FROM: Abstracts of The Minutes of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Rowan Co., NC 1775 - 1789 by Jo White-Linn, pub., 1982 ROWAN CO., NC Bk: 4|298 08, Feb 1782 Overseers: BARNEY IDLE, from Guilford Co., Line to the Forks near SPURGIN'S; JAMES McCULLOH, from JNO GRAHAM'S to the Forks of the Road leading from SHERRELL'S Ford; RICH'D BRANDON, from JNO GRAHAM'S to the Town Land. JOS HUGHES for all the Roads within the Town & to call on all taxable Inhabitants within sd bounds. AND'W_Ferguson from 2nd Creek Bridge to Salisbury Town Land. EVAN ELLIS from Surry Line to Dutchman's Crk on Salisbury Rd.; DANIEL LEWIS from Dutchman's Crk to WHITACER'S old place. ETC.,.... ROWAN CO., NC 06, MAY 1784 DEEDS PRVD. BK 9|418 ROBT McBRIDE & wf to JOHN HUNTER, 100 acres, 06, Oct 1783, proved by AND'W Ferguson. 04, NOV 1788 BK 5|180 AND'W Ferguson vs HENRY SCHROCK, ,15.6.6. with PHILIP YOST instead of PETER BERRINGER on Jury duty. From: DEED ABSTRACTS OF ROWAN CO., NC 1753 - 1785, pub. 1983, Jo White-Linn Bk 5|487 28, AUG 1762, Granville to ANDREW Ferguson, 440 a on W Fork of Tarrarat River, adj., to ANDREW BAILEY, prvd 1764 Jno AGAR and Jno FROHOCK Bk 6|192 14, AUG 1764, ANDREW_Ferguson,_of_ORANGE_CO.,_NC., to JAMES DORCHESTER, for ,20, 209 a on West side of Tarrarat or STEWART'S Crk, granted by Granville, 10, Aug 176_ Miles ARMSTRONG and Jas_FULKERSON