Last First State Location
Name Name (County; City)
Fergason Obadiah KY Allen; no twp listed 1830
Furgerson Hugh KY Allen; no twp listed 1830
Frgurson W KY Allen; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson John KY Barren; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Joseph KY Barren; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Richard KY Bath; no twp listed 1830
Forgerson Vivian KY Bath; no twp listed 1830
Furguson Wm M KY Bourbon; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson John KY Bullitt; Mount Washington 1830
Furguson Soloman KY Bullitt; Mount Washington 1830
Fergerson James E KY Butler; no twp listed 1830
Fergerson Jhathan KY Butler; no twp listed 1830
Fergerson John KY Butler; no twp listed 1830
Fergerson Jonathan KY Butler; no twp listed 1830
Fergerson Nancy KY Butler; no twp listed 1830
Fergerson Paul KY Butler; no twp listed 1830
Furgerson James KY Butler; no twp listed 1830
Furgerson John KY Butler; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Lewis KY Christian; no twp listed 1830
Fergason Clifton R KY Clark; Winchester 1830
Fergerson Rson KY Cumberland; North of Cumberland River 1830
Ferguson Benjamin KY Cumberland; South of Cumberland River 1830
Ferguson Champion KY Cumberland; South of Cumberland River 1830
Ferguson James KY Cumberland; South of Cumberland River 1830
Ferguson John KY Cumberland; South of Cumberland River 1830
Ferguson William KY Cumberland; South of Cumberland River 1830
Ferguson William KY Cumberland; South of Cumberland River 1830
Ferguson Abraham KY Fayette; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Jno B KY Fayette; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Joseph M KY Fayette; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Nathanl KY Fayette; no twp listed 1830
Fergerson Thomas KY Fleming; Eastern Division 1830
Furgerson Thos KY Fleming; Eastern Division 1830
Ferguson John KY Fleming; Western Division 1830
Furgerson John KY Grant; no twp listed 1830
Furgerson Sarah KY Grant; no twp listed 1830
Furgerson Wm KY Graves; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson John KY Hardin; Elizabethtown 1830
Ferguson Katharine KY Hardin; Elizabethtown 1830
Ferguson Saml KY Hardin; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Thomas KY Hardin; no twp listed 1830
Fergason Levi KY Harrison; Western Division 1830
Furgerson Elizabeth KY Hart; no twp listed 1830
Furgerson Hugh KY Hart; no twp listed 1830
Furgerson James KY Hart; no twp listed 1830
Furgerson John KY Hart; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson B W KY Hickman; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Adn KY Hopkins; Louisville 1830
Ferguson Hugh KY Hopkins; Louisville 1830
Ferguson Isabella KY Hopkins; Louisville 1830
Ferguson Mathew KY Hopkins; Louisville 1830
Ferguson Newman KY Hopkins; Louisville 1830
Ferguson Richd KY Hopkins; Louisville 1830
Fergason Thos KY Hopkins; Louisville 1830
Forguson Matilda KY Hopkins; Louisville 1830
Forguson Wm KY Hopkins; Louisville 1830
Fergason Alexander KY Hopkins; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson John KY Jefferson; no twp listed 1830
Forguson Saml KY Jefferson; no twp listed 1830
Furgason Harry KY Jefferson; no twp listed 1830
Furguson James S KY Jessamine; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson John KY Lincoln; Crab Orchard 1830
Ferguson Hamlet KY Livingston; Salem 1830
Forguson Martin KY Livingston; Salem 1830
Ferguson Charles KY McCracken; no twp listed 1830
Furgerson Joshua KY Meade; Brandenburg 1830
Frguason Jos KY Mercer; Shaker 1830
Furgerson Daniel KY Monroe; Tompkinsville 1830
Furgerson Mpes KY Monroe; Tompkinsville 1830
Ferguson Josiah KY Montgomery; no twp listed 1830
Fergerson William KY Montgomery; no twp listed 1830
Forgerson Priscilla KY Montgomery; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson James KY Morgan; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson John KY Morgan; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Richard KY Morgan; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson William KY Morgan; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson William KY Morgan; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson John KY Muhlenberg; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Will KY Nelson; Eastern District 1830
Ferguson Wilson KY Nelson; Eastern District 1830
Furgerson Henry KY Nicholas; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Nathaniel KY Oldham; no twp listed 1830
Fergeson Rebecca KY Oldham; no twp listed 1830
Fergeson Sylvester KY Oldham; no twp listed 1830
Fergison Jacob KY Oldham; no twp listed 1830
Fergison Jacob, Jr. KY Oldham; no twp listed 1830
Furguson John KY Owen; no twp listed 1830
Furgason Malichi KY Pike; no twp listed 1830
Furgason William, Jr. KY Pike; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson David KY Pulaski; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Samuel KY Pulaski; no twp listed 1830
Fergason John R KY Scott; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Jno KY Shelby; no twp listed 1830
Furgerson William KY Shelby; Southeastern District 1830
Ferguson Henry KY Trigg; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson John KY Trigg; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson James KY Warren; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson John KY Warren; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson John KY Warren; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Thos KY Warren; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Wm KY Warren; no twp listed 1830
Fergusson James KY Warren; no twp listed 1830
Fergerson John KY Washington; Lebanon 1830
Ferguson Henry KY Washington; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson John, Sr. KY Washington; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Wm KY Washington; no twp listed 1830
Fergerson Joseph KY Washington; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Henry H KY Woodford; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson John KY Woodford; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Joshua KY Woodford; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson Robert A KY Woodford; no twp listed 1830
Ferguson William K KY Woodford; no twp listed 1830