1850 Census
Forguson     Joseph          22  ??      IN      Tippecanoe; Lafayette Ward 2
Furgason     Mary            27  OH      IN      Tippecanoe; Randolph
Furgason     Nimrod          27  OH      IN      Tippecanoe; Randolph
Furgason     Richard         39  OH      IN      Tippecanoe; Randolph
Forguson     Ann             8   IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Wabash
Forguson     Catharin        6   IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Wabash
Forguson     Jacob           6   IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Wabash
Forguson     Jane            5   IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Wabash
Ferguson     Margaret        9   IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Wabash
Forguson     Margaret        30  Ire.    IN      Tippecanoe; Wabash
Forguson     Morris          1   IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Wabash
Forguson     Thomas          3   IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Wabash
Forguson     Wm              37  Ire.    IN      Tippecanoe; Wabash
Ferguson     Ann             7   IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Washington
Ferguson     Carver          6   IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Washington
Ferguson     Jesse mc        5   IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Washington
Ferguson     John            18  IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Washington
Ferguson     Mary            2   IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Washington
Ferguson     Nimrod          9   IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Washington
Ferguson     Sarah           48  PA      IN      Tippecanoe; Washington
Ferguson     William         41  OH      IN      Tippecanoe; Washington
Furgason     Jacob           44  OH      IN      Tippecanoe; Wayne
Furgason     James           15  IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Wayne
Furgason     Perry           14  IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Wayne
Furgason     Sally           32  IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Wayne
Furgason     Warren          18  IA      IN      Tippecanoe; Wayne
1860 Census
Ferguison    Ann             18  Female  In     IN      Tippecanoe Fairfield Twp
Furgenson    Howel           22  Male    Il     IN      Tippecanoe Jackson twp
Ferguison    Jane            16  Female  In     IN      Tippecanoe Lafayette
Ferguison    Margaret        14  Female  In     IN      Tippecanoe Lafayette
Furgerson    France          24  Male    Il     IN      Tippecanoe Randolph Twp
Furgison     John T          20  Male    Oh     IN      Tippecanoe Randolph Twp
Farguson     Richard P       46  Male    Oh     IN      Tippecanoe Randolph Twp
Furgeson     George          40  Male    Ny     IN      Tippecanoe Shelby Twp
Ferguson     Jacob           18  Male    In     IN      Tippecanoe Shelby Twp
Ferguson     Bradner         56  Male    Ny     IN      Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Twp
1870 Census
Ferguson     Moses           70  Male    Ky     IN      Tippecanoe Jackson Twp
Furgeson     Margaret        50  Female  Md     IN      Tippecanoe Shelby Twp
Fergarson    Melinda         26  Female  In     IN      Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Twp
Ferguson     William         19  Male    Nc     IN      Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Twp
Ferguson     William R       35  Male    Oh     IN      Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Twp
Ferguson     Horace          25  Male    In     IN      Tippecanoe Wabash Twp
Ferguson     James R         25  Male    In     IN      Tippecanoe Wabash Twp
1900 Census
Ferguson        Thomas           30  Male    Irel    IN      Tippecanoe 2-Wd Lafayette
Ferguson        William          90  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe 2-Wd Lafayette
Fergerson       Katherne         37  Female  In      IN      Tippecanoe 5-Wd Lafayette
Fergeson        Edward G         33  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Twp
Furgesson       Jewell           32  Male    Oh      IN      Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Twp
Forgerson       William R        66  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Twp
Ferguson        Mary             93  Female  In      IN      Tippecanoe Wabash Twp
1910 Census
Furgerson       Homer            18  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe 2-Wd Lafayette
Ferguson        Edward P         62  Male    Oh      IN      Tippecanoe 5-Wd Lafayette
Ferguson        Thomas           63  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe 5-Wd Lafayette
Ferguson        Patrick          41  Male    Il      IN      Tippecanoe 7-Wd Lafayette
Ferguson        Oliver M         43  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe Jackson Twp
Furguson        Hazel B          14  Female  In      IN      Tippecanoe Jackson twp
Ferguson        Burford          23  Male    Ky      IN      Tippecanoe Sheffield Twp
Furgeson        Edward           42  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Twp
Furgeson        John             70  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Twp
1920 Census
Ferguson        Helen            29  Female  Wi      IN      Tippecanoe 1-Wd; Lafayette; Fairfield Twp
Ferguson        Omar T           29  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe 1-Wd; Lafayette; Fairfield Twp
Ferguson        Loyd E           21  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe 2-Wd; Lafayette; Fairfield Twp
Ferguson        Edward P         62  Male    Oh      IN      Tippecanoe 5-Wd; Lafayette; Fairfield Twp
Ferguson        Thomas W         68  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe 5-Wd; Lafayette; Fairfield Twp
Ferguson        Matilda          82  Female  Ky      IN      Tippecanoe Battle Ground; Tippecanoe Twp
Ferguson        Marie F          16  Female  Il      IN      Tippecanoe Fairfield Twp
Ferguson        Irwin            44  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe Tippecanoe Twp
Ferguson        Cecil            17  Female  In      IN      Tippecanoe Wabash Twp; Indiana State Sold
Ferguson        Charles          19  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe Wabash Twp; Indiana State Sold
Ferguson        Charles M        60  Male    Oh      IN      Tippecanoe Wabash Twp; Indiana State Sold
Ferguson        Henry C          75  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe Wabash Twp; Indiana State Sold
Furgerson       Olive            53  Male    In      IN      Tippecanoe Wea Twp

The 1830 Census was copied from two sources; Accelerated Indexing Systems International, Inc and the INDIANA Historical Society.  Many spellings of the FERGUSON surname and different numbers, one may be the page number of  the census and one may be the household number.  As this is an index, the original census should be consulted.

IN 1830-Tippecanoe Co
FERGUSSON           JACOB                       TIPP              136
FERGUSSON           JACOB                       TIPP              270
FERGUSSON           NIMROD                      TIPP              125
FERGUSON            NIMROD                      TIPP              248

IN - 1840 Census - Tippecanoe Co
Information from the IN Historical Society
FURGERSON           John           Tipp                496
FERGASON            Mrs.           Tipp                418
FURGESON            Elijah         Tipp                504
FURGUSON            Isaac B.       Tipp                418

FERGUSON            MARGARET       TIPP          15
FERGUSON            WILLIAM        TIPP         135
FORGASON            JACOB          TIPP          12
FORGASON            JOSEPH         TIPP          68
FORGASON            WILLIAM        TIPP          20
FURGASON            JACOB          TIPP         209
FURGUSON            RICHARD        TIPP         234