Hi cousin, I am a decemdant of The Franklin county Fergusons... I will send you what info you want about them, I have copies of the Raney collection book about the franklin county Fergusons and was just yesterday answering a Lady by name of Jody looking for her Sarah.. I twas the wrong one... Julie Bonnie, I only have the Ferguson files from Rocky Mount, if any married a Ferguson then I can find, if not then try the Virginia Genealogist and wingfield's book on Franklin county.. Julie To Bambi: info on Franklin Co Va 29 January 1811 Thomas B Ferguson marr Sarah Hambrick, surety Joseph Hambrick married by Wilson Turner 13 January August 1814 Thomas Hambrick abd Elizabeth Ferguson , surety Jonathan Klingenpeel, marr by Joseph Payne.. will try to run eliz Ferguson to ground and give you more info later today Julie Virginia Genealogist and wingfield book on Va ( franklin co) printed 1948 are in almost every library that has a sizeable genealogy library.. or can be ordered,rented from several places.. Julie Bambi, Isham Ferguson and wife Sarah (Sally) had 6 children Thomas born bedford co 1779/80 died Franklin co May 1863 , married Fr co to Sarah Hambrick b:1785/86 Jane marr Fr Co 6 Sept 1802 John Knight John h B Bedford Co 1783/84 d Fr Co 1873-80 m/Fr co 1 Jan 1810 Susannah Abshire b:1775 d.6 oct 1861 4 children Isham Mitchell 1817 Franklin co 1835 not resident in Franklin co 1849 Missouri Sarah, m/1st Fra co 27 April 1811 James Butler 2nd: fr co 28 Jan 1817 Jesse Blankenship B:fr co 1793 son of Barnett and Barsheba Meador Blankenshop moved to Smith co Tenn 1819 CH;at least 1 named Meador Elizabeth: born fr co 1785/94 m/fr co 13 Aug 1813 Thomas Hambrick Father: Isham b:before 1765, son of John Ferguson... he was recorded via deeds etc from 1787 1810 Franklin co Be careful here, the (2)John Ferguson who was prominent in Franklin co is not the Father of Isham,,, isham Father John will is at Book 1, page 511 in Bedford County... I have four Pages on deeds, and other info .. if you will send me your snail mail address, I will trade you copies of these four pages for a copy of the will you procure from Bedford CO.. since 1786 predates my John Fergusons in Fr CO, I would be interested in seeing this will... for privacy send to jsquilter@aol.com Hope I have helped some, and I am interested in obtaining info on this line. Julie Subject: [Ferguson-L] Re: Bowman/Ferguson Trying to locate Carol Bowman, who put out the list of Franklin Co Va Ferguson Marriages originally in 1997 and it reposted today .. her e-mail address has changed from 1997... does anyone have correct e-mail address now?? Thank you Re: Ferguson, My Line (Herring) Hey guys, this is my line.. Fanny Wade dau of John Ferguson of Franklin co Va M/Isaac Don't know what you all were talking about, but would like to connect There was a genealogist named Mae Moore who did a Segement in the Ferguson Book of Franklin county Va.. In my Ferguson sopies on page 114 she states: Letter from Mae Mooer 10 Sept 79.. Shirley Doran wrote than Joseph, John K, Moses, and Daniel went to Kentucky.. John J, Moses, and Daniel Ferguson went to Monroe County Effie Wilson wrote that John K, Moses and Daniel Ferguson are on the 1850 census of Monroe County Kentucky.. Daniel bought land in Cumberland CO Ky 10 July 1829, marked delivered to Fendall Palmore 14 Nov 1831 Daniel is on Monroe County Census in 1830. This Daniel son of John married Ann Hepinstall 27 Jan 1816 in Bedford County.. so I am assuming all the above were from Bedford county Va.. Does this ring any bells.. Subject: Re: [Ferguson-L] Virginia and NC. Hi, Pat. Reagan Read your post this morning regarding John Ferguson, on Pigg River... I am desc. from John Ferguson, Jr. m. Mary Hill John Ferguson Sr. m/ELizabeth ? they lived on the carolina Rd on the Pigg RIver in what used to be Patrick county,Henry COunty, now Franklin county..d/1790.. This John Sr. had a son by the name of James who 1805, Montgomery CO Va , 1808 Wilkes Co Va. 1814 South Carolina... Only information I have on James is m/Elizabeth Smith ... There was a John Ferguson m/Mary ??? GILL?? who lived in Bedford Co, part of Bedford CO also became Franklin CO... Not connected to the above Fergusons that I can link...There is a deed in Fr. co, shows John K Ferguson, Mary his wife, of Monroe Co,Ky convey to Peter Wright of Beford Co fpr $500.... 1850 census , Monroe co, Ky shows John K. Ferguson, wife mary from Va and a David Emberton 10, Ky.. Does this help or confuse? Julie