I am looking for information on Gilbert Ferguson who was married to Hannah
HILLS.  They had 6 children; Mary, Eliza, Labau, Chauncy, Sarah, and Nancy
Ann.  Eliza Ferguson was born Nov. 24, 1813 and married Henry I. JOHNSON in
Watervliet Co., New York.


In a message dated 10/6/98 5:08:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> Hi.  Gilbert Ferguson was the son of John Ferguson and Aeltje Cronkhite, and
>  the brother of Abraham and Francis.

Hi Bob,
     What a surprise!!!  Gilbert is my grgrgrgrgrandfather.  Can you tell me
anything else about this line?  I would really appreciate it!!  Thanks!


In a message dated 10/7/98 2:34:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

>  Hi Kathy.  Gilbert's parents, John and Aeltje Cronkhite were married in 
> the
>  RDC in Beekman, Dutchess county, NY in 1760.  Gilbert migrated to Fulton, 
> then
>  Montgomery county.  He then moved to Ohio.  I'm interested in that line
>  because I'm trying to "prove" that my 4-ggrandfather, John b 1765, was
>  Gilbert's brother.
Hi Bob,
     Do you know what Gilbert's birth and death dates were?  Also do you know
anything else about his parents or who their parents were?  Thanks again!!


Bob was kind enough to tell me that the parents of my Gilbert Ferguson were
John Ferguson and Aeltje CRONKHITE.  I joined the CRONK list and someone on
that list was kind enough to type up all of the ancestors of Aeltje CRONKHITE
for me.  If anyone on this list is interested in having this information I can
copy it for you.  I am still looking for information on Gilbert Ferguson and
his ancestors if anybody can provide it.  Thanks.


In a message dated 10/13/98 9:41:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

>  I have a little bit of info on Gilbert Ferguson.

Could you please tell me what you have on Gilbert?  You have no idea how much
I would appreciate it!!!  Thank-you very much in advance!!

Subject: Re: [Ferguson-L] Gilbert  Ferguson -   NY circa 1800
In a message dated 10/27/98 11:33:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Descendants of Gilbert Ferguson
  Generation No. 1
  1.  GILBERT Ferguson.  He married HANNAH HILLS, daughter of EBENEZER
Do you have any stats on Gilbert Ferguson?  His birthday, death, and marriage
dates?   Thank-you!

Subject: Re: [Ferguson-L] Gilbert and Margaret Ferguson -  CT or NY circa 1800
In a message dated 10/27/98 11:17:37 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  I am looking for information on these two Fergusons, possibly brother
  and sister. They married a brother and sister, the children of Ebenezer
  Hills and Mary Bronson.
  Gilbert Ferguson married Hannah Hills, born 1792, and Margaret Ferguson
  married Labau Hills, born 1795.
Gilbert Ferguson and Hannah Hills are my grgrgrgrgrandparents.  Somebody on
this list was kind enough to give me the names of Gilbert's parents as John
Ferguson and Aeltje Cronkhite.  I then joined the Cronk list and was able to
get the ancestors of Aeltje Cronkhite.  I was told that there are other people
on this list with information about Gilbert, but so far nobody else has come
forward.  What do you know about him so far?