Habersham Co., Ga.
Deed Book S, page 593
Instituted 17 May 1854, Recorded 23 Apr 1856.
Grantor, Andrew Dorsey, of Habersham Co., Ga. Grantee, John Ferguson & Greenberry Ferguson, both of Habersham Co., Ga., paid $30 for quit claim title to south 1/2 of lot 16, 2nd Dist., reserving to myself two thirds of all mines and minerals on said half lot of land, with wood and water to carry on any operation for minerals on said lot, in fee simple. Witness: James H. Sampson, Thomas Brock Jr., J.P., signed Andrew Dorsey.(John Ferguson and Greenberry Ferguson were related, sons of John and Elizabeth Ferguson, he born about 1804 NC. Greenberry also seen as Berry Ferguson)

Deed Book S., page 624
Instituted 26 Apr 1856, Recorded 18 Jun 1856.
Thos. Brock Sr., residence Habersham Co., Ga., grants to Samuel G.
Seratt, William Ferguson, Alfred H. Duckett & Jesse H. Holsey, all but Jesse H. Holsey residing Habersham Co., Ga., Holsey residing Hall Co., Ga. 100 acres for and in consideration of the natural love and affection he bears for his children & wives of the foregoing 4 grantees. Parts of lots 118 & 119, 2nd Dist., on Mossy Creek, one boundary line to said creek, same line running between Thomas Brock Sr. and Thos. Brock Jr. Witness: James H. Sampson, Thomas Brock Jr., signed Thomas Brock Sr.(Should read Jesse H. Hulsey, and Samuel Gold Surrett. Wm. Ferguson, s/o Hugh, m. Nancy Jane Brock. Alfred H. Duckett, s/o Jacob & Amy, m. Malinda Brock, Jesse Harrison Hulsey m. Lucinda Brock, James H. Sampson also married a dau. of Thomas Brock Sr. See Ga. marriages for other children of Thomas & Jane Brock). 

Page 268, Habersham Co., Ga., dated 25 July 1857:
Estate of John J. Higgins; James H. Sampson & Thomas Brock Jr.

Habersham Co., Ga.
Tax Digest, 1861.  Film 127/59
     This must be White Co., as it was cut from Habersham Co. in 1857, and both Hugh Ferguson's, Jacob V. Ferguson, and some others are known to have resided in that part of White that was cut from
Habersham Co.
Mossy Creek Section.
Hugh Ferguson, No poll, 3 pieces land in White Co. in lots 119, 120,
     122, Dist. 2, value $3,000.
W.L. Ferguson, 1 poll, lot 121, Dist. 2, value $600.
A.J. Ferguson, 1 poll, lots 141, 142, Dist. 2. $350.
Champion Ferguson, 1 poll, lots 74, 7?, Dist. 2. $1500, and as Admin.
     for the estate of James Mullinax.
H.H. Ferguson, Has land in Fannin Co., Ga.

Mount Yanah, 861 Dist.
F.K. Ferguson, 1 poll, lot 9 Dist. 2 (Franklin Kimsey Ferguson)
E.T. Ferguson, 1 poll, lot 16, Dist 2.(think Elizabeth w/o John)
John Ferguson, 1 poll, lot 2, no Dist. shown.(f/o Franklin Kimsey)
Berry Ferguson, 1 poll, lot 16, Dist. 2.(Greenberry Ferguson)

Habersham Co., Ga. Estate Appraisal.
27 June 1862, Court of Ordinary.
Thomas Brock and John Howard appraised the estate of Hugh Ferguson. This has to be Thomas Brock Jr. as Thomas Sr. d. prior to 1860.

Habersham Co., Ga.
Estate Records.
Film 185/80,
Habersham Co., Ga., Index to Annual Returns and Vouchers.
J.N. Ferguson, Book T, page 179. Book not in Atlanta, may be in
     Habersham Co. (This would appear to be Jasper Newton Ferguson)
     although Jasper Newton d. in 1905, Grayson Co., Tex.)

Film 185/19, Habersham Co., Ga. Index to Inventories & Appraisements.
J.N. Ferguson, Book II, page 33. No film on this book as binding too
     tight, may be in Habersham Co.

Habersham Co., Georgia, Index to deeds.
Ferguson Grantor         Grantee             Book Year  Page
Coleman                  Eshriam Shelton     N    1834
John                     John McFarlin       N    1835
Edward                   Hugh Fry            Q    1844  309
Edward                   Hugh Fry            Q    1844  513
John                     William Gilstrap    Q    1844  521
Hugh                     Champion Ferguson   R    1845   89
Champion (Ext?)          James Quin          R    1846  279
John                     Elbert Ferguson     R    1847  456
Albert (Elbert?)         Robert Henderson    RR   1848   17
Hugh                     John H. Ferguson    RR   1851
Hugh                     James Sampson       S    1853   69
Hugh                     Josiah Duckett      S    1853   85
Edward                   Champion Ferguson   S    1853   86
Champion                 Abner Myers         S    1854  172
Hugh (These two deeds    Andrew Gilmer       S    1854  190
Hugh  are on Iron Works) Henry Jones         S    1854  214
Hugh                     William Miller      S    1852  273
A.J.(Andrew J.)          Andrew Dorsey       S    1856  548

Deed index's, Grantor & Grantee. Film 178752, 1818-1900
This is a partial listing, the complete index for Ferguson grantees
consuming about 1 & 1/4 pages. Grantor index exceeds 1 page.
John Ferguson                            1831-1835 & 3 more.
Edward Ferguson                          1838-1839-1852
Coleman Ferguson                         1831 (2)
Hugh Ferguson                            1832-1835-1837-1840-1843-1854
H.H. et al, from John H.                 1854
     This Must be Hugh H. Ferguson from his brother John H. Ferguson
     Both were sons of Hugh Ferguson and Mary Ann Higgins.
Champion Ferguson from Hugh Ferguson     1845 (more)
John H. Ferguson                         1850
William Ferguson                         1851
Greenbury Ferguson from John Ferguson    1854
Greenberry s/o this John Ferguson.
Franklin K. Ferguson from John Ferguson  1855
Franklin Kimsey Ferguson, s/o John Ferguson.
Jacob V. Ferguson from Hugh Ferguson     1856
Jacob V. s/o Champion, nephew to Hugh Ferguson.
Elbert J. Ferguson                       1857
Elbert J. s/o John Ferguson.
Riley H. Ferguson from John Ferguson     1850, power of attorney.
Riley H. s/o James Hamilton Ferguson, s/o Wm. & Juda

1832 Ga. Land Lottery, Hugh Ferguson Dist. 1, Section 4, Lot 0433
1832 Ga. Land Lottery, Jacob Duckett Dist, 1, Section 4, Lot 0606

Hall Co., Ga.
Film 199/68, Hall Co., Ga. Estate Records, 12 months (widows) Support
Inventories and Appraisements, 1850-1868
No Ferguson's by any spelling.
Film 146/67, Hall Co., Ga. General Index to Estates, 1819-1937.
No Ferguson's indexed by any spelling.
Film 239/75, Hall Co., Ga. Tax Digest.
1852 -
Dist. 912 GM (Georgia Milia, skips from "D" to "G", might be a
     missing page.
434th Dist. GM:
Riley Ferguson, 1 poll, 1 in Ga. Militia, Agg. value of all property
     $175, tax $00.25.

434th GM:
Riley H. Ferguson, 1 poll, 1 Ga. Militia, Agg. Value $150
     I might note that Riley H. Ferguson married Josephine Duckett,
and brothers to this Josephine are found on Hall Co., Ga., some      descendants of same still residing there as of 1980. A number of those shown in the 1950 Habersham Cp., Ga. census wind up in Hall Co., but did not move to Hall, the name of the county changed and most are just a short distance from those found in White Co., where the same thing occurred.          

Lumpkin Co., Ga.
4 Oct 1858
Will Book pages 123-124 

Executors of the estate of Reuben Brock, wife Malinda named one of the executors.

1860 White Co., Ga. Abstracted.
Alfred H. Duckett, dec'd-Malinda Duckett issued temporary
letter of administration, for the estate of Alfred H.
Duckett, 25 June 1860. William & Champion Ferguson secs. John
& Malinda Duckett issued letter of administration 5 Aug 1860,
William Ferguson, Thomas Brock, Cary Cox, secs. White Co.,
     Thomas Brock Jr., brother to Malinda (Brock) Duckett.  Cary Cox
married Talitha Duckett, she a sister to Alfred H. Duckett. John
Duckett a brother to Alfred H. Duckett. Champion Ferguson m. Rachel
Duckett, sister to Alfred H., William J. Ferguson m. Nancy Jane Brock, sister to Malinda (Brock) Duckett.
Deed Book 2, pages 244 & 245.
     14 Jan 1786, Samuel Jacs of Augusta, Esq. & Kitty his wife, to
     Thomas Ferguson of Charleston, SC, for 300 pds lawful money, 400
     acres in Washington Co., on waters of Shoulderbone Creek.

Deed Book 2, pages 245 & 246.
     5 Apr 1786, 
John Crutchfield of Wilkes Co., to Thomas Ferguson of Charleston, SC, Esq., for 200 pds lawful money, 287 1/2 acres on the waters of Shoulderbone Creek, in Washington Co.

Deed Book 2, pages 253 & 254.
     3 Oct 1785, 
Richard Call of Augusta, Esq., to Thomas Ferguson of
     Charleston, SC. Esq., for 50 pds lawful money, 287 1/2 acres in
     Washington Co., on the waters of the Rocky Fork of Shoulderbone

Deed Book 2, pages 255 & 256.
     10 Aug 1785, 
Holland Middleton of Richmond Co., to Thomas
     Ferguson of Charleston, SC, Esq., for 200 pds lawful money, 287
     1/2 acres on the waters of the Rocky Fork of Shoulderbone Creek.

White Co., Ga. Deeds.
10 Sep 1862. 
H.H. Ferguson J.P. to Thomas W. Alexander, on John D. Howard. Wit. E. (Elijah) Alexander & W.A. Alexander.
     This must be Hugh H. (Hamilton?) Ferguson, son of Hugh Ferguson,
as Hugh Sr. has his estate appraised in June of 1862, meaning of
course that he is dead by that date. Hugh H. Ferguson married Mary E.
Service and removes to Clinton Co., Ky. He died and is buried in
Taylor Co., Ky., but his widow Mary E. (Service) Ferguson & children
are in the 1870 census of Clinton Co., Ky.

White Co., Georgia Estate Records.
Film 126/74 - White Co., Ga. Court of Ordinary, Administrations and
Guardians, Book 1, 1850-1895.
Sarah Ferguson, bond as guardian and oath, page 193. She was bonded as guardian of her children, John Kyttel Ferguson, and Mary Ferguson,
minor heirs of J.V. (Jacob) Ferguson, deceased. Dated 7 June 1880.
Jacob V. Ferguson a son of Champion Ferguson.
Andrew J. Ferguson:
Some is hard or impossible to decipher, but enough can be read to
determine the general context of the letter. copied as written.

White County, March 9th 1863.
To his excelency Joseph E. Brown. You will find from this the
reasons for my not reporting my self as a military officer. I have
been confined for near three weeks from _______ disability and is
likely to be for the next three months or longer as this is usually
the case with me every spring and fall for the last ten years. I am
forty six years of age and have been afflicted with _______ Debility
for the last twenty years and for the last ten have been able to
perform but little service of any kind. I would have willingly have
reported myself in person were I able to do so my attending physicion
has thought proper to certify to you the condition of my health which
you will find enclosed in this letter. I will here state that my second lieutenant and ensign is both in the Confederate service, one at Richmond the other at _____ Tennessee and has been ever since before our commissions come. Very Respectfully, your obedient servant. A.J. Ferguson.

Film 126/74 - White Co., Ga. Court of Ordinary, Inventories,
Appraisements, Vouchers and Bills of Sales, Book 1, 1859-1875.
Hugh Ferguson, appraisement, bond of appraisers 7 Oct. 1862 and
appraisal.  Pages 102 and 103. (Hugh Ferguson born 1792, the eldest
child of William & Judah (Wood) Ferguson).

Film 126/74 - White Co., Ga. Court of Ordinary, page 63. Estate of
J.D.  Millenax, desceased. Voucher #5.  Received of C. Ferguson,
administrator of the estate of J.D. Mulenax, eleven dollars and 93
cents for burial expenses etc. 20 Sep 1860. Signed, J.D. Jarrard. (C.
Ferguson is no doubt Champion Ferguson, s/o William & Judah (Wood)

Film 126/74 - White Co., Ga. Court of Ordinary, page 105. Voucher #2.
Received 26 Feb 1861, of Champion Ferguson, administrator of the
estate of James Mulenax desceased, $500 in full for allowance for
myself and family for 12 months. Witness: Andrew Dorsey, signed
                                                   Caroline Mulenax.

Film 126/74 - White Co., Ga. Court of Ordinary. 2 Jan 1864, page
197-8, Warrant of Appraisement of J.V. Ferguson's estate.

Film 126/74 - White Co., Ga. Court of Ordinary. 6 June 1864, page 199.
Sale of J.V. Ferguson's estate. No distribution to heirs shown, but
names of Rachel Ferguson and Benj. Ferguson are in vouchers.

Film 126/74 - White Co., Ga. Court of Ordinary. pages 54-58. Appraisal
of James D. Mulenax estate. Under list of notes, dated 6 Sep 1860 are:
Edward Ferguson          1 Jan 1860          2.27
Jacob V. Ferguson        Balance             6.00
John F. Ferguson         Jan. 1860          10.00
Andrew N.? Ferguson      Jan. 1860           3.60
H.H. Ferguson            Jan. 1860           6.48
A.J. Ferguson            12 Mar 1860         7.66
     Some of these Fergusons can be identified and are:
Edward, born 1816, Ky., s/o William & Judah (Wood) Ferguson.
John F. appears to be John Franklin s/o Andrew J. & Jane (Higgins)
Ferguson.  H.H. appears to be Hugh Hamilton, s/o Hugh Ferguson Sr.
A.J. appears to be Andrew J. Ferguson, s/o William & Judah. Jacob V.
a son of Champion and Rachel (Duckett) Ferguson.

Film 126/74 - White Co., Ga. Court of Ordinary, page 108, Jan 1863.
Return of the foregoing estate of J.D. Mulenax.
March 8, received of J.M. Ferguson           4.00
April 16, received of J.M. Ferguson          1.20

Film 126/74 - White Co., Ga. Court of Ordinary, pages 184-186. Annual
return of Milton Moore and Sarah Ferguson, administrators of the
estate of Jacob V. Ferguson. (Sarah widow of Jacob V. Ferguson)(Milton Moore married Mary Ann Ferguson, d/o Hugh Ferguson Sr. Jacob V. a son of Champion and Rachel (Duckett) Ferguson, Champion a brother to Hugh Ferguson, hence Mary Ann, w/o Milton Moore, and Jacob V. Ferguson, son of Champion Ferguson, were first cousins.)

White Co., Ga. Grantee Deeds.
All of the following land was part of Habersham Co., Ga. until 1857.
The original Habersham Co. lots were exactly 250 acres, but in some of the following these lots may have been reduced in size. The Grantors for the original deeds for these properties would be contained in the Habersham Co., records, and many of these were destroyed. The book for all the deeds shown is apparently Book "A".

H.H. to Andrew Dorsey, 22 Feb 1859, page 96. H.H. Ferguson conveys lot #139, 2nd Dist, for 125. Witness: A.T. Dorsey, John M. Dorsey J.P.  8 Mar 1859. (H.H. must be Hugh Hamilton, son of Hugh Ferguson Sr., although Hugh Sr. appears to have been named Hugh Hamilton also))

Jacob V. to D.C. Duckett, page 183, 10 Jan 1859. Jacob conveys part of Lot 95, 2nd Dist. 60 acres, for $140, on road leading to Mossy Creek Camp Ground. Witness: Alfred H. Cox, Cary Cox, Judge of Inferior Court. Dec 10 Oct 1859. (David C. Duckett) s/o Jacob, (Alfred H. Cox, s/o Carey Cox and Talitha Duckett, sister to David C. Duckett, Alfred H. married Sarah Ferguson, d/o William J. and Nancy Jane (Brock) Ferguson, Alfred & Sarah went west with William J. Ferguson in 1861).

William Ferguson to Joseph Latimer. pages 208-209, 10 Sep 1860. Wm.
conveys parts of lots 117, 118, and 99, 70 acres. On old Mill Creek
and Big Mossy Creek. Witness: William H.H. Dorsey, John M. Dorsey,
J.P. 3 Apr 1861. (This may be William J. Ferguson and this sale a
prelude to his removal to Ark. via Texas. It could also be William L., s/o Champion)

H.H. to William Ferguson, page 214-215. (This can not be William J.
Ferguson, this for the reason given in the foregoing entry, unless
this proved to be a consolidation of land for a future sale, see the
next entry)(Probably Hugh Hamilton to William L., s/o Champion)

William Ferguson to John S.? Howard. pages 215-216, 19 Dec 1859.

Edward Ferguson to Jacob V. Ferguson, page 254, June 1857. Edward
conveys lot 95, 2nd Dist, 230 acres, for $300, no other locality
description. Witness: James E. Ferguson, M.W. Finger?, J.P. Rec.
(Edward must be Edward Ferguson, Jacob V. a son of Champion, brother to Edward Ferguson).

H.H. Ferguson to Thos. W. Alexander, page 265, 10 Sep 1862. H.H.
conveys 100 acres for $100, part of lot 117, 2nd Dist., on a branch,
branch not named, joins road to John D. Howard's field. Witness: E.A.
Alexander, W.A. Alexander. (H.H. must be Hugh Hamilton)

H.H. Ferguson to Thos. B. Lumdson, page 202. 12 Dec 1862. H.H. conveys an undivided 1/4 of the Mossy Creek Iron Work on part of lot 120, containing 58 7/10 acres. Must be in 2nd. Dist.

H.H. Ferguson to Wyly H. Dean, page ?, 23 Dec 1862. H.H. conveys part
of lots 121 and 97, 2nd Dist., beginning at a conditional corner made
between Hugh Ferguson and William Ferguson, near the original SE
corner of lot 121, then north then north west, then south, then south
west, to a conditional line on lot 97, c. 145 acres. $200. Witness:
Mary S. Jabbard, Andrew Dorsey, Abraham Wafford, J.P., Recorded 22 Dec 1862.

Hugh Ferguson to John W. Haynes, pages 301-302, 20 Feb 1862. Hugh
conveys parts of lots 122, 123, 2nd Dist., 100 acres, no waterways or
neighbors listed, for $200. Witness: Thos. Brock, John D. Howard, J.P. Rec. 27 Mar 1869. (Hugh Ferguson Sr. died sometime during the first part of 1862, this seen by some depositions).(John W. Haynes would appear to be the John Haynes who married Caroline Duckett, d/o Josiah Duckett and Nancy Ferguson, d/o Hugh Ferguson, hence a niece to the foregoing Hugh H. Ferguson.)

Socrates G.N., Executor of the estate of John Ferguson, after
advertizing in the "Chronicle" (Augusta Chronicle) 1st Tues. of Nov.
1866, land in lot 61, 4th Dist, to highest bidder. 250 acres, $130.
Witness: Jas. S. Birch, Henry Long, notary public & C, Rec. 12 Jul

William S. Ferguson to Milton Moore, Executor, page 516, 27 Oct 1866.
Wm. S. conveys to Milton Moore, executor of estate of Hugh Ferguson
deceased, for $25. 2 1/4 acres in lot 121, no waterways or neighbors.
(May have been bought to make a more salable piece of property for the estate). Witness: John Haynes, James S. Davis, J.P. Rec. 4 Oct 1867. (James S. Davis a grandson of William and Judah, hence a nephew to the Hugh Ferguson shown)(There may have been an error in reading this and the common error of reading a script "L" as an "S", so this could be William L., s/o Champion and Rachel (Duckett) Ferguson. William L. Ferguson remained in Ga. when his parents removed to Meigs Co., Tenn.)

John Ferguson, Deed of gift to Mily S. Carroll, page 589, 1 Oct 1868.
A sorrell mare for her and her children, not to be under the control
of her husband.
Elbert Ferguson to W.B. Bell, pages 620-630. Elbert conveys for $100,
W.  half of lot 16, 2nd Dist., 100 acres, beginning at corner of lots
9, 10, and 15 and 16 west 325 yards, etc. Witness: E.M. Castleberry,
J.W.  Meeks? C.S.C., Rec. 31 Aug 1869. 

John Ferguson to W.B. Bell, pages 630-631, 18 Aug 1869. John conveys
for $100, 100 acres in lot 9, 2nd Dist., 2nd section, beginning at the corner of lots 9, 10, 15 and 16, running west to rock corner half way to lot 9, to conditional corner at Hunt, Hood and Kimsey land, then south _____ thence east to original liner. Witness same as foregoing and following.

F.K. Ferguson to W.B. Bell. 10 Aug 1869, page 631, between Franklin
Kimsey Ferguson and William B. Bell, conveys for $200 east part of lot 2nd Dist., 2nd Section, 100 acres, beginning at corner of lots 9, 10, 15 & 16, running west to a rock corner halfway to lot 9 to conditional corner between Hunt, Hood, John Ferguson and myself, thence south, then east, then north to beginning corner. Witness: E.M. Castleberry,
J.W. Meeks, C.S.C. Rec. 31 Aug 1869. (Franklin Kimsey Ferguson brother to Elfred and Greenberry Ferguson, all being sons of John and Elizabeth Ferguson)