from "Index of Revolutionary War Pension Applications", by the Daughters of the American Revolution
S=service record, W=widow's record, R=rejected, BLW=bounty land warrant. These records are available from the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
Larkin Fargeson, VA , 535923
Abraham Farguson , VA , S16379
Andrew Ferguson, VA , 532243; BLW 26016-160-55
David Ferguson, VA , S35925
Ebenezer Ferguson, PA, S22237
Edmond Ferguson, VA , wife Elizabeth, R3501
James Ferguson, VA , S31675
John Ferguson, VA , 51814
Joseph Ferguson, Hazen's Regt., BLW 13074-100-Pvt, widow Ann 0'BRIAN
Joshua Ferguson, VA , S16793
Lewis Ferguson, VA , S32241
Robert Ferguson, VA , Lee's Legion, BLW 12128-100-Pvt. Robert Ferguson, VA , 539512
Robert Ferguson, VA , wife Besheba, W7262, BLW 19751-160-55
William Ferguson, VA , wife Judah/Judeth, W7263, BLW 26900-160-55
Moses Fergusson , VA , S8461
John Forguson , NC/VA , wife Bethany/Bethena, W10777, BLW 26924-160-55
William Ferguson, Col. Proctor's 4th Regt. BLW 748-300-Capt.

From "American Revolutionary Soldiers of Franklin County, Pennsylvania" by Franklin County Chapter D.A.R.
Hugh FERGUSON was b. 1760, d. 1834. His wife Elizabeth d. 1826. [Rocky Spring graveyard]. Will dated Sept and probated Dec 1834 names nephew John FERGUSON, niece Sally FERGUSON, sister Isabella and Isabella McCOY. He served under Capt. John Rea, 1779-81.
James FERGUSON, son of James and Rachel WALKER FERGUSON, d. 11 Sept 1806, buried Grandview Cemetery, Chillicothe, OH. Married c1776 to Margery DENNY, children: James, Margaret, John, Rachel and Creaghead. Private under Captains Pat. JACK and Samuel PATTON, 1780-82.
John FERGUSON, served under Captains John JACK, John McCONNELL and Samuel PATTON, 1777, 1780-82. (Probably the John FERGUSON of Hamilton Two who was a freeman 1780-81 and pewholder 1784-1800 in the Rocky Spring Church. Another John FERGUSON lived Dennis Creek and served under Capt. Thomas ASKEY.
Joseph FERGUSON, served as a Sgt. 1777, 1779, 1781 under Captains Thomas ASKEY and Noah ABRAHAM.
Matthew FERGUSON, son of James and Rachel WALKER FERGUSON; d. 2 Nov 1848 near Kingston, OH, aged 99 years. Married 1782 to Ann CHESTNUT, children: John, James, Rachel, William, Catherine, Matthew, Ann, Margaret, and James. Served under Capt. Samuel PATTON, 1781-82.
William FERGUSON, was in the Continental Lime from Cumberland Co. and served under Capt. Thomas McDOWELL. Married Sarah LIGGET.