting Crk P O Ferguson J 51 Male Nc NC Wilkes Lewis Fork P O Ferguson J T 66 Male Nc NC Wilkes Lewis Fork P O Ferguson C C 40 Male Nc NC Wilkes Warrior Crk P O Ferguson J H 34 Male Nc NC Wilkes Warrior Crk P O Ferguson J M 26 Male Nc NC Wilkes Warrior Crk P O Ferguson Samuel 19 Male Nc NC Wilkes Warrior Crk P O Ferguson Smith 69 Male Nc NC Wilkes Warrior Crk P O Ferguson Priscilla 84 Female Nc NC Wilkes Wilkesboro P O 1870 Census Fergerson Jackey 70 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Twp Furgerson Jackey 73 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Twp Fergerson Jerry 61 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Twp Furgerson Jordan 55 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Twp Ferguson L 38 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Twp Fergerson C C 20 Male Nc NC Wilkes Benham Crk Twp Ferguson Eliza 54 Female Nc NC Wilkes Elk Twp Ferguson Franklin T 56 Male Nc NC Wilkes Elk Twp Ferguson Jesse F 34 Male Nc NC Wilkes Elk Twp Ferguson Joel T 51 Male Nc NC Wilkes Elk Twp Ferguson John H 52 Male Nc NC Wilkes Elk Twp Ferguson William S 57 Male Nc NC Wilkes Elk Twp Fergusan Malinda 26 Female NC NC Wilkes Union Twp Furgerson J F 42 Male Nc NC Wilkes Wilkesboro Twp 1900 Census Ferguson Eliza 76 Female Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Twp Ferguson Linzy C 68 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Twp Ferguson William B 48 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Twp Ferguson Zacary T 49 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Twp Ferguson Benjaman F 41 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Twp Ferguson Chapman C 80 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Twp Ferguson James H 74 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Twp Ferguson John S 44 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Twp Ferguson Peter J 28 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Twp Furgerson William 23 Male Nc NC Wilkes Lewis Fork Twp Ferguson Calvin 28 Male Nc NC Wilkes Moravian Falls Twp Ferguson Walter 24 Male Nc NC Wilkes Moravian Falls Twp Fergueson Jessie 65 Male Nc NC Wilkes Wilkesboro Twp 1910 Census Ferguson Sarah 62 Female Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Twp Ferguson William B 57 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Twp Ferguson Zachry L 59 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Twp Ferguson Benjaman F 50 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Twp Ferguson Cornelia M 50 Female Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Twp Ferguson James H 84 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Twp Ferguson John E 28 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Twp Ferguson Robert G 28 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Twp Ferguson Roby S 27 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Twp Ferguson Sarah L 60 Female Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Twp Ferguson Clarence 32 Male Nc NC Wilkes Elk Twp Ferguson Lee 60 Male Nc NC Wilkes Elk Twp Ferguson Thomas 21 Male Nc NC Wilkes Elk Twp Ferguson Alphonso B 30 Male Nc NC Wilkes Moravian Falls Twp Ferguson Calvin G 38 Male Nc NC Wilkes Moravian Falls Twp Ferguson Edna 25 Female Nc NC Wilkes Moravian Falls Twp Ferguson James W 33 Male Nc NC Wilkes Moravian Falls Twp Furguson Lulu 25 Female Nc NC Wilkes N Wilkesboro Twp Ferguson Bynum E 26 Male Nc NC Wilkes Traphill Twp Fergusson Jesse T 74 Male Nc NC Wilkes Wilkesboro Twp 1920 Census Ferguson Jackaria T 68 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Ferguson James M 23 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Ferguson Sarah V 71 Female Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Ferguson Thomas C 40 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Ferguson William B 66 Male Nc NC Wilkes Beaver Crk Ferguson Benjamin F 60 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Ferguson Cornelia 60 Female Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Ferguson Elisha 36 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Ferguson Harvey 93 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Ferguson John 22 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Ferguson John E 39 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Ferguson Matilda 57 Female Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Ferguson Robert 38 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Ferguson Roby 37 Male Nc NC Wilkes Boomer Ferguson William 39 Male Tn NC Wilkes Boomer Ferguson Petts J 46 Male Nc NC Wilkes Elk Ferguson Maggie 6 Female Nc NC Wilkes Lewis Fork Ferguson Alphonso B 40 Male Nc NC Wilkes Moravian Falls Ferguson Calvin G 50 Male Nc NC Wilkes Moravian Falls Ferguson Walter J 42 Male Nc NC Wilkes Moravian Falls Fegerson Daisy 36 Female Nc NC Wilkes North Wilkesboro Ferguson Floyd F 27 Male Nc NC Wilkes North Wilkesboro Ferguson James 18 Male Nc NC Wilkes North Wilkesboro Fergison Jessie T 84 Male Nc NC Wilkes WilkesboroNORTH CAROLINA -- 1810 -- HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD
TWP # 287
ELK TWP # 287
ELK TWP # 293
54 F W NC Elk Twp
1165 288
FERGUSON, Franklin T
56 M W NC Elk Twp
1165 293
34 M W NC Elk Twp
1165 287
51 M W NC Elk Twp
1165 293
52 M W NC Elk Twp
1165 293
38 M W NC Beaver Crk Twp 1165
33 F B NC Lewis Fork Twp 1165
27 M B VA Elk Twp
1165 293
26 M B NC Wilkesboro Twp 1165
65 M B NC Elk Twp
1165 287
55 M B NC Lewis Fork Twp 1165
90 M M NC Mulberry Twp
1165 350
57 M W NC Elk Twp
1165 293
1790 NC Census Surname Given 1st = W. m. 16 up, 2nd = W m. under 16, 3rd = W. f. 4th = all others, 5th places 1790 Ferguson, Wm. 10000 Mecklenburg Co., NC 158 Ferguson, Thomas 10101 (Salisbury Dist.) 158 Ferguson, Wm. 10100 " " 158 1784-1787 State Census, NC 1787 Ferguson, Nehemia 01100 Wilkes Co. 171 1787 Ferguson, James 12300 Wilkes Co. 172 1787 Ferguson, John 12500 Wilkes Co. 172 1787 Ferguson, Thomas 22300 Wilkes Co. 172 1787 Ferguson, Joseph 22300 Wilkes Co. 172 1787 Ferguson, Jerimiah Jr 110000 Wilkes Co. 173 1787 Forguson, John 14400 Wilkes Co. 174 1787 Forguson, Thomas 11101 Wilkes Co. 174 1787 Forguson, Jas. 14500 Wilkes Co. 175 1787 Ferguson, Wm. 10100 Wilkes Co. 175 1787 Farguson, Jerimiah ????? Wilkes Co. 176 1800 Wilkes Co., NC pg 38 Jerimiah Ferguson 2m. 0-10, 1m. 10-16, 1m. 26-45 2f. 0-10, 1f. 26-45 1800 Wilkes Co., NC pg 38 John Ferguson 2m. 10-16, 2m. 16-26, 1m. 45 up 1f. 45 up 1800 Wilkes Co., NC pg 38 Richard Ferguson 1m. 0-10, 1m. ,26-45 4f. 0-10, 1f. 16-26 1800 Wilkes Co., NC pg 39 James Ferguson 3m. 0-10, 2m. 16-26, 1m. 45 up 1f. 0-10, 1f. 10-16, 1f. 45 up 1800 Wilkes Co., NC pg 39 Joseph Ferguson 2m. 0-10, 1m. 16-26, 1m. 45 up 2f. 0-10, 1f. 10-16, 1f. 26-45 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 258 Samuel Profitt 2m. 0-10, 1m. 26-45 - 1f. 16-26 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 265 William Lunsford 1m. 26-45 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 266 Jacob Lunsford 1m. 0-10, 1m. 26-45, 1f. 0-10, 1f. 16-26 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 267 Ezekiel Lunsford 1m. 26-45, 1f. 0-10, 1f. 26-45 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 270 Jonathan Lunsford 1m. 16-26 - 1f. 0-10, 1f. 26-45 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 271 John Profett 1m. 10-16, 1m. 45 up, 1f. 16-26, 1f. 45 up 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 272 Elisha Lunsford 4m. 0-10, 2m. 10-16, 1m. 45 up 1f. 0-10, 1f. 10-16, 2f. 16-26, 1f. 26-45 1810 Wilkes Co., NC 272 Thomas Farguson 2m. 10-16, 1m. 16-26, 1m. 45 up 1f. 10-16, 1f. 16-26, 1f. 45 up 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 272 Elijah Lunsford 2m. 0-10, 2m. 16-26, 1m. 45 up 1f. 0-10, 1f. 10-16, 1f. 26-45 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 272 Charles Coleman 2m. 16-26, 1m. 45 up - 2f. 45 up 1 slave 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 274 Micajah Farguson 1m. 16-26 - 1f. 16-26 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 278 John Farguson 1m. 16-26, 1m. 45 up - 1f. 16-26, 1f. 45 up 4 slaves 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 274 John Farguson Jr. 1m. 26-45 - 2f. 0-10, 1f. 26-45 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 279 James Fargunson 1m. 10-16, 2m. 16-26, 2m. 26-45, 1m. 45 up 2f. 10-16, 1f. 45 up 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 279 Moses Fargunson 3m. 0-10, 1m. 26-45 2f. 0-10, 1f. 16-26 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 279 Joseph Fargurson 1m. 0-10, 2m. 16-26, 1m. 45 up 1f. 10-16, 1f. 16-26, 1f. 45 up 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 281 Richard Fargurson 2m. 0-10, 1m. 10-16, 1m. 16-26, 1m. 26-45 6f. 0-10, 2f. 10-16, 2f. 16-26, 1f. 26-45 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 283 William Profett 1m. 0-10, 1m. 10-16, 1m. 16-26, 1m. 45 up 4f. 0-10, 1f. 10-16, 1f. 16-26, 1f. 26-45 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 283 Thomas Farguson 1m. 0-10, 1m. 10-16, 1m. 16-26, 1m. 45 up 1f. 0-10, 2f. 10-16, 1f. 26-45 4 slaves 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 283 Thomas Profitt 2m. 16-26, 1f. 0-10, 1f. 16-26 1810 Wilkes Co., NC pg 284 John Farguson 1m. 0-10, 1m. 10-16, 1m. 16-26 1f. 0-10, 1f. 26-45 1820 Wilkes Co., NC pg 502 George Ferguson 1m. 26-45 - 1f. 0-10, 1f. 26-45 1820 Wilkes Co., NC pg 516 John Ferguson 2m. 0-10, 1m. 26-45 3f. 0-10, 1f. 10-16, 1f. 26-45 1820 Wilkes Co., NC pg 520 James Ferguson 2m. 26-45, 1m. 45 up slaves 1m. 0-14, 1m. 14-26, 1f. 14-26 1820 Wilkes Co., NC pg 522 John Ferguson Jr. 5m. 0-10, 1m. 26-45 5f. 0-10, 1f. 10-16, 1f. 26-45 slaves 1m. 14-26 1820 Wilkes Co., NC pg 523 John Ferguson 1m. 45 up - 1f. 26-45 1820 Wilkes Co., NC pg 527 Moses Ferguson 4m. 0-10, 2m. 10-16, 1m. 16-26 1m. 26-45 2f. 0-10, 1f. 16-26, 1f. 26-45 1820 Wilkes Co., NC pg 533 Richard Ferguson 2m. 0-10, 1m. 10-16, 1m. 16-18, 1m. 16-26 1m. 45 up - 3f. 10-16, 3f. 16-26, 1f. 45 up slaves 1f. 0-14 1820 Wilkes Co., NC pg 537 Thomas Ferguson 1m. 10-16, 1m. 16-26, 1m. 45 up 2f. 16-26, 1f. 45 up slaves 1m. 0-14, 2m. 14-26, 1f. 14-26, 1f. 26-45 1820 Wilkes Co., NC pg 540 William Ferguson 1m. 16-26 1820 Wilkes Co., NC pg 540 William Ferguson 1m. 0-10, 1m. 26-45 - 1f. 0-10, 1f. 16-26 slaves 1f. 0-14 1820 Wilkes Co., NC pg 543 William Ferguson all free blacks 3m. 5f. 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 335 Smith Fergusson 1m. 0-5, 2m. 5-10, 1m. 30-40 1f. 0-5, 1f. 30-40 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 349 William Fargusson free blacks, total of 10 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 359 Richard Fergusson 1m. 15-20, 1m. 20-30 1m. 60-70 5f. 20-30, 1f. 50-60 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 361 John Fergusson 1m. 30-40 - 1f. 20-30 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 364 James Fergusson 1m. 70-80, - 1f. 50-60 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 365 James Fergusson Jr. 1m. 40-50 2f. 0-5, 2f. 5-10, 1f. 30-40 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 365 George Fergusson 1m. 30-40 - 1f. 15-20 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 366 Sally Fergusson 1m. 0-5, 2m. 5-10, 1m. 10-15 1f. 10-15, 2f. 15-20, 1f. 40-50 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 366 Warren Fergusson 1m. 20-30 - 1f. 20-30 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 377 Thomas Fergusson Jr. 1m. 20-30 - 1f. 15-20 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 377 Thomas Fergusson 1m. 70-80 - 1f. 20-30, 1f. 60-70 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 377 John Fergusson 2m. 10-15, 2m. 15-20, 1m. 20-30, 1m. 50-60 1m. 80-90 - 2f. 10-15, 3f. 15-20, 1f. 20-30 1f. 50-60 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 378 Jesse Fergusson 1m. 20-30 - 1f. 20-30 1830 Wilkes Co., NC pg 378 Moses Fergusson 1m. 0-5, 1m. 5-10, 3m. 10-15, 1m. 15-20, 1m. 40-50 - 2f. 0-5, 1f. 5-10, 2f, 15-20, 1f. 20-30, 1f. 40-50 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 47 Stewarts Dist., head of Yadkin Moses Ferguson 2m. 15-20, 1m. 50-60 - 2f. 10-15, 1f. 15-20 1f. 50-60 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 51 Hortons Dist. John F. Ferguson 2m. 0-5, 2m. 5-10, 1m. 20-30, 1m. 40-50 1f. 0-5, 1f. 5-10, 1f. 30-40 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 51 Hortons Dist. James Ferguson 1m. 50-60 2f. 5-10, 1f. 10-15, 1f. 15-20, 1f. 30-40 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 51 Hortons Dist. John T. Ferguson 1m. 10-15, 1m. 15-20, 1m. 40-50, 1m. 60-70 1f. 20-30, 3f. 30-40, 1f. 60-70 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 51 Hortons Dist. Mira Ferguson 1m. 10-15, 1m. 15-20, 1m. 20-30 2f. 20-30 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 54 Kelley's Dist. Jesse Ferguson 1m. 30-40 - 2f. 0-5, 2f. 5-10, 1f. 30-40 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 54 Kelley's Dist. Jerimiah Ferguson 1m. 30-40 - 2f. 0-5, 1f. 5-10, 1f. 40-50 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 55 Kelley's Dist. Smith Ferguson 1m. 10-15, 2m. 15-20, 1m. 40-50 2f. 0-5, 1f. 5-10, 1f. 40-50 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 91 Kelley's Dist. William Ferguson free blacks 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 104 Walsh's Dist. Thomas Ferguson Jr. 2m. 0-5, 1m. 5-10, 1m. 30-40 1f. 5-10, 1f. 20-30, 1f. 30-40 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 105 Walsh's Dist. John B. Ferguson 4m. 20-30, 1m. 30-40, 1m. 60-70 4f. 20-30, 1f. 30-40, 1f. 60-70 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 105 Walsh's Dist. Thomas Ferguson Sr. 1m. 70-80 1840 Wilkes Co., NC pg 110 Walsh's Dist. Anderson Ferguson black