Grayson Co., Tex.
16 Oct 1902
Will of Jasper Newton Ferguson, abstracted
First- After all debts are paid etc.
Second- Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 in block 7, town of
Lugensville (Now Bells), Grayson Co., Tex., with all
improvements. Also two hundred acres known as the W.L. Gwaltney
farm, and being the old homestead of myself, beginning at the S.
corner of John Morrisons gin lot at Bonham Street, according to
the town plot of Bailey Junction, thence S. to Main St. of Bailey
Junction, thence E. with Main St. to Cornelson Creek, thence E.
with public road to T.A. Andersons S.W. corner, thence N. with
Anderson's line to where it strikes Kimbroughs pasture, thence W.
with Kimbroughs pasture to public road, thence S. with public
road to S.E. corner of a farm owned by W.P. Ferguson, thence with
W.P. Ferguson's line to the point of beginning. Also 6 head of
cows, 6 head of mules, 3 farm wagons and 1 buggy, said cows &
mules to be selected by her or her representative, all farm
implements etc., and all household furniture. (It is clear in
this text that this is the farm where Jasper Newton Ferguson
resided at date will was made)
Third- To son N.C. Ferguson (Newton Cicero), all land between the
two public roads which run E. from the town of Bells, parallel to
the Texas & Pacific R.R. as far E. as the public road which runs
N. & S., said lands lie on each side of said railroad, the same
was deeded to me by John Moss? Wm. Savoy & W.P. Dugan & Nancy
Low, and a part of the surveys granted to Crawford, Coleman and
S.A. & M.G.R.R., and contains about 54 acres, excepting the land
set apart by me for Rose Hill Cemetery. Also lots 3 & 4 in Block
4, Bells, Tex., also lots 16 & 18 in Block 25 in the original
town plot of Bailey Junction, known as the S. Reisinburg
property. Also 75 acres in the Joseph Mervin survey deeded to me
by I.D. James and wife, 31 Oct 1893 and recorded on page 11 in
Vol 105, Grayson Co. records and deeds.
Fourth- I grant & will to my beloved dau. Josephine Bolin of Fannin
Co., Tex. 152 acres out of the E. Davis Survey in Fannin Co.,
Tex., said land adjoins the tract of land I gave her several
years since. Also 5 acres out of the J. Wells survey, this
intended to give her all the land owned by me and adjoining the
tract mentioned as previously given. Also a 79 acre tract of
land bought by me from W.P. Dial and wife, said tract being known
as the Kerr Farm, and situated in Fannin Co., Tex. about 9 miles
S.W. from Bonham and about 3 miles N. from Randolph. Also 112
acres part of which is in the Sol Chambliss survey and part in
the J. Weeks survey, all in Fannin Co., Tex. and deeded to me
by F.B. Kidd et al. Josephine Bolin is to have and hold and to
have absolute control of all the above mentioned lands, and will
in no way encumber said lands and shall pay all taxes. At the
death of Josephine Bolin, said lands to go to heirs of her body,
share and share alike.

Fifth- I grant and will to my beloved son J.J. Ferguson of Grayson
Co., Tex., for the term of his natural life, the following
property. All of the tract of 118 acres deeded me by John
Morrison & wife 1 Jan 1898, situated in Grayson Co., Tex. on the
waters of Mill Creek, and a part of the survey originally granted
to W.H. Tyler, found on page 413 in Vol. 121, records and deeds
of Grayson Co., Tex. Also a 70 acre tract adjoining on the west of that mentioned above & known as the W.M. Allred land. Also 50 acres bought by me from the H.S. Francis heirs and situated on the waters of Mill Creek, and out of the H.F. Horton survey, and found in records of deeds on page 196, Vol. 120. Also 9 acres adjoining the last named tract bought from L.M. Waldrum & wife. Also 92 acres known as the L.M. Waldrum Homestead, also 25 & 1/2 acres adjoining the 92 acres on the south, bought from Robert Ford heirs. The foregoing 92 and 25 & 1/2 acre tracts to go to grandson Benj. Franklin Ferguson at his father, J.J. Ferguson's death. I also will to my son J.J. Ferguson 3/4 acre more or less, known as the Dr. Deatherage property & bought from W.H. Gore & out of the Jas. Crawford survey, & situated in the town of Bells, Tex. Also lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, in block 16, Bailey Junction (Now Bells) Texas. I give and grant to my son J.J. Ferguson a 64 acre tract of land known as the E.S. Carver land, situated on the waters of Choctaw Creek & out of the J. Riley survey, during his natural life, and at his death to go to his son (My grandson), Geo. J. Ferguson. It is my desire that my son J.J. Ferguson have absolute control of the said property, but it is to be encumbered in no way, and is to be bequeathed to his wife and children, share and share alike, wife to receive a child's share.
Sixth- I give to my dau. Amandy J. Stephens of Kansas City, Mo., for
and during her natural life, the following lands located in
Grayson Co., Tex. 118 acres of the J. Weeks survey, 100 acres of
which adjoins the place I gave her some time ago, on the west the
T. & P. R.R., joining the said 100 acre tract on the south &
public road on the north. The remaining 18 acres is about 1 mile
north of said 100 acres tract on Brushy Creek. Also what is
known as the McFarland farm, being 100 acres in the Weeks survey
and adjoining on the west of said 100 in the Weeks survey, the
R.R. on the south, the public road on the west & north. Also 31
acres of the Weeks survey in Fannin Co., Texas, said 31 acre
tract joins the place I gave her several years ago on the east, &
deeded to me on 8 Oct 1896 by John F. Meredith & wife. Also 49
acres out of the J. Riley survey, deeded to me by W.T. Wells, 7
Sep 1893, 7 recorded in Book 105, page 100, Grayson Co., Tex.
Also a 68 acre tract known as the W.H. Graves land & in the Riley
survey, and an 80 acre tract out of the Riley survey, located in
Grayson Co., Tex, said land bought from Lafayette Graves & F.J.
Henderson. Amandy J. Stephens to have complete control, and to
receive all rents and revenues, except the last 3 tracts
mentioned above, which are bequeathed to my grandsons Willie,
George and Laurel Stephens, as they become 21 years of age.
Until said grandsons reach age 21 she shall receive all rents and
revenues, and in no way shall encumber said land, and at the
death of Amandy Stephens all lands west of the M.K. & T. R.R.
herein bequeathed to her shall be equally divided between the
heirs of her body.

Seventh- I will to my dau. Lizzie McDowell (formerly Lizzie Looney)
the rents and revenues arising from the following lands, 282 &
1/6 acres of land situated in Grayson Co., Tex. & on the waters
of Choctaw Creek, out of the J. Riley survey, viz: 68 & 1/6 acres
deeded by T.B. Cockburn 19 Oct 1891, recorded Vol. 95, page 185,
deed records of Grayson Co., Tex. Also 2 other tracts adjoining same & deeded to me by M.D. Ware & wife, one of these tracts containing 108 acres, the other 107 acres, the date of deeds being 19 Dec 1890 & recorded in Vol 92, page 181, deed records of Grayson Co., Tex. My executors to have absolute management and control of said lands, to pay the taxes and make other improvements as the deem proper, and have additional lands put in cultivation as they may desire. After taxes and improvements they shall pay said dau. Lizzie not less than $30.00 each month, and more when my executors deem fit. My executors will in no way encumber said land. At the death of my dau. Lizzie, provided she has no heirs, said lands above mentioned shall pass to my grandsons Jasper Butler and Newton H. Ferguson, otherwise said lands will go to heirs of her body, share and share alike.
Eighth- I will to my son William P. Ferguson of Grayson Co., Tex.,
all lands, cattle, horses, mules, implements, wagons, reapers,
mowers & binders, in fact all real estate and personal property
now owned by me in Archer Co., Texas at the time of my death. I
also will to my son William P. Ferguson, all lands, cattle,
horses, mules, in fact all real estate and personal property now
owned by me or may be owned by me in Wise Co., Texas, except 52
acres bought from Burton and Rebecca Taylor and hereinfore deeded
by me to said William P. Ferguson. I also give to my son William
P. Ferguson, one grain house located on the land bought from
W.P. Lugan, and adjoining the M.K. & T. R.R. right of way in the
town of Bells, Texas. Also one small iron safe, known as the
Stephenson safe, also 6 acres more or less out of the Crawford
and Cox and San Antonio & Mex. Gulf Ry. Co., in the town of
Bells, Texas and bought from T.J. Scott et al, including a
passway from said land to Broadway St., 33 feet wide, said
passway is off the south end of my cotton yard, and mentioned as
a reserve in my bequeath to my son N.C. Ferguson. I also give to
William P. Ferguson lots 12, 13 , 14, 15, 16, in the town of
Bailey Junction, (now Bells), Grayson Co., Tex.

Ninth- I give to my grandson, William J. Ferguson, lots 32, 33, 36,
in block 3, in the town of Bells, Grayson Co., Tex. Also 86 acres
out of the H.P. Horton survey and the same land deeded to me by
Jacob Cherry, 221 Aug 1896, & recorded Vol 115, page 485-486.
Tenth- I give to my grandson, Walter B. Ferguson of Grayson Co.,
Tex., lots 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 in block 3, in the town of Bells,
Grayson Co., Tex. Also 70 acres more or less situated in Grayson
Co., Tex. and out of the H.P. Horton survey, and deeded to me by
Jacob Cherry & wife, said land adjoins the land by me to William
J. Ferguson. Eleventh- I give to my grandson Newton H. Ferguson
a tract of 67 acres known as the Simmons land, also a 70 3/4 acre
tract known as the Linstead land in the J. Riley survey, Grayson
Co., Tex. Twelfth-I give to my grandson Jasper Butler Ferguson,
the following lands, 70 3/4 acres known as the Tinnel land, also
35 acres known as the Paul & J.C. Wapler land, also about 35
acres known as the Wm. Lawson land. All the described land in
the J. Riley survey on the waters of the Choctaw Bayou, Grayson
Co., Tex. I so direct that my son William P. Ferguson have charge
of the land bequeathed to Jasper Butler and Newton H. Ferguson,
until they become 21 years of age, and at that time they are to
be put in possession of said lands. I also give to Jasper B. &
Newton H. Ferguson all my jewelry including my gold watch.
Thirteenth- I will to my grand daughter, Amanda Gains, daug. of
Josephine Bolin, for the term of her natural life the following
land Viz: 68 acres on the waters of Choctaw Creek, said land
recorded in Vol 122, page 316, Grayson Co., Tex. Amanda Gains to
have absolute control, to collect all rents, revenues etc. Said
land not to be encumbered in any way and at the death of Amanda
Gains said land to pass to her dau. Leola Gains.
Addition to article 5- I give to my son J.J. Ferguson all cattle,
mules, hogs and machinery on hand on my home place, the place
bought by me from W.L. Gwaltney, provided there be more than I
have willed to my wife Mary A. Ferguson.
Fourteen- I direct that all notes, cash or any valuable property
on hand and not heretofore bequeathed by me, be equally divided
between my lawful heirs, my wife Mary A. Ferguson to receive a
childs part or share.
Fifteen- I so direct that no other action than probating and
recording of this will be undertaken. It is my desire that all my
lawful heirs be satisfied with the division I have made of my
earthly possessions.
Sixteenth- I appoint my two sons N.C. and William P. Ferguson as my
executors and to serve without bond. In the event that either of
my executors should refuse or fail to act as my executor, the
other shall have full powers.
Seventeenth- I give to my grandson Willie Stephens a certain 68 acre
tract known as the W.H. Graves land in the J. Riley survey,
Grayson Co., Tex. He the said Willie Stephens to receive said
land upon reaching the age of 21.
Eighteenth- I give to my grandson George Stephens 65 acres of land off
the east side of a certain 80 acre tract known as the Graves and
Henderson tract in the J. Riley survey, Grayson Co., Tex. He is
to receive said land upon reaching the age of 21 years.

Nineteenth- I give to my grandson Laurel Stephens, a certain tract of
49 acres known as the W.T. Wells land in the J. Riley survey,
Grayson Co., Tex. Also 15 acres off the west side of the 80 acre
tract mentioned in my bequeathal to George Stephens. He to come
into possession of said lands upon reaching 21 years of age.

In testimony whereof I this day sign my name in the presence of
H.W. Witcher, S.D. Simpson, J.F. Belote and Z.G. Neal
Subscribing witnesses hereto who sign the same in my presence and
in the presence of each other.
signed- J.N. Ferguson.

We, H.W. Witcher, S.D. Simpson, J.F. Belote and Z.G. Neal sign our
names as witnesses to this the last will of J.N. Ferguson at his
request and in his presence and in the presence of each other.
Witness our hands this 16 day of Oct 1902.
H.W. Witener (not signed as Witcher)
S.D. Simpson
J.F. Belote
Z.G. Neal

The foregoing will was probated by both Newton Cicero and William
Peter Ferguson, this at the March term of the County Court of Grayson
Co., Tex. It states that J.N. Ferguson, a resident of Grayson Co.,
Tex., died 11 Jan 1905, that his estate consisted of land, cattle,
mules, horses, money and notes and various other personal property,
the probable value being the sum of $100,000, the most of which is
situated in Grayson Co., Tex.

Note: J.N. Ferguson is Jasper Newton Ferguson, son of James Hamilton
and Mary (Campbell) Ferguson. James Hamilton Ferguson a son of William
Ferguson and Juda Wood. See the Pendleton Dist. of SC (now Pickens
Co., SC.), Cumberland and Clinton Co's., Ky., Hall, Habersham and
White Co's., Ga., Meigs and Roane Co's., Tenn. See also John Franklin
Ferguson, s/o Andrew J. Ferguson, proven in the Pension Deposition of
Juda (Wood) Ferguson, to be a son of William Ferguson and Juda Wood.
Elijah Chastain, born 1885, Meigs Co., Tenn., and a grandson of John
Franklin Ferguson, stated in a letter that Jasper Newton Ferguson was
a nephew to Champion Ferguson, also that John Franklin Ferguson was
nephew to Champion Ferguson.

Will of William Peter Ferguson, abstracted.
Vol. 054 pages 582-589, Wichita Co., Texas
5 Dec 1946
First- I direct my executors to pay all just debts 7 funeral
expenses, etc.
Second- I give to my wife Alma Y. Ferguson, my household furniture and
fixtures, located at 2802 Hamilton Blvd., being lot 1 in block
9, Country Club Estates Addition, City of Wichita Falls, Wichita
Co., Tex., and all of the automobiles I own at time of death.

Third- I give to my wife Alma Y. Ferguson the following real estate,
to wit: Approximately 1917 & 47/100 acres of land situated in
Wichita and Archer Co's., Tex. and being a part of the Wichita
Valley Farm Lands subdivision, and more particularly described
as; Blocks numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, and
that part of Block 14 south of the center line of the main
irrigation canal; that part of Block number 16 south of the
north right of way line of the main irrigation canal; that part
of Block 17 south of the center line of the main irrigation
canal; and a part of Block 3, said land being more particularly
described in a deed from Flora A. Kemp, individually, and Chas.
I. Francis and Flora A. Kemp, executors of the estate of J.A.
Kemp. Recorded in Vol. 337, page 550, Deed records of Wichita
Co., Tex. 28 & 53/100 acres out of Blocks 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 5, 4,
3, of the Wichita Valley Farm Lands Subdivision in Wichita Co.,
Tex. and Archer Co., Tex., more particularly described in a deed
by Flora A. Kemp individually, and Chas. I. Frances and Flora A.
Kemp, dated 13 Jan 1936, and recorded in Vol. 167, page 218, of
the Deed Records of Archer Co., Tex.
Fourth- I give to my son Jasper B. Ferguson, the following real
estate: My ranch of approximately 2960 acres located in Archer
Co., Tex. and more particularly described as Abstract No. 416,
Certificate No. 16/84, Survey No. 1, S.P.R.R. Co; Abstract No.
417, Certificate No. 16/92, Survey No. 1, S.P.R.R. Co; Abstract
666, Certificate No. 3/41, C. Wright; Abstract No. 968,
Certificate No. 16/84, Survey No. 2, N.C. Miller; Abstract No. 2, A.H. Hartsell; Abstract No. 1179, Certificate No. 5/743, E.D. Patterson; Abstract No. 1199, Certificate No. 16/92, Survey No. 2, L.L. Harris; and Abstract No. 1200, Survey No. 2, J.W. Harris Survey; and 52.37 acres more or less, and more particularly described in a deed from Eliza Kempner to W.P. Ferguson, dated 25 Feb 1936, recorded in Vol. 167, page 614, of the Deed Records of Archer Co., Tex. The part hereby bequeathed to Jasper B. Ferguson is all of the surface and an undivided one half interest in and to all of the minerals in and under the above described land, and in addition thereto I give to Jasper B. Ferguson, all of the personal property situated theron, including improvements, equipment, livestock of every kind. In addition I give and bequeath to my said son, Jasper B. Ferguson, 100 shares of Capitol Stock of the First National Bank of Wichita Falls, Tex.
Fifth- I give to my son, Herbert N. Ferguson, an undivided one half
interest in and to all of the minerals in and under the land
described in the above "Fourth" paragraph.

Sixth- I give to my son, Herbert N. Ferguson, the following real
estate, to wit: My ranch in Clay Co., Tex., consisting of
approximately 2100 acres of land, which is more fully described
in a deed from N.C. Ferguson and wife to me, filed for record in
Clay Co., Tex. 7 Apr 1933; and a deed from W.B. Ferguson and wife
to me recorded in Vol. 11, page 52, of the Deed Records of Clay
Co., Tex.; and in a deed from Metha McCartney et al, recorded in
Vol. 132, page 35 of the Deed Records of Clay Co., Tex, which
tracts constitute all the land I own in Clay Co., Tex.; and in
addition I give to Herbert N. Ferguson, all of the personal
property situated thereon, including improvements, equipment and
livestock of all kinds. The part hereby bequeathed to Herbert N.
Ferguson is all of the surface and a one half interest in and to
all the minerals in and under the above described land. It is my
desire that the privilege of visiting and using the camp house
and lake located on the above described ranch shall be shared by
all members of my family. I also give to Herbert N. Ferguson, 100
shares of Capitol Stock of the First National Bank of Wichita
Falls, Tex.
Seventh- I give to Jasper B. Ferguson, an undivided one half interest
in and to all of the minerals in and under land described in the
above paragraph numbered "Sixth".
Eighth- I give to my wife, Alma Y. Ferguson, and to my sons, Jasper B.
Ferguson and Herbert N. Ferguson, share and share alike, all of
my office furniture and fixtures, of every kind and character,
now located at 306-6 First National Bank Bldg., Wichita Falls,
Ninth- I give to Virginia (Miller) Hogue; Elizabeth (Miller) Cureton
and Mildred (Miller) Shappell, an undivided one third interest,
each, in and to all of my right, title and interest in and to the
oil and gas and other minerals in and under Blocks Numbers 7,
10, 11, containing 229 acres more or less, of the W.P. Ferguson
Subdivision of the North 966 acres of the East 1800 acres of the
W.H. Spillers Survey, Abstract No. 257, in Wichita Co., Tex.
Tenth- I give to Virginia (Miller) Hogue, a $5000.00 investment share
in the North Texas Federal Savings and Loan Association of
Wichita Falls, Tex., also 100 shares of Capitol Stock of the
First National Bank of Wichita Falls, Tex.
Eleventh- I give to Elizabeth (Miller) Cureton, and Mildred (Miller)
Shappell, each, 50 shares of the Full Paid Income Shares of the
First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Wichita Falls,
Tex., and also to each, 100 shares of the Capitol Stock of the
First National Bank of Wichita Falls, Tex.
Twelfth- To each of my grandchildren who are, William Butler
Ferguson, Lou Ferguson, Ann Scott Ferguson, Dale Shappell, Jr.,
Constance Cureton and Bob Hogue, I give $5000.00 and direct that
these bequests be delivered to the respective parents of these
children to be used in the support and education of said
children if necessary, but if not necessary for that purpose then
when each of said children arrives at the age of 21 years, said
share is to be delivered to him or her, together with its
increased earnings.

Thirteenth- I direct that all annuities, legacies, devises and
bequeaths provided for in this will shall be paid to the
legatees and devisees, free from any and all legacy, transfer,
inheritance, estate or succession taxes, State or federal, and
that all taxes which may be payable in respect to said legacies
and bequeaths shall be paid by my Executors out of my residuary
estate and that my residuary estate be charged with the payment
thereof, however if my residuary estate, at the time of my death
is not sufficient to pay all the taxes rightfully charged against
my estate, then my Executors herein are to retain possession of
all my oil producing properties until the proceeds of same are
sufficient to pay the remainder of said taxes and when said taxes
have been paid then said properties are to be delivered to those
entitled to them under the provisions of this my will. If after
payment of said taxes, out of my residuary estate there be
anything remaining, it is my desire that the same be divides
equally among my wife, Alma Y. Ferguson, my sons, Jasper B.
Ferguson and Herbert N. Ferguson, and Virginia (Miller) Hogue,
Elizabeth (Miller) Cureton and Mildred (Miller) Shappell.
Fourteenth- If at the time of my death I am the owner of any notes
executed by Hardin College, or its trustees, it is my will and
desire that my Executors immediatly cancel and surrender said
notes without consideration.
Fifteenth- I give and bequeath to my granddaughter, Ann Scott
Ferguson, my diamond ring and to my Grandson, William Butler
Ferguson, My diamond tie stick pin.
Sixteenth- I hereby appont Jasper B. Ferguson, Herbert N. Ferguson
and Alma Y. Ferguson, Independent Executors of my will with full
power and authority to do any and all things necessary with
reference to my estate that they shall deem right and proper,
subject however to the specific legacies named therein, and I
further direct that no bond shall be required of them and that no
other action be had in the County Court in relation to the
settlement of my estate than the probating and recording of
this, and the return of my inventory, appraisement and list of
claims of said estate.
Seventeenth- While acting as my executors of this estate, Jasper B.
Ferguson, Herbert N. Ferguson and Alma Y. Ferguson, shall each
receive as sole compensation, a salary of $100.00 per month, and
in addition thereto expenses necessarily incurred in looking
after the estate.
Eighteenth- If any legatees or devisees shall directly or indirectly
contest or dispute the probate of this will or maintain before
any judicial body that this is not my last will, or call in
question before any tribunal the provisions of this legacy,
devise or provision therein, then I absolutely revoke the legacy,
devise or provision of said person and declare the same void and
of no effect and I give said legacy, devise or provision so
revoked to my sons, Jasper B. Ferguson and Herbert N. Ferguson,
share and share alike, provided, however if either of them should
contest the probate of my will then I give said legacy, or
legacies to the one not contesting.
Nineteenth- It is my will and desire that distribution be made and my
estate closed as soon after my death as is practical.
In Testimony Whereof I have hereto set my hand this 5 day of Dec
A.D. 1946. signed W.P. Ferguson.

Will of Newton Cicero Ferguson
County of Grayson
First I direct that soon after my decease, as conveniently as can be
done, all my just debts be paid out of the portion going to my
son Walter Benjamin Ferguson.
Second I will devise and bequeath to Cassie Ferguson, surviving wife
of William Jasper Ferguson, the following property. Lot no. 21
in Block 2, Duganville, now Bells, Grayson Co., Tex. Lot 1 to 4
inclusive, and lots 38 to 40 inclusive, in Block 3, Dugansville,
now Bells, Grayson Co., Tex. Tract no. 3, lots no. 7 & 8 in block
7, Duganville, now Bells, Grayson Co., Tex. Lots 37, 38, 39 & 40
inclusive, Block 4, Dugansville, now Bells, Grayson Co., Tex.
Abstract no. 270, J. Crawford survey, one acre more or less in
Bells, Grayson Co., Tex. Several other properties given to
Cassie, widow of William Jasper Ferguson. In case Cassie Ferguson
precedes me in death, all the property bequeathed to her to go to
her children, Mary Francis Moore & Seawillow Ferguson.
Third Because my grand daughter, Seawillow Ferguson is physically
Handicapped, I give my mothers old house in Bells, Tex., being
lots 9 & 10 in Bells, Grayson Co., Tex.
Fourth I give all my household goods to my daughter in law, Lizzie
Ferguson. (This has to be w/o Walter Benjamin Ferguson)
Fifth, I give to Walter Benjamin Ferguson, my son, all my other
properties, both real & personal, subject to my debts.
I appoint Walter Benjamin Ferguson, my son, as the sole executor
to my estate. dated 24 Apr 1943

filed 16 May 1944 signed N.C. Ferguson
filed for probate by Walter Benjamin Ferguson, 29 May 1944