Deed Morgan Co., Mo. (abstracted) 8 Mar. 1837
Indenture between William W. Furguson of Morgan County, State of
Missouri, and Joseph Meador, late of the County and State aforesaid.
William W. Furguson and Jemima his wife, in consideration of $175.00
prompt payment, and by note to me paid by the said Joseph Meador, do
deed in form and law a certain tract of land in Morgan County, State
of Missouri, said land in the South East Quarter of the North East
Quarter of Section 18, Twp. 42, North of the Baseline and West of the
5th principal Meridian, Range 17, containing 40 acres, said land
granted to William Furguson by the Receivers receipt 13390, bearing
date 28 Nov. 1836.
Signed William W. Furguson, Jemima makes her mark.
See the 1840 & 1850 Morgan Co., Mo. census reports for this
William W. Furguson, also the 1860 Sebastian Co., Ark. census. Also see the Cumberland Co., Ky. court orders where William, Belfield and John Furguson are cited to keep the peace. Note that this William W. Furguson was born about 1794 SC, and that he has Ky. connections in the birth state for children.
Deed Morgan Co., Mo. (abstracted)
10 Oct. 1837
Indenture between William W. Furguson and Jemima his wife, of
Morgan County, Missouri of the one part, and Joseph Meador of the
County and State aforesaid of the other part, that the said William W. Furguson and his wife Jemima, in consideration of the sum of $175.00 to us in hand paid by the said Joseph Meador, bargain, sell etc. and deliver to the said Joseph Meador etc., a parcel of land contained in Morgan Co., State of Missouri, being by the Receivers receipt, the South East Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section 18, Twp. 42, North of the Baseline and West of the 5th principal Meridian, Range 17, containing 40 acres, granted to William W. Furguson by the Receivers receipt 13390, bearing the date 28 Nov. 1836.
Signed & sealed by William W. Furguson, Jemima makes her mark.
Deed Morgan Co., Mo. (abstracted)
21 Dec. 1839
Indenture between Henry W. Furguson and his wife Elizabeth, of
Morgan Co., Missouri of the one part, and P.S.E. Williamson of the
County and State aforesaid of the other part, that the said Henry W.
Furguson & his wife Elizabeth, for & in consideration of $400.00 in
hand paid by said P.E. Williamson, hath bargained, sold etc. to P.E.
Williamson, a parcel of land in the County and State aforesaid, said
land in the North East Quarter of the South East Quarter of Section
71, Twp. North 42, North of the Baseline and West of the 5th principal Meridian, Range 17, containing 40 acres, dated 14 Oct. 1836, No. 12616 the other entry being the North West Quarter of the South East Quarter of Section 21 and Twp. North 42, North of the Baseline & West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Range 17, containing 40 acres, the last receipt dated 28 Nov. 1836, No. 1339, together with all woods, minerals etc.
Signed & sealed by Henry W. Furguson, his wife Elizabeth makes
her mark.
This is Henry Wood Furguson, who removed to Marion Twp., Taney Co., the time of the 1840 census. Marion Twp. cut off into Ozark Co., Mo. when it was formed. Henry W. then moved to Scott Co., Ark. about 1842-3. This part of Scott cut off into Logan Co. in 1870. Henry Wood Furguson born 2 Aug. 1793, Pendleton Dist. of SC, a son of William and Judah (Wood) Furguson. See Bat Roost Cemetery, Logan Co., Ark. for dates on Henry W. and Elizabeth Furguson, 1880 census of Logan Co., Ark., home of son William L., for the state of birth for his father, Henry Wood Furguson. Also note that descendants of Hugh Furguson wrote letters in 1939, and in these named children of William Furguson & Juda Wood, and in these they name besides others, Henry & Ellis.
Deed Morgan Co., Mo. (abstracted)
17 Jan. 1859
Indenture between James K. Willson of Morgan Co. and State of Mo.
of the one part, and Belfield W. Furguson of the same
County and State of the other part, in consideration of the sum of $500.00 to the said
James K. Willson in hand paid by the said Belfield W. Furguson,
James K. Willson has bargained, sold etc. to Belfield W. Furguson,
land in the county and state aforesaid, said land in the South East Quarter of the North East Quarter
of Section 34 in Twp. 41 in Range 17, and also part of the South West Quarter of the North East Quarter
of Section 34 in Twp 41 of Range 17. This land extended to the center of the main channel of Soap Creek,
said land consisting of 34.95 acres and including appurtenances. Page 273 of I assume
Bk. 11, as in 1860 Belfield Furguson sells this and some
other land he had. The price of his sold land was $400.00, although it contained
more acreage than is shown in this tract, the reason apparently is the appurtenances
shown in this deed, and these are not shown in the 1860 deed.
See 1840, 1850 and 1860, Morgan Co., Mo. census reports, also
court orders of Cumberland Co., Ky. and Wayne Co., Ky. marriage bond
for Belfield Furguson, also see the Lawrence Co., Mo.
Deed Morgan Co., Mo. (abstracted)
16 March 1860, Recorded 19 Mar 1860, Bk 12, pgs 669, 670, & 671.
This indenture between Belfield W. Furguson and Quintilla his
wife in the county of Morgan and the State of Missouri, parties of the first part, and
Joseph H. Houser, of the County and State aforesaid, party of the second part, for
and in consideration of the sum of $400.00 to the said Belfield W. Furguson,
in hand paid by the said Joseph H. Houser, the said Belfield W. Furguson
hath sold, bargained etc. a parcel of land in the county and state aforesaid,
said land being in the South East Quarter of the North West Quarter of Section
34, in Twp. 41 of Range 17, containing 34.93 acres. Also land in Section
35, same Twp. and Range, containing in all 79.05 acres. This land went to the
center of the main channel of what was then called Soap Creek. Dower rights
relinquished by Quintilla Furguson. Signed and sealed
by B. W. Furguson and Quintilla Furguson.
Alvin Cox b. 4 May 1877, White Co., Ga., m. Irene Brite 26 Oct. 1881, Rogers, Ark. This would indicate that Alvin Cox was probably related to Carey Cox, who married Talitha Duckett.