FRANKFORT, KY, 1782-1924   
Virginia Grants-1782-1792  
 Farguson,  Joshua    300   6 465 7-13-1784 Jefferson 
 Farguson,  Bryant  1,470  11 145 4-29-1785 Fayette 
 Faguson,   Bryant  1,000  11 147 4-28-1785 Fayette 
 Ferguson,  Chas.     400   1 103 4-28-1781 Lincoln 
 Ferguson,  Joshua    700   4 505 4-29-1784 Jefferson

Old Kentucky Grants 1793-1856  
 Ferguson,  Jno   250 7 248 10-17-1796 Mason 
 Ferguson,  Jno,  250 7 249 10-17-1796 Mason 
 Ferguson   Jno,  500 13 26 9-26-1798 Madison

 Ferguson,  Wm 100 1 276 8- 2-1796 Logan 
 Ferguson,  Thos. 200 2 110 8-26-1799 Barren 
 Ferguson,  Paul 200 99 119 9-20-1799 Logan 
 Ferguson,  James 200 9 265 12-18-1798 Christian 
 Ferguson,  Peter 200 10 496 9-19-1799 Christian 
 Ferguson,  Peter 90 10 502 5-21-1807 Christian 
 Ferguson,  Jno. 300 10 202 3-17-1805 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  Richard 125 15 533 7-28-1812 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  Joshua 46 16 110 10- 2-1807 Muhlenberg 
 Ferguson,  Edward 200 16 304 7-29-1807 Clay 
 Ferguson,  Thos. 100 16 432 11-12-1807 Knox 
 Ferguson,  Jonathan 270 18 54 10- 4-1807 Logan 
 Fergeson,  Champion 200 18 71 3-25-1799 Green 
 Ferguson,  Hamlet 195 20 193 8-14-1816 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  Hamlet 77 20 193 8-14-1816 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  James 200 20 269 12-15-1814 Warren 
 Ferguson,  Joshua 100 21 119 11- 1-1804 Muhlenberg 
 Ferguson,  Joshua 200 21 120 12-15-1799 Christian 
 Ferguson,  Joshua 100 21 121 11- 1-1804 Muhlenberg 
 Ferguson,  Hamlet 231 21 424 9-10-1803 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  Martin 166 24 364 8-22-1807 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  Jno. 200 26 246 6-20-1799 Logan 
 Ferguson,  Jno 200 28 106 9-20-1799 Muhlenburg 
 Ferguson,  Nancy 150 28 151 9-22-1830 Russell 
 Ferguson,  Mary P. 122 29 200 10-10-1799 Logan

 Ferguson,  Champion 260 B 51 8-21-1816 Cumberland 
 Ferguson,  John 13 B 471 6-10-1817 Fayette 
 Ferguson,  Lewis 25 B 488 8-1G-1.816 Barren 
 Ferguson,  Lewis 25 C 127 9-23-1816 Barren 
 Ferguson,  John 100 if 109 2-28-1820 Fleming 
 Ferguson,  Hamlet 80 H 240 5-19-1821 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  Hamlet 75 H 241 6-23-1821 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  Hamlett 60 H 488 7-27-1821 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  William 90 J 50 4- 2-1822 Cumberland 
 Ferguson,  James 100 L 285 5-20-1817 Warren 
 Ferguson,  William 100 O 417 4-12-1824 Pike 
 Ferguson,  Thomas 60 P 446 11-24-1824 Warren 
 Ferguson,  James 150 T 57 4-21-1825 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Richard 50 W 72 4-26-1825 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  John 100 W 258 12-29-1824 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Alexander 50 X 8 1-29-1827 Hopkins 
 Ferguson,  Francis 50 Y 185 2- 5-1829 Fleming 
 Ferguson,  John 50 Z 368 5-25-1828 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  John 50 Z 368 5-25-1828 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  John 50 Z 391 2-28-1831 Fleming 
 Ferguson,  James E. 150 B-2 163 7-30-1832 Butler 
 Ferguson,  Richard 50 B-2 206 12- 5-1827 Morgan 
 Ferguson,   Richard 50 E-2 88 10-15-1832 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  John 80 F-2 185 4-24-1834 Cumberland 
 Ferguson,  William 50 F-2 416 4- 4-1833 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  William 50 F-2 422 8-14-1833 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Jonathan 200 G-2 119 8-11-1835 Warren 
 Ferguson,  Paul 100 L-2 408 2-12-1834 Butler 
 Ferguson,  Joseph 50 M-2 102 G-27-1837 Barren 
 Ferguson,  M. 50 N-2 100 8-20-1836 Pike 
 Ferguson,  Jno. 22 N-2 388 6- 6-1834 Fleming 
 Ferguson,  Francis 17 N-2 389 6- 6-1834 Fleming 
 Ferguson,  Isaac 150 Q-2 533 12-23-1841 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Woodson 50 P-2 2 2-10-1842 Cumberland 
 Ferguson,  John 100 P-2 447 2-21-1844 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Wm. 38 Q-2 27 4- 8-1845 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Wm. 60 Q-2 28 1-18-1843 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Ambrose 50 Q-2 175 10-17-1844 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Ambrose 200 Q-2 176 10-18-1844 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Jno 21 Q-2 422 1-22-1847 Morgan 
 Ferguson   Jno 94 Q-2 423 1-22-1847 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Isaac 164 Q-.2 520 9-28-1846 Morgan  
 Ferguson,  Jno W 200 R-2 66 1-20-1841 Morgan  
 Ferguson,  James J. 50 R-2 193 10- 4-1843 Morgan 

 Ferguson,  Benj. W 160 1 317 S E Qr Sec 23 T-2 R-3 
 Ferguson,  Thomas A. 160 6 144 S W Qr Sec 29 T-4 R-2 
 Ferguson,  Chas 160 6 409 S W Qr Sec 17 T-7 R-1 
 Ferguson,  Chas 160 6 460 S E Qr Sec 17 T-7 R-1 
 Ferguson,  Jno 160 6 468 N E Qr Sec 20 T-7 R-1 
 Ferguson,  John 160 9 75 S W Qr Sec 23 T-3 R- 2 
 Ferguson,  John 160 9 76 S W Qr Sec 23 T-3 R- 2 
 Ferguson,  Wm. 160 9 80 S E Qr Sec 26 T-4 R-1

 Ferguson,  Jno M 100 2 33 2-24-1827 Jackson  
 Ferguson,  Patrick 200 2 428 7- 2-1832 Smith  
 Ferguson,  Alexander 75 2 429 12-14-1826 Smith 
 Ferguson,  Alexander 100 2 431 10-30-1827 Smith 
 Ferguson,  Patrick 75 3 92 1- 1-1831 Smith 
 Ferguson,  Wm 115 3 124 5- 7-1834 Smith 
 Ferguson,  Hugh 50 3 156 4-10-1834 Jackson 
 Ferguson,  Hugh 60 3 214 4- 9-1835 Smith 
 Ferguson,  Wm Sr. 25 3 372 3-17-1837 Smith 
 Ferguson,  Hugh 291 3 430 2-22-1838 Smith 
 Ferguson,  Alexander 35 4 154 2=27-1841 Smith 
 Ferguson,  Alexander 100 4 155 10- 6-1837 Smith 
 Ferguson,  Alexander 70 4 156 3- 4-1841 Smith 
 Ferguson,  Patrick 90 4 157 10- 6-1837 Smith 
 Ferguson,  Patrick 190 4 158 10- 5-1837 Smith 
 Ferguson,  Patrick 65 4 169 2-23-1842 Macon 
 Ferguson,  Jno M. 644 4 239 8-15-1842 Macon 
 Ferguson,  Wm. 8 4 441 12-10-1845 Macon 
 Ferguson,  Alexander 75 5 76 5-20-1847 Macon 
 Ferguson,  Jno M 9 5 136 9- 9-1847 Macon 
 Ferguson,  Jno M 16 5 224 3- 6-1850 Macon 
 Ferguson,  Alexander 25 5 225 2-27-1850 Macon 
 Ferguson,  Jno M 40 5 350 10-15-1850 Macon 
 Ferguson,  Alexander 12 12-1/2 7 453 4-19-1871 Macon

 Ferguson,  Hamlet 100 1 16 5- 2-1836 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  Wm 150 2 16 5- 2-1837 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  John 150 3 138 4-14-1838 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  John 50 3 152 4-14-1838 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Thos 425 5 143 11- 5-1839 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  Joseph 35 9 362 8-13-1842 Barren 
 Ferguson,  Joseph 50 11 198 3- 4-1843 Pike 
 Ferguson,  John P. 100 21 192 9-26-1846 Lawrence 
 Ferguson,  Jonathan P. 350 23 185 3-18-1847 Butler 
 Ferguson,  Wm. Heirs 95 24 178 Casey 
 Ferguson,  P I A 130 26 349 8- 5-1846 Monroe 
 Ferguson,  John P. 62 28 361 12-30-1848 Lawrence 
 Ferguson,  Saml 100 29 305 10` 2-1846 Whitley 
 Ferguson,  Jane 50 29 478 11-24-1849 Cumberland 
 Ferguson,  Daniel 25 30 401 3-21-1850 Monroe 
 Ferguson,  Jos 68 31 172 2-20-1849 Pike 
 Ferguson,  Wm. 80 31 329 1-25-1850 Monroe 
 Ferguson,  James 70 32 434 2-11-1850 Cumberland 
 Ferguson,  Andrew 150 35 283 10- 2-1846 Whitley 
 Ferguson,  Richard & Lemuel 4 38 231 6-29--1852 Monroe 
 Ferguson,  Arch 80 40 23 10-15-1853 Cumberland 
 Ferguson,  William 92 43 564 5- 7-1845 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Champ 194 45 632 11- 1-1855 Clinton 
 Ferguson,  Saml 100 51 82 3-16-1857 Cumberland 
 Ferguson,  A O 2-1/2 53 81 4- 7-1858 Monroe 
 Ferguson,  Edmund 9-1/2 57 193 5- 5-1859 Wayne 
 Ferguson,  S M 50 57 439 8-18-1858 Pike 
 Ferguson,  L C 100 61 335 2-28-1860 Cumberland 
 Ferguson,  Samuel 12 61 449 12-13-1860 Knox 
 Ferguson,  Henry J. 155 65 281 2- 3-1865 Lawrence 
 Ferguson,  John P. 66 65 493 -1865 Lawrence 
 Ferguson,  Henry J. 184 68 363 3-25-1866 Lawrence 
 Ferguson,  Robt G. 41 71 387 6-17-1867 Livingston 
 Fergerson  W G 10 81 240 4-15-1871 Robertson 
 Ferguson,  Nannie 32 89 511 7-23-1872 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  Cynthia 16 90 232 9- 8-1869 Morgan 
 Fergeson,  Wm. H . 15 98 165  
 Ferguson,  Elizabeth &  June 77 98 166 8-24-1878 Morgan 
 Fergeson,  James M. 182 98 157 8-26-1878 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  W H & H J 6 98 232 8-28-1878 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Wm. H. 84 98 234 8-26-1878 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Isaac 150 105 497 11- 2-1882 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  E Y 25 106 333 11- 6-1883 Monroe 
 Ferguson,  Silas 50 109 79 2- 8-1887 Hardin 
 Ferguson,  Nettie A. & Maude 32 110 55 10-25-1887 Livingston 
 Ferguson,  Ambrose J. 7-1/2 114 28 4- 5-1890 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Ambrose J. 53 114 29 4- 5-1890 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Richard 90 114 30 5-13-1890 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Richard 42 114 31 5-14-1890 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  John & Leander 11 114 32 5-19-1890 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  Jno. k. 26 116 503 3-16-1892 Warren 
 Ferguson,  M r 99-3/4 121 256 7/22/1904 Morgan 
 Ferguson,  J W 18 123 37 9-12.-1907 Metcalfe 
 Ferguson,  Robert H. 7 125 85 6/15/1917 Morgan 

Land: John Forgerson gave 100 acres of land to his daughter Polly Cinningham
       Forgerson. Trigg County; Kentucky; Book B; page 334; 19 Oct 1826
       Land on which I now live, containing about 100 acres, with the
       appurtenances, also the crop or corn be thereon standing or growing at
       this time, all my stock of hogs, of about 30 in number, all my Sheep
       beingsia in number, twn head of cattle, all my household furniture,
       consisting of five feather beds, with their furniture and all. &
       singular each article of household an kitchen furniture of which I am at
       this time possessed, particulary a corner cupboard with its furniture.
Land: Arther B. Jenkens sold John Forguson land; Trigg County; Kentucky; book
      C; page 308; 5 Aug 1828; for the sum of four hundred dollers
      in the County of Trigg aforesaid upon the South side of Cumborland River
      on Crooked Creek, entered, surveyed and pattented in the name of Arther
      Jenkins bearing date the twenty second day of May one thousand, eight
      hundrede and twenty one, "22 May 1821" by virtue of a partissan Land
      office warrant No. 5412 and bounded asfollowith Fowit. Begining on a
      double white Oak the begining corner of John Kelean's 100 acres survey
      thence with a lines of the same. N. 80 poles to four white oakes, thence
      N.E. 4 "deg." E. 135 poles to a white oak, thence S. 10 "deg." E. 16
      poles to Tinson Wetford corner two live white oaks, thence with a line of
      the same S. 35 "deg" East 57 poles to a white oak, in said line, thence
      S. 80 "deg." W. 28 poles to a white oak, thence S. 80 "deg" W. 200 poles
      to the begining containing by patent 100 acres, be the same more or less
LAND: Samuel Osborn and Polly Cunningham "  Ferguson" Osborn gives land to Delila
         Ferguson; Trigg County; Kentucky; book E; page 218; 23 May 1834
       Polly gives the land back to her mother Delila   Ferguson.

Ky. Grants south of the Green River
Hamlet  Ferguson, surveyed 14 Aug 1816, Livingston Co., Ky., watercourse,
        Columbia River.
Ky. Land Warrants.
Hamlet  Ferguson, 19 May 1821, Livingston Co., Ky., watercourse, 
Cumberland River.
Hamlet  Ferguson, 27 Jun 1821, Livingston Co., Ky., watercourse,
        Ohio River.
Hanlet  Ferguson, 27 Jul 1821, Livingston Co., Ky., watercourse,
        Cumberland River.

Ky. Grants in county court orders.
Hamlet  Ferguson, 2 May 1836, Livingston Co., Ky.,  Ferguson Creek.
Thomas  Ferguson, 5 Nov 1839, Livingston Co., Ky., Buck Creek
        Hamlet and Thomas  Ferguson later found in Johnson Co., Ill.

Early Ky. Tax Lists.    County          Date
Abraham  Ferguson        Fayette         07 Nov 1800
Alexander  Ferguson      Harrison               1800
Champion  Ferguson       Cumberland             1799
Clement  Ferguson        Bourbon                1800
David Fergason          Henry           06 Aug 1800
Hamlet  Ferguson         Livingston             1800
Hugh  Ferguson           Woodford               1800
James  Ferguson          Franklin        07 Aug 1801
James  Ferguson          Livingston             1800
James  Ferguson          Mason           10 Jun 1800
James  Ferguson          Warren                 1800-1801
John  Ferguson           Bourbon                1800
John  Ferguson           Bourbon                1800
John  Ferguson           Fayette         07 Nov 1800
John  Ferguson           Warren                 1800-1801
John  Ferguson Jr.       Bourbon                1800
Joseph  Ferguson         Nelson          30 Aug 1800
Josiah  Ferguson         Clark                  1800
Kinder  Ferguson         Henry           06 Aug 1800
Peter  Ferguson          Bourbon                1800
Peter  Ferguson          Christian       22 Jul 1800
Richard  Ferguson        Bullitt         16 Aug 1800
Richard  Ferguson        Livingston             1800
Thomas  Ferguson         Barren          10 Sep 1800
Thomas  Ferguson         Livingston             1800
Thomas  Ferguson         Mason           10 Jun 1800
William  Ferguson        Barren          10 Sep 1800
William  Ferguson        Montgomery      22 Aug 1800


Book 17, page 182-183

Kentucky State Archives Microfilm #99641

This Indenture made the 22nd day of October in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred 
and Thirty Eight Between THOMAS  Ferguson, JR. and NANCY his wife of Warren County 
and State of Kentucky of the one part and JOHN DAVIS of Edmondson county and state afforesaid 
of the other part. Witness that the THOMAS  Ferguson, JR. and Nancy his wife for 
and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and sixty dollars to them in hand paid at 
and before the sealing and delivery of theses present the receipt whereof they doth hereby 
acknowledge hath given granted bargained and sold a certain tract or parcel of land in the 
Barrens. It being a part of a tract patented in the name of JOHN WALLACE bearing date 
the 5th day of July 1813 and conveyed from said Wallace to THOMAS  Ferguson, SR. 
by deed bearing date 14th day of August 1822 and conveyed from said  Ferguson, Sr. 
to THOMAS  Ferguson, Jr., and is bounded as follows : Beginning on a rock running 
then North75, East 100 poles to a post oak, then South 10 East 40 poles to a rock, 
then South 63, West 103 poles to a rock , then South 10 3/4 West 60 poles to the 
beginning, including thirty acres together with all and singular the rights and 
privledges thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to have and to hold 
the aforesaid bargained land and premises unto the said JOHN DAVIS and his heirs 
forever and the said THOMAS  Ferguson and NANCY his wife doth further Covenant 
and agree that they will warrant and defend the aforesaid land and premises 
from themselves, their heirs and assigns and from the claim of all and every 
other persons whatsoever forever. In witness whereof the said THOMAS  Ferguson, JR. 
and NANCY his wife hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written.

THOMAS  Ferguson, JR. (seal)

NANCY  Ferguson (seal)

( Examined and delivered

to Dan’l. Rodes )

State of Kentucky

Warren County Sct. I Atwood (G.?) Hobson Deputy for Jonathan Hobson Clerk 
of the County Court of said county. Do certify that this deed from 
THOMAS  Ferguson, JR. and NANCY his wife to JOHN DAVIS 
was on the 22nd day of October 1838 produced to me in my office and acknowledged by 
said  Ferguson to be his act and deed, and on this day 
the said Nancy being examined by me privily and apart from her 
said husband declared that she did freely and willingly seal 
and deliver said writing and wishes not to retract it and acknowledged 
the said writing again shown and explained to her to be her act and deed 
and consenteth that the same may be recorded whereupon said deed with 
the certificate hath been duly recorded in my office. Given under my hand 
this 24th? day of November 1838.



Book 17, page 182-183

Kentucky State Archives Microfilm #99641

This Indenture made the 22nd day of October in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Eight 
Between THOMAS  Ferguson, JR. and NANCY his wife of Warren County and State of 
Kentucky of the one part and JOHN DAVIS of Edmondson county and state afforesaid 
of the other part. Witness that the THOMAS  Ferguson, JR. and Nancy his wife for 
and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and sixty dollars to them in 
hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of theses present the receipt 
whereof they doth hereby acknowledge hath given granted bargained and sold a 
certain tract or parcel of land in the Barrens. It being a part of a tract 
patented in the name of JOHN WALLACE bearing date the 5th day of July 1813 and 
conveyed from said Wallace to THOMAS  Ferguson, SR. by deed bearing date 14th day 
of August 1822 and conveyed from said  Ferguson, Sr. to THOMAS  Ferguson, Jr., and 
is bounded as follows : Beginning on a rock running then North75, East 100 poles 
to a post oak, then South 10 East 40 poles to a rock, then South 63, West 103 
poles to a rock , then South 
10 3/4 West 60 poles to the beginning, including thirty acres together with 
all and singular the rights and privledges thereunto belonging or in anywise 
appertaining to have and to hold the aforesaid bargained land and premises unto 
the said JOHN DAVIS and his heirs forever and the said THOMAS  Ferguson and NANCY 
his wife doth further Covenant and agree that they will warrant and defend the 
aforesaid land and premises from themselves, their heirs and assigns and from 
the claim of all and every other persons whatsoever forever. In witness whereof 
the said THOMAS  Ferguson, JR. and NANCY his wife hath hereunto set their hands 
and seals the day and year above written.
THOMAS  Ferguson, JR. (seal)
NANCY  Ferguson (seal)
( Examined and delivered
to Dan’l. Rodes )
State of Kentucky
Warren County Sct. I Atwood (G.?) Hobson Deputy for Jonathan Hobson Clerk of 
the County Court of said county. Do certify that this deed from THOMAS  Ferguson, 
JR. and NANCY his wife to JOHN DAVIS was on the 22nd day of October 1838 
produced to me in my office and acknowledged by said  Ferguson to be his act and 
deed, and on this day the said Nancy being examined by me privily and apart from 
her said husband declared that she did freely and willingly seal and deliver 
said writing and wishes not to retract it and acknowledged the said writing 
again shown and explained to her to be her act and deed and consenteth that the 
same may be recorded whereupon said deed with the certificate hath been duly 
recorded in my office. Given under my hand this 24th? day of November 1838.


Book 16, page 461-462

Kentucky State Archives microfilm #996451

This Indenture made the 7th day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand 
Eight Hundred and Thirty Seven between WILLIAM  Ferguson 
and DORINDA his wife of the county of Warren and Commonwealth of Kentucky 
of the one part and AZEL DAVIS of the county and Commonwealth aforesaid 
of the other part. Witnesseth that the said WILLIAM  Ferguson 
and DORINDA his wife for and in consideration of Seven Hundred and Thirty 
dollars in hand to them paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged 
hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain 
and sell all that tract or parcel of land situate and being in the 
county of Warren in Smith’s Grove, and bounded as follows towit: Beginning 
on a hickory on Allen’s corner thence North 61 E124? poles to three hickories 
thence South 10 3/4 E 141 poles to a rock and the corner of the Widow (_?__) 
dower thence South 50? West 8 poles to a rock at the fence thence with a line 
of fence N 50 West 40 poles to a rock thence S 35. W 49 poles to a rock 
thence N 35 W 108 poles to a rock thence N 70 W 5 poles to a Black Jack 
and Allen’s corner thence N 36 West 5 poles to the beginning. Containing 
Seventy Three acres be the same more or less, together with all and singular 
the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to have 
and to hold the land hereby conveyed, with the appurtenances, unto the 
said AZEL DAVIS his heirs and assigns forever and the said WILLIAM  Ferguson 
and DORINDA his wife for themselves, their heirs executors and 
administrators the aforesaid tract of land and appurtenances unto 
the said AZEL DAVIS his heirs or assigns against the claim or claims 
of all or every persons whatsoever doth and will forever Warrant 
and Defend by these present in witness whereof the said WILLIAM  Ferguson 
together with Dorinda his wife, who hereby relinquishes her right 
of dower in and to the lands conveyed in the deed, hath hereunto 
set their hands, and seals the day and date first above written.

Signed sealed and delivered } William  Ferguson (seal)

Dorinda  Ferguson (seal)

in presents of

State of Kentucky

Warren County Sct. I Atwood G.Hobson Deputy for Jonathan Hobson 
Clerk of the County Court of said county do certify that this 
deed from William  Ferguson and Dorinda his wife 
to Azel Davis was on the 7th day of August 1837 produced to me 
in my office and acknowledged by said  Ferguson 
to be his act and deed, and this day the said Dorinda being 
examined by me privily and apart from her said husband declare 
that she did freely and willingly seal and deliver said writing 
and wished not to retract it and acknowledged the said writing 
again shewn and explained to her to be her act and deed and 
consenteth that the same may be recorded. Whereupon said deed 
with this certificate hath been duly recorded in my office. Given 
under my hand this 15th day of November 1837. 



Book 16, page 461-462

Kentucky State Archives microfilm #996451

This Indenture made the 7th day of August in the year of our Lord One 
Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Seven between WILLIAM  Ferguson and DORINDA his 
wife of the county of Warren and Commonwealth of Kentucky of the one part and 
AZEL DAVIS of the county and Commonwealth aforesaid of the other part. 
Witnesseth that the said WILLIAM  Ferguson and DORINDA his wife for and in 
consideration of Seven Hundred and Thirty dollars in hand to them paid the 
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained and sold and by 
these presents doth grant bargain and sell all that tract or parcel of land 
situate and being in the county of Warren in Smith’s Grove, and bounded as 
follows towit: Beginning on a hickory on Allen’s corner thence North 61 
E124? poles to three hickories thence South 10 3/4 E 141 poles to a rock and the 
corner of the Widow (_?__) dower thence South 50? West 8 poles to a rock at the ]
fence thence with a line of fence N 50 West 40 poles to a rock thence S 35. 
W 49 poles to a rock thence N 35 W 108 poles to a rock thence N 70 W 5 poles to a 
Black Jack and Allen's corner thence N 36 West 5 poles to the beginning. Containing 
Seventy Three acres be the same more or less, together with all and singular the 
appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining to have 
and to hold the land hereby conveyed, with the appurtenances, unto the said 
AZEL DAVIS his heirs and assigns forever and the said WILLIAM  Ferguson 
and DORINDA his wife for themselves, their heirs executors and 
administrators the aforesaid tract of land and appurtenances 
unto the said AZEL DAVIS his heirs or assigns against the claim or claims of all 
or every persons whatsoever doth and will forever Warrant and Defend by these 
present in witness whereof the said WILLIAM  Ferguson together with Dorinda his 
wife, who hereby relinquishes her right of dower in and to the lands conveyed in 
the deed, hath hereunto set their hands, and seals the day and date first above 

Signed sealed and delivered } 

William  Ferguson (seal)

Dorinda  Ferguson (seal)

in presents of
State of Kentucky

Warren County Sct. I Atwood G.Hobson Deputy for Jonathan Hobson Clerk of the 
County Court of said county do certify that this deed from William  Ferguson and 
Dorinda his wife to Azel Davis was on the 7th day of August 1837 produced to me 
in my office and acknowledged by said  Ferguson to be his act and deed, and this 
day the said Dorinda being examined by me privily and apart from her said 
husband declare that she did freely and willingly seal and deliver said writing 
and wished not to retract it and acknowledged the said writing again shewn and 
explained to her to be her act and deed and consenteth that the same may be 
recorded. Whereupon said deed with this certificate hath been duly recorded in 
my office. Given under my hand this 15th day of November 1837. 



Deed Book 16, page 134-135

Kentucky State Archives microfilm #996451

This Indenture made and entered into this 15th day of September in the year 
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Five between JONATHAN T.CARPENTER of 
Warren County KY. of the one part and MARGARET ELIZABETH  Ferguson, 
JACOB LYCURGUS  Ferguson and JAMES  Ferguson, heirs 
and represenitives of JAMES  Ferguson, dec’d, of the county 
and state aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth that the said J.T.Carpenter 
hatht this day bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain 
and sell onto the said MARGARET E. Ferguson, JACOB L. Ferguson 
and JAMES  Ferguson, one certain tract of land situated, 
being and lying in Warren County KY. for and in consideration of the 
sum of Seven Hundred Dollars to him in hand paid the receipt of 
which is hereby acknowledged, which land contains by survey, 
one hundred acres and is bounded as follows, towit, Beginning 
at a Blackjack and red oak, JOHN SMITH’S northeast corner, 
running S76 E150 poles to a black jack, thence N180 poles 
to a stake thence E102 poles to a small hickory, thence N90 
poles to a large forked hickory, thence S80 W166 poles to a 
post oak, thence S11 E100 poles to the beginning. With all a
nd singular the land and premises, to the only proper use 
benefit and behoof of the said MARGARET E. Ferguson, 
JACOB L. Ferguson and JAMES  Ferguson, to them and their heirs forever. 
And the said J.T.CARPENTER doth furthercovenant to 
and with the said MARGARET E., JACOB L. and JAMES  Ferguson 
that he will forever Warrant and defend the title 
of the aforesaid land and premises from himself, 
his heirs, executors and administrators and all 
and every person or persons whatsoever claiming 
or to claim the same. It is well understood that 
the cause why this deed of conveyance is made 
and executed to the heirs and representitives of JAMES  Ferguson, 
dec’d. is to complete a contract made between said  Ferguson 
in his lifetime and the said J.T.CARPENTER. 

In testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal the day and year above written. 

Jon. T.Carpenter (seal)

State of Kentucky

Warren County Sct. I Atwood T.Hobson, deputy for Jonathan Hobson, 
clerk of the County Court of said county, do certify that this 
and others was on the 22nd day of February 1836 produced to 
me in my office and acknowledged by said Carpenter to be his 
act and deed, and this day the tax being paid, I have recorded 
said deed with this certificate as required by law. Given under 
my hand this 25th day of July 1836. 



Deed Book 16, page 134-135

Kentucky State Archives microfilm #996451

This Indenture made and entered into this 15th day of September in the year 
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Five between JONATHAN T.CARPENTER of 
Warren County KY. of the one part and MARGARET ELIZABETH  Ferguson, JACOB 
LYCURGUS  Ferguson and JAMES  Ferguson, heirs and represenitives of JAMES 
 Ferguson, dec’d, of the county and state aforesaid of the other part, 
witnesseth that the said J.T.Carpenter hatht this day bargained and sold and by 
these presents doth bargain and sell onto the said MARGARET E. Ferguson, JACOB 
L. Ferguson and JAMES  Ferguson, one certain tract of land situated, being and 
lying in Warren County KY. for and in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred 
Dollars to him in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, which 
land contains by survey, one hundred acres and is bounded as follows, towit, 
Beginning at a Blackjack and red oak, JOHN SMITH’S northeast corner, 
running S76 E150 poles to a black jack, thence N180 poles to a stake thence E102 
poles to a small hickory, thence N90 poles to a large forked hickory, thence S80 
W166 poles to a post oak, thence S11 E100 poles to the beginning. With all and 
singular the land and premises, to the only proper use benefit and behoof of the 
said MARGARET E. Ferguson, JACOB L. Ferguson and JAMES  Ferguson, to them and their 
heirs forever. And the said J.T.CARPENTER doth furthercovenant to and with the 
said MARGARET E., JACOB L. and JAMES  Ferguson that he will forever Warrant and 
defend the title of the aforesaid land and premises from himself, his heirs, 
executors and administrators and all and every person or persons whatsoever 
claiming or to claim the same. It is well understood that the cause why this 
deed of conveyance is made and executed to the heirs and representitives
of JAMES  Ferguson, dec’d. is to complete a contract made between said 
 Ferguson in his lifetime and the said J.T.CARPENTER. 
In testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal the day and 
year above written. 

Jon. T.Carpenter (seal)

State of Kentucky

Warren County Sct. I Atwood T.Hobson, deputy for Jonathan Hobson, clerk of 
the County Court of said county, do certify that this deed from JONATHAN 
T.CARPENTER to MARGARET E. Ferguson and others was on the 22nd day of February 
1836 produced to me in my office and acknowledged by said Carpenter to be his 
act and deed, and this day the tax being paid, I have recorded said deed with 
this certificate as required by law. Given under my hand this 25th day of July 1836. 



Deed Book 16, page 180-181

Kentucky State Archives Microfilm # 996451

This Indenture made this 17th September in the year 1836 between THOMAS  Ferguson, 
Senr. of Warren County Kentucky of the one part and THOMAS  Ferguson, Jr. 
of said county and state of the other part. Witnesseth that the said 
THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. for and in consideration of the sum of 
One Dollar in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, 
hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents does bargain 
grant and sell unto the sais THOMAS  Ferguson, Jr. and his 
heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land situated in 
the aforesaid county and state being a part of a tract patented 
in the name of JOHN WALLACE patent bearing date the 5th day 
of July 1813 and conveyed by said WALLACE to THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. 
bt deed bearing date the 14th day of August 1822 and bounded 
as follows (viz) Beginning at a black jack in the old line 
then with the same S10 3/4 E60 poles to a rock, then N75 E100 
poles to a post oak then S10 E40 poles to a post oak called 
for but not found then S63 W190 poles to a rock then N30 W110 
poles to a rock then N35 E104 poles to a rock at the fence 
then with the frnce S50 E48 poles to a rock then N50 W8 poles 
to the beginning. Containing 130 acres together with all 
the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said THOMAS  Ferguson, Jr. 
his heirs and assigns forever, and the said THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. for himself, 
his heirs and the aforesaid tract of land and appurtenances unto the said THOMAS  Ferguson, Jr. 
his heirs or assigns against the claim or claims of all 
persons whatever does and will forever warrant and defend. 
In witness whereof the said THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. has hereunto set his hand 
and seal the day and date above written.

I HANNAH  Ferguson wife of the said THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. 
relinquish my right to dower in the above mentioned land. 

Thomas (his mark)  Ferguson (seal)

Hannah (her mark)  Ferguson (seal)



State of Kentucky

Warren County Sct. I Atwood G.Hobson deputy for Jonathan Hobson 
Clerk of the County Court do certify that this deed from THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. 
and HANNAH his wife to THOMAS  Ferguson, Jr. was this day produced to me 
in my office and acknowledged by the said THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. to be his 
act and deed, and the said HANNAH being examined by me privily 
and apart from her said husband declared that she did freely 
and willingly seal and deliver said writing and wished not 
to retract it, and acknowledged the said writing again shewn 
and explained to her to be her act and deed and consenteth 
that the same may be recorded, whereupon said deed with this 
certificate hath been duly admitted to record in my office. 
Given under my hand this 19th day of September 1836.



Deed Book 16, page 180-181

Kentucky State Archives Microfilm # 996451

This Indenture made this 17th September in the year 1836 between THOMAS 
 Ferguson, Senr. of Warren County Kentucky of the one part and THOMAS  Ferguson, 
Jr. of said county and state of the other part. Witnesseth that the said THOMAS 
 Ferguson, Sr. for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar in hand paid the 
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted bargained and sold and by 
these presents does bargain grant and sell unto the sais THOMAS  Ferguson, Jr. 
and his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land situated in the 
aforesaid county and state being a part of a tract patented in the name of JOHN 
WALLACE patent bearing date the 5th day of July 1813 and conveyed by said 
WALLACE to THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. bt deed bearing date the 14th day of August 1822 
and bounded as follows (viz) Beginning at a black jack in the old line then with 
the same S10 3/4 E60 poles to a rock, then N75 E100 poles to a post oak then S10 
E40 poles to a post oak called for but not found then S63 W190 poles to a rock 
then N30 W110 poles to a rock then N35 E104 poles to a rock at the fence then 
with the frnce S50 E48 poles to a rock then N50 W8 poles to the beginning. 
Containing 130 acres together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging 
unto the said THOMAS  Ferguson, Jr. his heirs and assigns forever, and the said 
THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. for himself, his heirs and the aforesaid tract of land and 
appurtenances unto the said THOMAS  Ferguson, Jr. his heirs or assigns against 
the claim or claims of all persons whatever does and will forever warrant and 
defend. In witness whereof the said THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. has hereunto set his 
hand and seal the day and date above written.

I HANNAH  Ferguson wife of the said THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. 
relinquish my right to dower in the above mentioned land. 

Thomas (his mark)  Ferguson (seal)

Hannah (her mark)  Ferguson (seal)]



State of Kentucky
Warren County Sct. I Atwood G.Hobson deputy for Jonathan Hobson Clerk of the 
County Court do certify that this deed from THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. and HANNAH his 
wife to THOMAS  Ferguson, Jr. was this day produced to me in my office and 
acknowledged by the said THOMAS  Ferguson, Sr. to be his act and deed, and the 
said HANNAH being examined by me privily and apart from her said husband 
declared that she did freely and willingly seal and deliver said writing and 
wished not to retract it, and acknowledged the said writing again shewn and 
explained to her to be her act and deed and consenteth that the same may
be recorded, whereupon said deed with this certificate hath been duly 
admitted to record in my office. Given under my hand this 19th day of September 


Deed book 16, page 181-182

Kentucky State Archives microfilm #996451

This Indenture made this 15th day of August in the year of our Lord 
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Six between THOMAS  Ferguson 
and HANNAH his wife of Warren County and state of Kentucky of the 
one part and WILLIAM ALLEN of the same state and county of the 
other part. Witnesseth that the said THOMAS  Ferguson 
and HANNAH his wife for and in consideration of the sum of 
Three Thousand, Six Hundred Dollars to them in hand paid at 
and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the 
receipt whereof they doth hereby acknowledge hath given 
granted bargained and sold a certain tract or parcel of 
land it being a tract granted to JOHN WALLACE assignee of 
JOHN TAYLOR the patent bearing date 2nd day of January 1813 
and conveyed from said WALLACE to said  Ferguson. 
Containing Three hindred acresand is bounded as follows. 
Beginning on a hickory then S70 W193 poles to 3 post oaks 
then S20 E171poles to a red oak corner to WILLIAM F.TUCKER 
then E44 poles to a rock at the grave yard then N5 poles 
to a rock then E4 poles to a rock, then S5 poles to a rock 
in the original line then with the same E70 poles to a 
rock at the end of F.FORD’s lane then N85 E129 poles 
to a rock then N30 W110 poles to a rock, THOMAS  Ferguson,Jrs. 
corner then N35 E53 poles to a rock, WILLIAM  FergusonS corner ]
then N35 W108 poles to rock in the original lines then 
with the same S70 W35 poles to the beginning. With it’s 
appurtenances unto the said WILLIAM ALLEN and his heirs 
with all and singular the rights and priviledges 
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining 
and the said THOMAS  Ferguson and HANNAH his wife doth 
further covenant and agree with the sais WILLIAM ALLEN 
that they will warrant and forever defend the aforesaid 
bargained land and premises from themselves their heirs 
and assigns and from all and every other person or persons 
whatsoever. In witness whereof the said THOMAS  Ferguson 
and HANNAH his wife hath hereunto set their hands and seals 
the day and year first written. 

Thomas (his mark)  Ferguson (seal)

Hannah (her mark)  Ferguson (seal)

In presence of

John Beckham


State of Kentucky

Warren County Sct. I Atwood G.Hobson deputy for Jonathan Hobson 
Clerk of the County Court do certify that this deed from THOMAS  Ferguson 
and HANNAH his wife to WILLIAM ALLEN was this day produced to 
me in my office and acknowledged by the said  Ferguson 
to be his act and deed and the said HANNAH being examined by 
me privily and apart from her said husband declared that she 
did freely and willingly seal and deliver said writing and 
wished not to retract it and acknowledged the said writing 
again shewn and explained to her to be her act and deed and 
consenteth that the same may be recorded whereupon said deed 
with this certificate hath been duly recorded in my office . 
Given under my hand this 19th day of September 1836. 



Deed book 16, page 181-182

Kentucky State Archives microfilm #996451

This Indenture made this 15th day of August in the year of our Lord One 
Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Six between THOMAS  Ferguson and HANNAH his 
wife of Warren County and state of Kentucky of the one part and WILLIAM ALLEN of 
the same state and county of the other part. Witnesseth that the said THOMAS 
 Ferguson and HANNAH his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Three 
Thousand, Six Hundred Dollars to them in hand paid at and before the sealing and 
delivery of these presents the receipt whereof they doth hereby acknowledge hath 
given granted bargained and sold a certain tract or parcel of land it being a 
tract granted to JOHN WALLACE assignee of JOHN TAYLOR the patent bearing date 
2nd day of January 1813 and conveyed from said WALLACE to said  Ferguson. 
Containing Three hindred acresand is bounded as follows. Beginning on a hickory 
then S70 W193 poles to 3 post oaks then S20 E171poles to a red oak corner to 
WILLIAM F.TUCKER then E44 poles to a rock at the grave yard then N5 poles to a 
rock then E4 poles to a rock, then S5 poles to a rock in the original line then 
with the same E70 poles to a rock at the end of F.FORD’s lane then N85 
E129 poles to a rock then N30 W110 poles to a rock, THOMAS  Ferguson,Jrs. corner 
then N35 E53 poles to a rock, WILLIAM  FergusonS corner then N35 W108 poles to 
rock in the original lines then with the same S70 W35 poles to the beginning. 
With it’s appurtenances unto the said WILLIAM ALLEN and his heirs with all 
and singular the rights and priviledges thereunto belonging or in anywise 
appertaining and the said THOMAS  Ferguson and HANNAH his wife doth further 
covenant and agree with the sais WILLIAM ALLEN that they will warrant and 
forever defend the aforesaid bargained land and premises from themselves their 
heirs and assigns and from all and every other person or persons whatsoever. In 
witness whereof the said THOMAS  Ferguson and HANNAH his wife hath hereunto set 
their hands and seals the day and year first written. ]

Thomas (his mark)  Ferguson (seal)

Hannah (her mark)  Ferguson (seal)

In presence of

John Beckham


State of Kentucky
Warren County Sct. I Atwood G.Hobson deputy for Jonathan Hobson Clerk of the 
County Court do certify that this deed from THOMAS  Ferguson and HANNAH his wife 
to WILLIAM ALLEN was this day produced to me in my office and acknowledged by 
the said  Ferguson to be his act and deed and the said HANNAH being examined by 
me privily and apart from her said husband declared that she did freely and 
willingly seal and deliver said writing and wished not to retract it and 
acknowledged the said writing again shewn and explained to her to be her act and 
deed and consenteth that the same may be recorded whereupon said deed with this 
certificate hath been duly recorded in my office . Given under my hand this 19th 
day of September 1836. 
