From: Jean Boutcher
Subject: [Ferguson] Ferguson - Brydon
"Hi to all,"
I am new to the list. Would anyone know the parents for
two children: Rhoda C. Ferguson born ca. 1849 and
William E. Ferguson born 1845 in Virginia or West Virginia.
"According to the census returns beween 1870 and 1900,"
their father was born in Massachuetts; their mother was born
in Virginia
Rhoda C. Ferguson was married before 1868 to Edward Richard Brydon.
"They lived in Westernport, Allegany Co. Maryland in 1870. They moved"
to Baltimore before 1880.
Thank you for your assistance.

Subject: Re: [Ferguson] John Ferguson ca 1759 NC
From: Jean Boutcher
I am interested in your Ferguson line. I am looking for the
parents of two siblings, Rhoda C. Ferguson born ca. 1849 VA
and William E. Ferguson born 1850 VA. Their father was born
in Massachusetts and mother was born in VA. Rhoda C.
Ferguson was married to Edward Richard Brydon in ca. 1867.
Edward was born in Rome, New York, and was reared in
New Orleans, LA. In about 1855, Edward and his younger brother
William Alfred Brydon went to VA and in 1860s they moved to MD.
Edward R. Brydon and his wife Rhoda C. Ferguson settled in Baltimore,
MD.Both died between 1905 and 1907.
Thank you for your assitance.
Jean Boutcher