George F. Ferguson &
Mary Elizabeth Arnold Ferguson
Iberia Sentinel
His Body Was Shipped Back to Iberia, His Former Home Tuesday Morning and Funeral
Services Were Held here at the Baptist Church Wednesday Morning at 10:30 O'clock
and Interment Was Made in the Town Cemetery; Mr. Ferguson Was Former Collector
of Miller County.
Funeral services for George F. Ferguson who died in Panama, Okla., Sunday, Sept.
29, were held from the Baptist Church Wednesday morning at 10:30, and the
funeral message was delivered by Rev. John Phillips, pastor of the local
congregation. Following the service, the body was conveyed to the town cemetery
and laid to rest by the side of his first wife, Sarah. Adams & Casey, funeral
directors, had charge of the services.
Mr. Ferguson last Friday had made preparations to visit his brother, Ed
Ferguson, of Oronogo, MO. He had already bought his ticket for Oronogo and was
waiting at the home of a neighbor and friend, Mr. Findley, when he suddenly
suffered a cerebral hemorrhage from which he lay unconscious until Sunday night
when death came.
Following funeral services at the Baptist church in Panama Monday afternoon, the
body was placed on the train and shipped to Iberia, arriving here Tuesday
George Francis Ferguson was born at Iberia, Missouri Oct. 23, 1871. He died at
Panama, Oklahoma Sept. 29, 1935, being at the time of his death 64 years, 11
months and 24 days old. In 1899 he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Arnold
and to this union three children were born: Irene who died several years ago;
Mrs. Georgia Metcalf of Fort Collins, Colorado and Nean Ferguson of Oakland,
California. His wife, Sarah died at Iberia, Missouri Dec. 19, 1911. Several
years after the death of his first wife, he was married to Miss Lizzie Arnold
and in a short time they moved to Panama, Oklahoma where Lizzie died in 1932.
Early in life he made a profession of faith and united with the Baptist Church
and was active in the work of the church until his death. For many years he was
in business here in Iberia where he made a host of friends.
Besides his two children, he leaves to mourn his death his aged father, John
Ferguson, six brothers and four sisters, namely: Mrs. Lizzie Williams, Crocker,
Mo; Charley D. Ferguson, Hancock, Mo.; Ed S. Ferguson, Oronogo, Mo.; Fred P.
Ferguson, Hawkeye, Mo.; John R. Ferguson, Clinton, Mo.; Mrs. Isabelle Arnold,
Iberia, Mo.; Mrs. G. M. Martin, Iberia, Mo.; Harry H. Ferguson, Iberia, Mo.;
Frank C. Ferguson, Iberia, Mo.; and Mrs. Willie T. Mace, Springfield, Mo.
Besides his relatives he leaves a host of friends both of Iberia, Mo. and
Panama, Okla.
The life of the deceased has been an active one. He was one of the early
graduates of Iberia Academy. Following his graduation, he taught in the rural
schools of Miller County for a number of years. For several years he was
assistant postmaster under Frank D. Lombar at Iberia, served one term as
collector of Miller County, after which he was engaged in the mercantile
business here for several years. Later he moved to Panama, Oklahoma where he
again became active in politics. He was elected to the office of Collector and
treasurer of LeFlore County, Oklahoma, serving one term in this capacity. He
also served two terms as county commissioner. Not only was he active in
politics, but in religious and civic affairs as well. At the time of his death
he was an ordained deacon of the Baptist Church in Panama and for several years
was superintendent of the Sunday school.
Mary Elizabeth Arnold Ferguson
1879 -1933
"Mother to her sister's children,
her life was dedicated to the service of others."
Passed Away at Her Home in Panama, Okla., and Buried There Tuesday
Afternoon; She was Born and Reared near Iberia and was Well Known Here.
Sq. John Ferguson, Mrs. Belle Arnold, Mrs. G.M. Martin, H.H. Ferguson and his
son, Harold, left here early last Saturday morning for Panama, Oklahoma in
response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of Mrs. Geo. F. Ferguson
who contracted pneumonia several days before. Other relatives here received a
long distance telephone call Monday afternoon to the effect that Mrs. Ferguson
passed away at 2:30 in the afternoon and that the funeral and burial would be
held in Panama Tuesday afternoon. Frank Ferguson and his nephew, Herbert Martin,
left Monday night to attend the funeral.
In the passing of Mrs. Ferguson, her husband loses a devoted companion and the
community a noble Christian woman. She was born and reared near Iberia, being a
daughter of the late George Arnold Sr. She was also a sister of Mr. Ferguson's
first wife, who died a number of years ago.
She is survived by her husband, one brother, Vincent Arnold, of California and
two stepchildren both of whom are married.
Fairview Cemetery