1840 Census
Ferguson            Lard H                   IL    Union; no twp listed
Ferguson            Margaret                 IL    Union; no twp listed
1850 Census
Ferguson     L H             36  NC      IL      Union; District 2
Ferguson     Martha          10  NC      IL      Union; District 2
Ferguson     Mary            4   NC      IL      Union; District 2
Ferguson     Nancy           33  IL      IL      Union; District 2
Ferguson     Nancy           31  NC      IL      Union; District 2
Ferguson     Noah            40  NC      IL      Union; District 2
Ferguson     Robert          15  NC      IL      Union; District 2
Ferguson     Sarah           12  NC      IL      Union; District 2
Ferguson     Elizabeth       2   NC      IL      Union; Jonesboro
Ferguson     Jefferson       1   IL      IL      Union; Jonesboro
Ferguson     Martha          22  NC      IL      Union; Jonesboro
Ferguson     R F             30  NC      IL      Union; Jonesboro
Ferguson     Sarah           18  NC      IL      Union; Jonesboro
1860 Census
Furguson     Lard H          47  Male    Nc     IL      Union 2-Wd Jonesboro
Furguson     Robt            48  Male    Nc     IL      Union Dongola P O
Furguson     Calvin          50  Male    Nc     IL      Union Dongola P O
Furguson     Edward          40  Male    Ky     IL      Union Jonesboro P O
Fergason     Margaret        22  Female  Ga     IL      Union Union Point P O
1870 Census
Ferguson     Ann             18  Female  Il     IL      Union Dongola Pct
Ferguson     Noah C          60  Male    Nc     IL      Union Dongola Pct
Furgerson    Alvin F         19  Male    Il     IL      Union Dongola Pct
Furgeson     Thomas          50  Male    Pa     IL      Union Rich Pct
Ferguson     Frank D         56  Male    Tn     IL      Union Ridge Pct
Ferguson     Jefferson       20  Male    Il     IL      Union Stokes Pct
Ferguson     Leo M           24  Male    Tn     IL      Union Stokes Pct
1900 Census
Fergurson       Joseph W         63  Male    Il      IL      Union 2-Wd Anna
Ferguson        Mary             29  Female  Ky      IL      Union Alto Pass
Ferguson        Richard          34  Male    Tn      IL      Union Alto Pass
Furgerson       J B              47  Male    Il      IL      Union Anna Pct
Fergason        Emma             20  Female  Il      IL      Union Cobden Pct
Furguson        Charley          20  Male    Il      IL      Union Dongola Pct
Ferguson        A F Jr           23  Male    Il      IL      Union Misenheimer Pct
Ferguson        A F Sr           49  Male    Il      IL      Union Misenheimer Pct
Ferguson        John             21  Male    Il      IL      Union Stokes Pct
Ferguson        John W           29  Male    Ia      IL      Union Stokes Pct
1910 Census
Ferguson        George C         26  Male    Il      IL      Union 1-Wd Anna
Farguson        Thom             36  Male    Ky      IL      Union 2-Wd Anna
Fergusson       Lynn R           ??  Male    IL      IL      Union 3-Wd Anna
Ferguson        Thomas           ??  Male    ??      IL      Union 4-Wd Anna
Ferguson        Charles          28  Male    Il      IL      Union Anna Pct
Ferguson        Elvis            19  Male    Il      IL      Union Anna Pct
Ferguson        John             44  Male    Il      IL      Union Anna State Hospital
Ferguson        William H        60  Male    Ky      IL      Union Anna State Hospital
Ferguson        Lee              37  Male    Il      IL      Union Jonesboro Pct
Furgeson        Huston           28  Male    Il      IL      Union Jonesboro Pct
Ferguson        John             28  Male    Il      IL      Union Stokes Pct
Forguson        Walter           38  Male    Il      IL      Union Stokes Pct
1920 Census
Furguson        John             29  Male    Il      IL      Union 4-Wd Anna
Furguson        Mary A           38  Female  Il      IL      Union 4-Wd Anna
Ferguson        Frank S          35  Male    Il      IL      Union Anna
Ferguson        John N           40  Male    Il      IL      Union Anna
Ferguson        Thomas H         37  Male    Tn      IL      Union Anna
Ferguson        Vessie           30  Female  Tx      IL      Union Anna
Ferguson        Charles J        38  Male    Il      IL      Union Balcom
Ferguson        Lyerd F          65  Male    Il      IL      Union Dongola
Furgeson        Oliver H         37  Male    Il      IL      Union Jonesboro
Furguson        Samuel           65  Male    Mo      IL      Union Misenheimer
Fergerson       Charles L        51  Male    Il      IL      Union Stokes
Furgeson        Walter           49  Male    Il      IL      Union Stokes

1850 Union Co., Ill."
Pg. 1295
R.N. Ferguson 38 NC
Martha 22 NC
Sarah 18 NC
Elizabeth 2 NC
Jefferson 1 Ill.

"1860 Union Co., Ill."
Pg. 867
Robert Ferguson 48 NC
Martha 32 NC
Mary 13 NC probably Mary Elizabeth
Jefferson 11 Ill.
James 9 Ill.
Ann 5 Ill.
Warren 2 Ill.
"1870 Union Co., Ill."
Pg. 268
Jefferson Ferguson 29 Ill.
"Sandy, I would certainly like to know more about the foregoing Jefferson"
Ferguson . We know that during the Civil War William Leyton Ferguson went to
"Carbondale, Ill., this as a bushwhacker had given him a game leg and a doctor"
"told him that if he could make it there he might be able to help him, William"
"Leyton Ferguson did, and the doctor did. The point being that Carbondale is in"
"Union Co., Ill. Then following the Civil War a young man named Jeff Ferguson "
"came to what became Logan Co., Ark., his name was Jeff Ferguson and was of some"
relation to my Ferguson ’s. He was said to be well educated for the day and that
"he came from Ill. Jeff Ferguson was murdered by a preacher named Smith, the full"
story regarding this Jeff Ferguson is in my Ark. data at your site.

UNION CO., IL 1850
Ferguson , L. h.           W PT 2ND DIST             #  185
Ferguson , Noah            2ND DISTRICT              #  207
Ferguson , R. n.*          JONESBOROUGH              #  236

1850 Union Co., Ill.
Page 1295
R.N. Ferguson   30 NC
Martha   22 NC
Sarah    18 NC
Elizabeth     2 NC
Jefferson     1 Il.

1860 Union Co.,Ill.
Page 1618
Robert Ferguson   48 NC
Martha   32 NC
Mary    13 NC probably Mary Elizabeth
Jefferson   11 NC
James       9 Il.
Ann      6 Il.
Warren     2 Il.

1870 Union Co., Ill.
Page 268
Jefferson Ferguson   29 Il.
 It appears this should read 19 Il.

Ferguson 's in Illinois
Territorial Records of Illinois, 1809-1818
03 May 1809, Isaac Ferguson issued commission in 2nd Cav. Militia.
 20 May 1809, Thomas Ferguson and Hamlet Ferguson appointed by governor
as J.P.'s of Randolph County.
19 Sept. 1812, Thomas Ferguson appointed by governor, judge of the court
of common pleas.
 In Nov. and Dec Thomas Ferguson mentioned a number of times in
proceedings of the House of Representatives.

25 Nov. 1812, First General Assembly, in the town of Kaskaskia.
27 Nov. 1812, Thomas Ferguson elected a member of the legislative
council for Johnson Co., Ill.
 28 Nov. 1812, On motion resolved that Messrs Talbot and Ferguson be a
committee to draw up rules and orders for the Legislative Council, and
to report the same tomorrow morning.
01 Dec 1812, On the motion of the council, resolved that the written
opinion of Mr. Ferguson
 be considered and adopted.
24 Dec.1814, Hamlet Ferguson appointed judge of the County Court,
Johnson Co., Ill.
01 Sep 1815, Hamlet Ferguson appointed sheriff of Johnson Co., Ill.
13 Jan.1817, Hamlet Ferguson appointed Col. of 6th Regt., by governor.
18 Apr. 1817, Thomas Ferguson , Capt. In 7th Regt.
24 May 1817, Thomas Ferguson resigned as judge of Pope Co., Ill.
16 Aug 1817, Isaac Ferguson appointed Major, 7th Regt. William Townsend
 Capt. In the place of I. Ferguson .

 My notes: Isaac and Hamlet Ferguson appear to be the Isaac and Hamlet
who were earlier around Livingston, Ky., they also appear in the
Kentucky Land Grants. (L.L.D.)
  1850 Illinois Census
"Ferguson , Noah"
County: Union
Roll:M432_130 Page: 207
Township: 2Nd District
1850 Illinois Census
"Ferguson , R. N."
County: Union
Roll:M432_130 Page: 236
Township: Jonesborough
1850 Illinois Census
"Ferguson , L. H."
County: Union
Roll:M432_130 Page: 185
Township:W Pt 2Nd Dist