From: "Elreeta Weathers" <>

John Ferguson, Bedford County, 1792

John Ferguson, Bedford Count, 1815

John Ferguson, Botetourt Co.,1793

John Ferguson, Buckingham Co.,1792

John Ferguson, Dinwiddie Co., 1753

John Ferguson, Franklin Co., 1793

John Ferguson, Franklin Co., 1809

John Ferguson, Henrico Co., 1725

John Ferguson, Henrico Co., 1731

Ferguson, John, Henry County, 21 Nov., 1793
2922 ac
Grant # 29, p. 538

Ferguson, John, Roanoke County, 28 Feb., 1842
100 ac
Grant # 94, p. 149

Ferguson, John, Russell County, 15 Nov., 1831
280 ac.
Grant # 80, p. 264

Ferguson, John, Wayne County, 1 Sept., 1852
45 ac.
Grant # 107, p. 538

Ferguson, John, Wayne County, 1 Oct., 1859
300 ac
Grant # 116, p. 517

Ferguson, John H., Franklin County, 30 May, 1845
75 ac
Grant #96, p. 364

Ferguson, John J., Wayne County, 1 Nov., 1855
120 ac.
Grant #111, p. 807

Ferguson, John J., Wayne County, 10 Jan., 1856
15 ac.
Grant #112, p. 134

Ferguson, John P. Harrison County, 30 Sept., 1848
15 ac.
Grant # 100, p. 665

Ferguson, Joseph, Cabell County, 1 July, 1836
35 ac.
Grant # 86, 1836,  p. 98

From: Gary Barton <> Subject: [Ferguson-L] Nelson County, Virginia General Index to Deeds Grantee A-K, Nelson County, Virginia, 1808 - 1915, Book 15, page 533 This deed made this 24th day of March 1860 between Frances S. BURFORD and William N. BURFORD of the one part and S.A. Ferguson of the other part witneseth that said Frances S. BURFORD and William N. BURFORD to grant unto said S.A. Ferguson trustee the following property, one Bay horse / Earling, Stock of Hogs, corn & fodder, Household and Kitchen furniture also our entire Interest devised to us under the last-will and Testament of the late Rebecca ROBERSON Dec'd.  In trust to secure William S. WILLIAMS in the sum of One hundred and twenty three dollars and 86/100 due by bond bearing date this 24th day of March 1860. Witness the following signatures. Frances S. BURFORD              his Wm N.  X    BURFORD             mark This day Francis S. BURFORD & Wm N. BURFORD personally appeared before me the undersigned a Justice of the County of Nelson and acknowledge the above obligatory of writing to be their acts and deeds.  Given under my hand this 24th day of March 1860. M.H. FITZPATRICK J.P. At a Court held for Nelson County the 26th day of March, 1860.  This Deed of Trust was presented duly certified by a Justice of this County as to the acknowledgment of both the parties interest and ordered to be recorded. Teste -- S.H. LOVING, Ck (Capitalization of last names my emphasis for genealogical searching) add this to the Ferguson Web Site,                                  Gary Barton EARLY LAND GRANTS OF VIRGINIA EARLY LAND GRANTS OF VIRGINIA Listed in order given at Library of Virginia Individual URL's at Library Farguson, Alexander, Bedford County, 165 ac. On Gills Creek - 1787 Farguson, Alexander, Bedford Co., 136 Ac. On Gils Branch of Gills Creek Farguson, Bryant, Fayette Co., KY - 1787 Farguson, Bryant, Fayette Co., KY - 1470 ac. Farguson, Charles, Louisa Co., VA - 84&1/2 ac Farguson, James, Goochland Co., 25 ac. On branches of Lickinghole July, 1755 Farguson, James - Amelia Co., 1550 ac. On S. side of Hurricane Swamp Farguson, James - Amelia Co., 1200 ac. Same as above - 1739 Farguson, James - Brunswick Co., 270 ac. On both sides Meherrin River Sept. 1745 Farguson, Robert - Prince Geo. Co - 400 ac. On lower side Flat Creek Adjoining John Farguson, June 1733 Farguson, John - Orange Co., 39 & ¾ ac. On branches of Marsh Run, 1803 Farguson, John - Wythe Co., 62 ac. On head of Clinch River, 1796 Adjoins Samuel Farguson Farguson, John - Henry Co., 230 ac. On south side of Pigg River, Dec. 1780 Farguson, John - Henry Co., 275 ac. As above, Sept 1780 Farguson, John - Bedford Co., 300 ac. N. branch of Blackwater River, 1780 Farguson, John - Amelia Co., 780 ac. On head branches of Evans Creek Of Bush River, July 1742 Farguson, John - Prince George Co., 400 ac. Upper side Flatt Creek, 1733 Farguson, John - Prince George Co., 400 ac. Upper side Flatt Creek, 1732 Farguson, John - Prince George Co., 378 ac. Between Rock Run & Deep River, April 1727 Farguson, John - Henrico Co., 165 ac. On N. side Appomttox River, 1725 Farguson, Joshua., Jefferson Co., KY., 300 ac. On Buffaloe Creek, a branch Of Green River, Aug. 1786 Farguson, Moses - Henrico Co., 400 ac. On S. side Swift Creek, Mar. 1730 Farguson, Moses - Henrico Co., 400 ac. On S. side Swift Creek, Mar. 1725 Farguson, Robert - Harrison Co., (now WV), 335 ac. On left hand fork Of Limestone Creek, 1792 Farguson, Robert - Henrico Co., 288 ac. Adj. own land, Aug. 1741 Farguson, Robert - Prince George Co., 400 ac. Lower side of Flatt Creek Adjoining John Farguson, June 1733 Farguson, William w/Wm Mavity - Henry Co., 1456 ac, Feb. 1784 Farguson, William - Henry Co., 276 ac. S. side Pig River, April 1787 Farguson, William - Henry Co., 93 ac. S fork Pig River, Sept 1780 Farguson, William - Henry Co., 112 ac. On branches of Nicholas's Creek, Apr. 1787 Farguson, William - Henry Co., 664 ac. On Nicholas Creek, Aug. 1783 Farguson, William - Henry Co., 169 ac. On branches of S. fork of Pigg River, 1781 Fargusson, John - Chesterfield Co., 5 ac. Adjoining Field Clark and Wm. Condit, June 1773 Fargusson, John - Bedford Co., 254 ac. On N. side Staunton River, July 1767 Fergeson, John - Buckingham Co., 64 ac. Adj. land of Dougald Ferguson, Dec. 1803 Fergeson, Dougald - Buckingham Co., 90 ac. Adj. John Day & John Fergeson Dec. 1803 (Webb, Wm. Jr) - Buckingham Co., 108 ac. Adjoining John Fergeson and and Joseph Mays., Aug 1801 Fergeson, John - Buckingham Co., 19 ac. Adjoining John Dolan, David Bell And Pankeys land, Dec. 1803 Fergeson, John - Buckingham Co - 64 ac. Adjoining Dougald Fergeson, Dec. 1803 (Ward, Wm) - Tazewell Co., 40 ac. On Clinch River adjoining Samuel Ferguson, Sr., Nov. 1802 Ferguson, Adam - Princess Anne Co., 120 ac. Westward side of North River Swamp, adjoining land of Beecher and Thomas Tuly, April 1692 (Ogle, Hercules) - Botetourt Co., 200 ac. On Little River adj. land of Andrew Ferguson, June 1790 Ferguson, Charles - Lincoln Co., KY, 400 ac. On the Doctors Fork, June 1782 (Rohrar, Frederick) - Monongalia Co. (WV), 500 ac. Adjoining and between lands of Col. Wm McCleary and David Ferguson., Dec. 1791 Ferguson, John , Geo. Ferguson, Thomas Crutcher & Guy Smith, - Henry Co. 2922 ac., Nov. 1793 Ferguson, George - Franklin Co., 200 ac. On Magotty Creek, Mar. 1796 Ferguson, George - Franklin Co., 62 ac. On Stephenson's Branch, Mar. 1796 Ferguson, George - Franklin Co., 206 ac. On branches of Pig River and Stony Creek, Mar. 1796 Ferguson, George - Franklin Co., 68 ac. On Pig River & Lynass's Branch, 1796 Ferguson, George - Franklin Co., 115 ac. On branches of Bush River, Mar. 1796 Ferguson, George - Franklin Co., 26 ac. On Coles Run, Mar. 1796 Ferguson, George - Franklin Co., 200 ac. On both sides Bush River, Mar. 1796 Ferguson, George - Franklin Co., 570 ac. On N. branches of Blackwater River, Nov. 1793 Ferguson, Isaac - Prince William Co., 208 ac. On a branch of Bull Run, called Licking Branch, July 1740 Ferguson, Isaac - Halifax Co., 32 ac. On branches of Lady Creek, Aug. 1796 (Rud, John) - Henrico Co., 312 ac. Adjoining John Ferguson, Aug 1741 (Humphries, John) - Jefferson Co., KY., 600 ac. On S. side Beech Fork, adjoining Joshua Ferguson, May 1786 Ferguson, Joshua - Jefferson Co., 700 ac. Above the mouth of the Beech Fork , May 1786 Ferguson, Laurance - Hanover Co., 350 ac., Aug. 1731 (Nash, John) - Henrico Co., 115 ac. Nigh Swift Creek, adjoining Moses Ferguson, Aug. 1745 (Rice, Francis) - Henrico Co., 276 ac, S, side Swift Creek in Moses Ferguson Line, Sept 1731 Ferguson, John - Henrico Co., 1365 ac. On N. side Appomattox River adj. Moses Ferguson, Sept. 1731 Forgison, Hugh - Norfolk Co., 69 ac lower Norfolk County, Sept 1674 Forgison, James - Randolph Co., 60 ac. On Clover Run, a branch of Cheat River, Nov. 1801 Forgoson, John - Monongalia Co., 400 ac. Both sides Deckers Creek, 1786 Forguson, James - 417 ac. East side Lickinghole Creek on N. side James River, Sept 1749 Forguson, John - Tazewell Co., 125 ac. On Clinch River, May 1803 Forguson, John - Tazewell Co., 223 ac. Both sides Coles Branch, Mar 1773 Forguson, Nathaniel - Pittsylvania Co., 150 ac. On White Oak Mtn, May 1796 Forguson, Samuel - Montgomery Co., 80 ac. On Clinch River, July 1788 Forguson, Samuel - Kanawha Co., (WV) 200 ac. On 12 Pole Creek, 1810 Forguson, Samuel - Kanawha Co., 83 ac. Tom's Creek, Branch of 12 Pole Creek, July 1810 Forguson, Samuel - Cabell Co. (now WV), 200 ac. Trace Fork of 12 Pole Creek, Oct. 1822 Forguson, Samuel, Sr - 15 ac. On Clinch River, Nov. 1802 Forguson, Thomas - Montgomery Co., 328 ac., Aug. 1794 Forguson, Thomas - Montgomery Co., 266 ac. S. side of Christian's Fork Of Brush Creek, Aug. 1794 Forguson, Thomas - Montgomery Co., 235 ac. On S. side East River, 1794 Forgy, Alexander - 300 ac. On branch Holston River, April, 1785 Furguson, Charles - Franklin Co., 220 ac. Coles Creek of Blackwater River, August 1796 Furguson, John - Montgomery Co., 2380 ac. On New River, Mar 1800 Furguson, Wiley - Albemarle Co., 66 and ½ ac. On Rough Run, Sept 1793