KENTUCKY 1820 Census Index
" Ferguson," Hugh Jeff 125 Louisville
" Ferguson," John Jeff 26 Louisville
" Ferguson," John Jeff 24
" Ferguson," John Jeff 51 NTL
" Ferguson," Richard Jeff 21 Louisville
" Ferguson," Samuel Samuel Jeff 51 NTL
" Ferguson," William Jeff 26 Louisville

FERGUSON, Jacob                        #   31  10100-00100-00
FERGUSON, John                         #  243  20120-10010-01
FERGUSON, Samuel                       #   25  00211-00001-09
FERGUSON, William                      #  243  30210-10210-08

1810 Census
Ferguson	Richard	KY	Jefferson; Louisville
1820 Census
Ferguson            John                     KY    Jefferson; Jefferson
Ferguson            Smal                     KY    Jefferson; Jefferson
Ferguson            Hugh                     KY    Jefferson; Louisville
Ferguson            Jas                      KY    Jefferson; Louisville
Ferguson            John                     KY    Jefferson; Louisville
Ferguson            Richd                    KY    Jefferson; Louisville
Ferguson            Wm                       KY    Jefferson; Louisville
1830 Census
Furgason            Harry                    KY    Jefferson
Ferguson            John                     KY    Jefferson
Forguson            Saml                     KY    Jefferson
1840 Census
Furguson            Alex                     KY    Jefferson; Louisville
Furguson            Chs                      KY    Jefferson; Louisville
Furguson            Elizabeth                KY    Jefferson; Louisville
Furguson            Hugh                     KY    Jefferson; Louisville
Furguson            M                        KY    Jefferson; Louisville
Furguson            N M                      KY    Jefferson; Louisville
Furguson            Rich                     KY    Jefferson; Louisville
Furguson            Henry                    KY    Jefferson; no twp listed
Furguson            James                    KY    Jefferson; Northern Division
Furguson            Samuel                   KY    Jefferson; Northern Division
1850 Census
Forguson     Benjamin        15  KY      KY      Jefferson; District 1
Forguson     James           16  KY      KY      Jefferson; District 1
Forguson     John            17  KY      KY      Jefferson; District 1
Forguson     Louisa          4   KY      KY      Jefferson; District 1
Forguson     Mildred A       3   KY      KY      Jefferson; District 1
Ferguson     Elija           32  NY      KY      Jefferson; District 2
Ferguson     Elija M         0   KY      KY      Jefferson; District 2
Ferguson     Frances G       12  KY      KY      Jefferson; District 2
Ferguson     Jno K           42  IN      KY      Jefferson; District 2
Ferguson     John F          4   KY      KY      Jefferson; District 2
Ferguson     Maria           2   KY      KY      Jefferson; District 2
Ferguson     Martha          28  KY      KY      Jefferson; District 2
Ferguson     Mary            8   KY      KY      Jefferson; District 2
Ferguson     Mary V          5   KY      KY      Jefferson; District 2
Ferguson     Solomon         44  KY      KY      Jefferson; District 2
Furgerson    Andrew          26  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Furgerson    Arlimser        21  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Furgerson    Cassandre       46  NY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Ferguson     Catharine       30  PA      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Ferguson     David           41  VA      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Ferguson     Maria           20  Ire.    KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Ferguson     Mary            52  VA      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Furgerson    Mary            18  NY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Furgerson    Mathew          58  VA      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Ferguson     Nancy           76  VA      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Ferguson     Richard W       44  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Ferguson     Samuel          56  VA      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Furgerson    Sarah           16  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Furgerson    Woods           15  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 1
Ferguson     America         32  IN      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 2
Ferguson     Henry           21  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 2
Ferguson     Katherina       50  VA      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 2
Ferguson     Lidney          30  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 2
Ferguson     Richard         70  Ire.    KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 2
Ferguson     Thomas          30  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 2
Ferguson     Jane            29  OH      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 3
Ferguson     Robert          25  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 3
Ferguson     William R       31  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville District 3
Ferguson     David           8   KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville Ward 8
Fergueson    Eliza J         4   KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville Ward 8
Ferguson     Elizabeth       42  MO      KY      Jefferson; Louisville Ward 8
Fergueson    George          5   KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville Ward 8
Ferguson     Hugh            65  Ire.    KY      Jefferson; Louisville Ward 8
Fergueson    James           32  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville Ward 8
Fergueson    James           6   KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville Ward 8
Fergason     Maria           20  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville Ward 8
Fergueson    Mary A          24  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville Ward 8
Ferguson     Robert          27  KY      KY      Jefferson; Louisville Ward 8
1860 Census
Ferguson     Fannie          29  Female  Engl   KY      Jefferson 2-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Pat             40  Male    Irel   KY      Jefferson 2-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Sallie          25  Female  Oh     KY      Jefferson 2-Wd Louisville
Furgurson    John            44  Male    Ct     KY      Jefferson 3-Wd Louisville
Furgerson    John L          45  Male    Ny     KY      Jefferson 3-Wd Louisville
Furgerson    R Dr            55  Male    Ky     KY      Jefferson 3-Wd Louisville
Furguson     Ellen           35  Female  Engl   KY      Jefferson 4-Wd Louisville
Furgason     Henry           32  Male    Ky     KY      Jefferson 4-Wd Louisville
Furgerson    John            20  Male    Tn     KY      Jefferson 6-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Andrew          30  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Hugh            75  Male    Irel   KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     James           17  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     James           22  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     John            24  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Richard         39  Male    Scot   KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Eliza           43  Female  Ny     KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Portland
Ferguson     John K          53  Male    In     KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Portland
Ferguson     Isaac           29  Male    Nc     KY      Jefferson Louisville P O
Furguson     Ann             55  Female  Va     KY      Jefferson St Matthews P O
1870 Census
Furguson     Link            18  Female  Ky     KY      Jefferson 10-Wd Louisville
Furguson     Robert          47  Male    Ky     KY      Jefferson 10-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     David           28  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Felicity        56  Female  Mo     KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     George L        30  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     R D             29  Male    Cana   KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Richard         50  Male    Scot   KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Washington      32  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Andy            39  Male    In     KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     John            62  Male    In     KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     John F          24  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     M Words         35  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson 1-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Robert          29  Male    Wi     KY      Jefferson 1-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Michael         40  Male    Irel   KY      Jefferson 4-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Patrick         65  Male    Irel   KY      Jefferson 4-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     H W             45  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson 5-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     John Jr         55  Male    Ct     KY      Jefferson 5-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     John L          55  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson 5-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Richard         64  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson 6 -Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Ella            50  Female  Engl   KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson     Mary J          22  Female  KY     KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Fergusson    R               17  Male    In     KY      Jefferson Harrods Crk Pct
Furgurson    E               18  Female  Ky     KY      Jefferson Middletown Pct
Furgurson    E               43  Female  Ky     KY      Jefferson Middletown Pct
Ferguson     S S             37  Male    In     KY      Jefferson Shively Pct
Ferguson     B               42  Male    KY     KY      Jefferson Wood Pct
1900 Census
Ferguson        Elizabeth        71  Female  Oh      KY      Jefferson 10-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Josephine        28  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 10-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        William E        33  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 10-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Andrew           71  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Belle            20  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Eliza J          51  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Farguson        George L         60  Male    Ky      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        James W          61  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Rebecca          39  Female  Tn      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Furguson        Theo             45  Male    Ky      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Fergerson       William          40  Male    Ky      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Andrew           33  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Eliza            83  Female  Ny      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        George           40  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        George M         56  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        J B              27  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        James            27  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Theodore         29  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Fergusen        Warnelle         18  Female  Ky      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Dollie M         11  Female  In      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Fannie           37  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd Louisville
Fergerson       J B              47  Male    Ky      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Mary             23  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Raymond          46  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Benjamin F       70  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 3-Wd Louisville
Furguson        John             65  Male    Irel    KY      Jefferson 3-Wd Louisville
Furguson        John             70  Male    Ky      KY      Jefferson 3-Wd Louisville
Furgeson        Louise           13  Female  Ky      KY      Jefferson 4-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Gertrude         63  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 5-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Henry W          ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 5-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        James            44  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 5-Wd Louisville
Fergnson        John N           51  Male    Ky      KY      Jefferson 5-Wd Louisville
Fergerson       Joseph           24  Male    Ky      KY      Jefferson 5-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Thyrza           14  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 5-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Mary             27  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Basil            9   Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Carl             18  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Fergarson       Edwin H          45  Male    Ky      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Fergeson        J M              46  Female  Ky      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Furgeson        Kate             17  Female  Ky      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Firguson        Lewis            36  Male    Ky      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Furgerson       Lee              20  Female  Ky      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Furgeson        Cordelia         15  Female  Ky      KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Ida              20  Female  Mo      KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Louis            32  Male    Oh      KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Mary C           46  Female  Mo      KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Sarah J H        71  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Benjamin H       6   Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 9-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Joseph J         10  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 9-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Pauline          18  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 9-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Rachel           57  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 9-Wd Louisville
Furgurson       Samuel J         44  Male    Va      KY      Jefferson Albermarle Pct
Ferguson        Mary             28  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson Anchorage
Furguson        John F           23  Male    In      KY      Jefferson Boston Pct
Ferguson        John C           69  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Central KY Lunatic Asylu
Ferguson        John H           27  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Fairmont Pct
Ferguson        William          57  Male    Va      KY      Jefferson Highland Park Pct
Fergnson        John             8   Male    Tn      KY      Jefferson Louisville Industrial School O
Fergnson        Levi             11  Male    Tn      KY      Jefferson Louisville Industrial School O
Fergerson       Richard          11  Male    Ky      KY      Jefferson Meadow Lawn Pct
Fergason        Bazil            43  Male    Germ    KY      Jefferson Woods Pct
Ferguson        Bazil            72  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Woods Pct
Fergerson       Mary A           74  Female  Ky      KY      Jefferson Woods Pct
1910 Census
Fergerson       Andrew J         ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Elizabeth        ??  Female  Pa      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Henry            ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Fergusson       Rachel           ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Furgerson       Ben F            ??  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Furguson        Henry S          ??  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Furguson        William E        ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 11-Wd Louisville
Fergerson       Harrison H       ??  Male    IN      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Anna C           ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Bell             ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        George M         ??  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Harry            ??  Male    Cana    KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Harry C          ??  Male    Vt      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        John Preston     ??  Male    Tn      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Josephine        ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Stephen D        ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        William          ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Fergusson       Theodore         ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Furgerson       Robert           ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 12-Wd Louisville
Fergeson        Virgel           ??  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 1-Pct
Ferguson        Thomas B         ??  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Ed               ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 2-Pct
Ferguson        Raymond          ??  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 2-Pct
Furgeson        Virgil           ??  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 2-Pct
Ferguson        Benjamin         ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Hallie           ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 3-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Sarah J          ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 3-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Charles E        ??  Male    Cana    KY      Jefferson 4-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        James S          ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 5-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Louisa           ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 5-Wd Louisville
Fergusson       William J        ??  Male    Ms      KY      Jefferson 5-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Beulah           ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Gertrude         ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Robert           ??  Male    Va      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        William E        ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Adrian H         ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Catherine        ??  Female  Fl      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Cordelia M       ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Evelyn           ??  Female  La      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Harry            ??  Male    Va      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        James A          ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Mary J           ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Nannie           ??  Female  Fl      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Sarah            ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Theresa E        ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Thomas           ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Basil            ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        N John           ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        Nellie C         ??  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 8-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        George H         ??  Male    Tn      KY      Jefferson 9-Wd Louisville
Ferguson        George M         ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Fern Crk
Ferguson        James P          ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Fern Crk
Fergerson       Richard          ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Meadow Lawn
Fergerson       John F           ??  Male    In      KY      Jefferson Middletown
Ferguson        Edwin V          ??  Male    Mo      KY      Jefferson Schardein
Ferguson        Edward P         ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson State Fair
Ferguson        Bazil            ??  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Woods Pct
1920 Census
Ferguson        Edward           39  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 1-Pct
Ferguson        George           20  Male    Us      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 28-Pct
Ferguson        Raymond          66  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 2-Pct
Ferguson        Stephen          65  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 2-Pct
Ferguson        William E        51  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 3-Pct
Ferguson        Mariam           40  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 41-Pct
Ferguson        Elizabeth        77  Female  Pa      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 46-Pct
Ferguson        George M         57  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 48-Pct
Ferguson        John             42  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 4-Pct
Fergurson       Charles          51  Male    Ky      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 5-Pct
Ferguson        Robert W         32  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 5-Pct
Fergerson       Virgil Allen     23  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 6-Pct
Fergueson       H Charles        38  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 7-Pct
Ferguson        Henry M          37  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 1-Wd; Louisville; 9-Pct
Fergerson       Ben              24  Male    Ky      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 10-Pct
Fergerson       Eliza Jane       67  Female  Ky      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 10-Pct
Ferguson        Gertrude         82  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 13-Pct
Ferguson        R C              38  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 13-Pct
Ferguson        Charles          24  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 17-Pct
Ferguson        Chris            58  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 17-Pct
Ferguson        R E              28  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 20-Pct
Ferguson        Henry H          75  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 24-Pct
Ferguson        Robert           64  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 26-Pct
Ferguson        C B              36  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 27-Pct
Ferguson        Herbert          24  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 27-Pct
Ferguson        John P           53  Male    Tn      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 28-Pct
Ferguson        Minnie L         35  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 33-Pct
Ferguson        Edward           41  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 2-Wd; Louisville; 43-Pct
Ferguson        John F           29  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 3-Wd; Louisville; 34-Pct
Ferguson        Alice            59  Female  In      KY      Jefferson 3-Wd; Louisville; 46-Pct
Ferguson        Thomas           59  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 3-Wd; Louisville; 46-Pct
Ferguson        Francis W        63  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 3-Wd; Louisville; 50-Pct
Ferguson        Nellie C         52  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 3-Wd; Louisville; 50-Pct
Ferguson        Samuel J         55  Male    Va      KY      Jefferson 4-Wd; Louisville; 10-Pct
Ferguson        Shelby           47  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 5-Wd; Louisville; 19-Pct
Ferguson        William          58  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 5-Wd; Louisville; 23-Pct
Ferguson        John             41  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 5-Wd; Louisville; 27-Pct
Ferguson        Nettie           28  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd; Louisville; 34-Pct
Ferguson        Rex C            35  Male    In      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd; Louisville; 34-Pct
Ferguson        Rose             24  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd; Louisville; 34-Pct
Ferguson        R B              22  Male    Fl      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd; Louisville; 36-Pct
Ferguson        Harry            39  Male    Il      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd; Louisville; 38-Pct
Ferguson        Lee Ora          6   Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd; Louisville; 39-Pct
Ferguson        Nannie           3   Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd; Louisville; 39-Pct
Ferguson        Samuel           4   Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 6-Wd; Louisville; 39-Pct
Ferguson        Evelyn           47  Female  La      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd; Louisville; 10-Pct
Ferguson        Clarence         42  Male    Oh      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd; Louisville; 44-Pct
Ferguson        Ora              31  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd; Louisville; 44-Pct
Fergerson       Sarah J          90  Female  Ky      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd; Louisville; 45-Pct
Ferguson        Edwin H          63  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd; Louisville; 46-Pct
Furguson        Mary             65  Female  Ky      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd; Louisville; 47-Pct
Ferguson        Rachal           74  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson 7-Wd; Louisville; 8-Pct
Fergerson       Herbert          44  Male    Tn      KY      Jefferson Alllison
Fergerson       Dewey            18  Male    Tn      KY      Jefferson Camp Zachary Taylor; Camp Zach
Fergerson       Walter J         25  Male    Pa      KY      Jefferson Camp Zachary Taylor; Camp Zach
Furgerson       James C          21  Male    Nc      KY      Jefferson Camp Zachary Taylor; Camp Zach
Ferguson        Ada              18  Female  KY      KY      Jefferson E Oakdale
Ferguson        Walter E         26  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson E Oakdale
Ferguson        George M         70  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Fairmount
Ferguson        James B          46  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Fairmount
Ferguson        Thomas           63  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Lakeland; Central State Hospit
Ferguson        Richard          31  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Meadowlawn
Ferguson        Earl             38  Male    In      KY      Jefferson W Highland Park
Ferguson        Louis            26  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Woods
Ferguson        Robert           69  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Woods
Ferguson        William          65  Male    KY      KY      Jefferson Woods

FERGUSON, Andy  12 W. LOUISVILLE        #  574
FERGUSON, B.    WOODS PCT.      #  480
FERGUSON, Bridget       4 W. LOUISVILLE #  360
FERGUSON, Catharine     4 W. LOUISVILLE #  360
FERGUSON, Charles       7 W. LOUISVILLE #  023
FERGUSON, David 11 W. LOUISVILLE        #  560
FERGUSON, Felicity*     11 W. LOUISVILLE        #  451
FERGUSON, George L.     11 W. LOUISVILLE        #  543
FERGUSON, Henry 11 W. LOUISVILLE        #  399
FERGUSON, John  11 W. LOUISVILLE        #  451
FERGUSON, John  12 W. LOUISVILLE        #  593
FERGUSON, John  12 W. LOUISVILLE        #  612
FERGUSON, John Jr.      5 W. LOUISVILLE #  540
FERGUSON, John L.       5 W. LOUISVILLE #  525
FERGUSON, Laurence      12 W. LOUISVILLE        #  566
FERGUSON, Mary J.       7 W. LOUISVILLE #  032
FERGUSON, Michael       4 W. LOUISVILLE #  360
FERGUSON, Patrick       4 W. LOUISVILLE #  360
FERGUSON, R. D. 11 W. LOUISVILLE        #  526
FERGUSON, Richard       11 W. LOUISVILLE        #  476
FERGUSON, Richard       4 W. LOUISVILLE #  360
FERGUSON, Richard       6 W. LOUISVILLE #  585
FERGUSON, Robert        1 W. LOUISVILLE #  065
FERGUSON, Washington    11 W. LOUISVILLE        #  432

1850 Jefferson Co., Ky. Cut from Kentucky Co., Va. in 1780
page 129, City of Louisville, 1st Dist., 30 Aug.
Arlimen Furgerson  21 Ky.
Sarah    16 Ky.
Ellen Collins   15 Ky.
Eleder? Rector male  20 Ky.

1850 Jefferson Co., Ky.
page 133, Louisville, 1st Dist., 30 Aug.
Andrew Furgeson  26 Ky.
Mary    19 NY
Elizabeth Goddard  38 NY

1850 Jefferson Co., Ky.
page 136, Louisville, 1st Dist., 30 Aug.
Samuel Ferguson  56 Va.
Mary    52 Va.
John Hutchinson  19 Ky.
Thomas Johnson  31 Unk.
Nancy Ferguson  76 Va.
 Something appears wrong with the family number

1850 Jefferson Co., Ky.
page 138, Louisville, 1st Dist., 30 Aug.
Mathew Furgerson  58 Va.
Cassandra   46 NY
Woods   15 Ky.
Lewis Cass   12 Ky.
Francis M. Cass  17 Ky.
Cassandra Cass  10 Ky.
Sarah Cass     8 Ky.

1850 Jefferson Co., Ky.
page 141, Louisville, 2nd Dist., 31 July
America Ferguson  32 In.
e/w William Cahill  32 Ky.

1850 Jefferson Co., Ky.
page 155, Louisville, 2nd Dist., 13 Aug.
Richard Ferguson  70 Ire.
Thomas   30 Ky.
Henry    21 Ky.

1850 Jefferson Co., Ky.
page 224, 1st Dist., 9 Oct.
John Ferguson  17 Ky.
Benjamin   15 Ky.
James      6 Ky.
Louisa      4 Ky.
Mildred A.     3 Ky.

1850 Jefferson Co., Ky.
page 227, 2nd Dist., 2 Aug.
John K. Ferguson  42 In.
Eliza    32 NY
Frances G.   12 Ky.
Mary V.     5 Ky.
John F.     4 Ky.
Eliza M.           2/12 Ky.

1850 Jefferson Co., Ky.
page 273, 2nd Dist., 23 Sept.
Solomon Ferguson  44 Ky.
Martha   28 Ky.
Mary      8 Ky.
Maria      2 Ky.
Isaac _______?  47 Ky.

1850 Jefferson Co., Ky.
page 320, Louisville, 3rd Dist., 19 Aug.
William R. Ferguson  31 Ky.
Robert    25 Ky.
e/w M.R. Cortney female 27 Ky..

1850 Jefferson Co., Ky.
page 421, Louisville, 4th Dist., 13 Sept.
Hugh Fergerson  65 Ire.
Elizabeth   42 Md.
David      8 Ky.
Robert    27 Ky.
Elizabeth Oliver  81 Cn.

1850 -- Kentucky Census
Ferguson , Hugh
County: Jefferson
Roll: --- Page: 806
Township:8 W. Louisville D. 4

Ferguson , Hugh
County: Jefferson
Roll: --- Page: 807
Township: 8 W. Louisville D. 4

Ferguson , John K.
County: Jefferson
Roll: --- Page: 1006
Township: District 2

Ferguson , John
County: Jefferson
Roll: M432_206 Page: 224
Township: District 1

Ferguson , John K.
County: Jefferson
Roll: M432_206 Page: 227
Township: District 2

Ferguson , Solomaon
County: Jefferson
Roll: --- Page: 273
Township: District 2

Ferguson , Willaim R.
County: Jefferson
Roll: M432_207 Page: 320
Township: Louisville Dist 3

Ferguson , Matthew
County: Jefferson
Roll: --- Page: 740
Township: Louisville Dist. 1

Ferguson , A.
County: Jefferson
Roll: --- Page: 745
Township: Louisville Dist. 1

Ferguson , Matthew
County: Jefferson
Roll: --- Page: 745
Township: Louisville Dist. 1

Ferguson , Richard
County: Jefferson
Roll: --- Page: 778
Township: Louisville District 2

Ferguson , Richard
County: Jefferson
Roll: --- Page: 779
Township: Louisville District 2

Ferguson , America
County: Jefferson
Roll: M432_206 Page: 141
Township: Louisville District 2

Ferguson , Richard
County: Jefferson
Roll: M432_206 Page: 155
Township: Louisville District 2