Indiana biographies old book:
Levi E. Ferguson, now postmaster at Chandler, Warrick County, spent the greater
part of his active life in educational work and is one of the honored veteran
schoolmen of Warrick County. Mr. Ferguson was born in Pigeon Township, Warrick
County, May 3, 1866. His parents, James and Caroline (Fleener) Ferguson, were
born in Pike County, this state. His father was born August 1, 1829, and died in
1914, giving his long life to the service of the Methodist Church as a minister,
and was also a teacher and farmer. During the Civil war he took care of the
soldiers' widows and taught school. There were eight children in the family, one
of whom died in infancy, and the others were: Nancy J., who died at the age of
seventy-four; Simon P., born in 1854; Louisa, who died when thirty-nine years
old; Mahale, born in 1859; Isaac N., born in 1869; Luceta B., horn in 1872.
Nancy married John Garrison, a farmer and Civil war veteran; Simon, a retired
farmer, first married Mary Barnett
and afterwards Margaret Gentry; Louisa was the wife of Morris Jones, a farmer;
Mahale married Robert Ferigo; Isaac, a merchant in Oklahoma, married Mary
Cottrell; Luceta is the widow of Frank Forstor, a farmer and merchant. Levi E.
Ferguson attended public schools in Warrick County, graduated from Oakland City
College, and also attended the State Normal School. His first work as a teacher
was done in the Pleasant Hill School of Pigeon Township, and then in the Brown
School of the same locality. He gave thirty-two years to teaching in Owen
Township, and he also taught in the high schools of Folsomville, Spurgeon,
Millersburg and Chandler. Hundreds of people over Southern Indiana and now in
other states have a special love and veneration for their old teacher, Levi
Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson married in Owen Township, September 30, 1888, Miss
Lucinda (Molly) Ashby, member of an old and prominent Warrick County family. His
father, Jackson Ashby, was a leading farmer in that locality. He was born in
Indiana in 1822 and died in 1929. Her mother, Elizabeth (Day) Ashby, was also a
native of Indiana. The Ashbys had ten children, one of whom died in infancy, and
the others besides Mrs. Ferguson were: Albert, who died at the age of seventy;
Harvey, who died when seventy-nine years old; Diana, who was born in 1850;
Martyr, who died at the age of forty-nine; George, who died at seventy-two;
Cordella, who died at the age of sixty-six; James, born in 1860, and Charles M.,
who died when fifty years Albert was a farmer, Harvey, a merchant Diana is the
widow of J. B. Wilson, a farmer Martyr and George were farmers, Cordella married
A. B. Taylor, a farmer and Civil war veteran, James is a retired farmer and
livery stable proprietor, and Charles was a farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson have
one son, Guy H., born March 17, 1892, a farmer in Warrick County. He married
Myrtle McCool, and their three children, grandchildren of Mr. And Mrs. Ferguson,
are Elizabeth L., born in 1910, Robert Gay, born in 1919, and Charles Ashby,
born in 1929. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson also reared an orphan girl, Opal Webber,
from the age of eight to seventeen. She is now the wife of Prof. Wayne Eastridge,
of English Indiana, and they have three children, Henry C., born in 1923, Mary
M., born in 1925, and Betty, born in 1927. Mr. Ferguson has always voted as a
Republican in general elections. He is affiliated with the Cumberland
Presbyterian and with the Masonic fraternity and Independent Order of Odd