1840 Carroll Co., Ark.
Prairie Twp.
pg. 49
James Ferguson 1m. 20-30, 2f. 0-5, 1f. 20-30

ARKANSAS -- 1850 CENSUS -- Carroll
FURGERSON        Benjamin W.Carr           164
FURGERSON        Elizabeth  Carr           157
FURGERSON        James      Carr           157

1850 Census
Furgerson    Benjamine W     14  TN         AR   Carroll; Crooked Creek
Furgerson    Absolum l       7   AR         AR   Carroll; Prairie
Furgerson    Elizabeth       11  AR         AR   Carroll; Prairie
Fargason     Elizabeth       64  VA         AR   Carroll; Prairie
Furgerson    Henretta        1   AR         AR   Carroll; Prairie
Furgerson    James           34  TN         AR   Carroll; Prairie
Furgerson    Mary J          9   AR         AR   Carroll; Prairie
Fargason     Susan           5   AR         AR   Carroll; Prairie
Furgerson    Werrilda        28  TN         AR   Carroll; Prairie
Fargason     William         18  TN         AR   Carroll; Prairie
1860 Census
Ferguson     David T         44  Male    Ga     AR      Carroll Kings Rvr Twp
Ferguson     George W        41  Male    Ga     AR      Carroll Kings Rvr Twp
Ferguson     James L         47  Male    Ga     AR      Carroll Kings Rvr Twp
Ferguson     William         28  Male    Al     AR      Carroll Prairie Twp
1870 Census
Farguson     David           53  Male    Ga     AR      Carroll Kings Rvr Twp
Furgeson     Thomas          19  Male    Ar     AR      Carroll Kings Rvr Twp
Ferguson     Eluid           15  Female  Mo     AR      Carroll Prairie Twp
1900 Census
Ferguson        Harriet          61  Female  Tn      AR      Carroll 2-Wd Berryville
Ferguson        Thomas           51  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll 2-Wd Berryville
Furguson        Katie            29  Female  In      AR      Carroll 2-Wd Eureka Spring
Furguson        Sylvester        58  Male    In      AR      Carroll 2-Wd Eureka Spring
Furguson        Etta             23  Female  In      AR      Carroll 2-Wd Eureka Spring
Ferguson        George W         59  Male    In      AR      Carroll 3-Wd Eureka Spring
Furguson        Thomas           48  Male    Ky      AR      Carroll 3-Wd Eureka Spring
Furguson        Thomas           31  Male    Mo      AR      Carroll 3-Wd Eureka Spring
Furgerson       E M              33  Male    Oh      AR      Carroll 3-Wd Eureka Spring
Ferguson        John             44  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Cross Twp
Ferguson        Lark             16  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Cross Twp
Ferguson        Tullus           22  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Cross Twp
Ferguson        William          55  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Cross Twp
Ferguson        Alex             42  Male    Mo      AR      Carroll Kings Rvr Twp
Ferguson        Alvin            43  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Kings Rvr Twp
Ferguson        David            84  Male    Ga      AR      Carroll Kings Rvr Twp
Ferguson        Serrida          79  Female  Tn      AR      Carroll Kings Rvr Twp
Ferguson        William          73  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Kings Rvr Twp
Fergerson       William A        54  Male    In      AR      Carroll Long Crk
Ferguson        John B           34  Male    Tx      AR      Carroll Prairie Twp
Ferguson        Sydney J         24  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Prairie Twp
Ferguson        Thomas R         30  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Winona Twp
Furgerson       Paul             21  Male    Mo      AR      Carroll Yocum Twp
1910 Census
Ferguson        Mary A           65  Female  In      AR      Carroll 1-Wd Eureka Springs
Ferguson        Maude            16  Female  Ar      AR      Carroll 1-Wd Eureka Springs
Ferguson        Frank            28  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll 2-Wd Eureka Springs
Ferguson        Alvin M          52  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Cross Twp
Ferguson        Amon T           32  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Cross Twp
Ferguson        Elis J           51  Male    Mo      AR      Carroll Cross Twp
Ferguson        William W        64  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Cross Twp
Ferguson        Ben              54  Male    Il      AR      Carroll Hickory Twp
Ferguson        John E           40  Male    Mo      AR      Carroll Kings Rvr Twp
Ferguson        William M        43  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Kings Rvr Twp
Ferguson        J B              42  Male    Tx      AR      Carroll Winona Twp
Ferguson        Paul E           30  Male    Mo      AR      Carroll Yocum Twp
1920 Census
Ferguson        John H           79  Male    In      AR      Carroll 1-Wd; Eureka Springs; Cedar
Ferguson        Amon T           42  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Cross
Ferguson        Elic J           62  Male    Mo      AR      Carroll Cross
Ferguson        Willam W         74  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Cross
Ferguson        Alvin M          62  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Kings Rvr
Ferguson        W M              52  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Kings Rvr
Ferguson        Melvin F         42  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Osage
Ferguson        Ralph            26  Male    Ar      AR      Carroll Prairie Twp
Ferguson        Thomas J         36  Male    Tx      AR      Carroll Prairie Twp
Ferguson        Paul E           41  Male    Il      AR      Carroll Yocum Twp

1850 Carroll Co., Ark.
Prairie Twp.
Elizabeth Ferguson 64 Va
William 18 Tn.
Susan 5 Ar.
I think this family was from W. Va., which was not a state in 1850, still part of Va.
1850 Carroll Co., Ark.
Prairie Twp.
James Ferguson 34 Tn
Zirelda 28 Tn.
Elizabeth 11 Ar.
Mary J. 9 Ar.
Absolom L. 7 Ar. Shown as Absolom Gardenhire in 1860
Hennrietta 1 Ar.
James probably son of Elizabeth, shown in foregoing census. Sinclairs were mixed
into this line. In the early census reports we sometimes find the enumerator
asks the question as to state of birth improperly, asking, "What state are you
from", instead of, "In what state were you born". That is apparently what has happened in the case of the above James Ferguson , he was born Ga. but they spent some time in Tenn. before arriving in Ark.
1850 Carroll Co., Ark.
Prairie Twp.
Brice Byrne 53 NC
Anne 45 Tn.
Benjamin W. Ferguson 14 Tn.

1860 Carroll Co., Ark.
James L. Ferguson 47 Ga. Shown as b. Tenn. in 1850
Zerelda 38 Tn. Think she was nee Sinclair
Henrieta 11 Ar.
Thomas 9 Ar.
Rosine (female) 6 Ar.
Alvin 3 Ar.
Missouri 6/12 Ar.
Absolom L. Gardenhire 17 Ar. laborer

ARKANSAS -- 1860 Census -- Carroll
FERGUSON     David F.   Carroll        801
FERGUSON     George W.  Carroll        801
FERGUSON     James L.   Carroll        800
FERGUSON     William    Carroll        786
FERGUSON     William F. Carroll        802

ARKANSAS -- 1870 Census -- Carroll
FERGUSON     Eluid        Carroll           63

1860 Carroll Co., Ark.
David T. Ferguson 44 Ga. David Terrel, b. Dec 1816
Elizabeth 37 Tn. Elizabeth Ann Gilam, father b. Va.
Susan C. 18 Al. Susan Catherine
1860 Carroll Co., Ark.
George W. Ferguson 41 Ga.
Mary 36 Mo.
James P. Mo.
Nancy E. Mo.
John J. Ar.
Margaret J. Ar.
Lucinda T. Ar.
William F. Ar.
Mary H. Ar.
David Ar.
Sorry, when I collected these census reports only the first two individuals age was shown.
1840 Carroll Co., Ark.  Cut from Izard in 1833
page 049, Prairie Twp.
James Ferguson          1m 20-30, 2f 0-5, 1f 20-30

1850 Carroll Co., Ark.
Prairie Twp.
Elizabeth Ferguson 64 Va
William 18 Tn.
Susan 5 Ar.
I think this family was from W. Va., which was not a state in 1850, still part of Va.
1850 Carroll Co., Ark.
Prairie Twp.
James Ferguson          34 Tn.
Zirelda                 28 Tn.
Elizabeth                       11 Ar.
Mary Jane                         9 Ar.
Absolom L.                        7 Ar.
Henrietta                         1 Ar.

1850 Carroll Co., Ark.
Prairie Twp.
Brice Byrne                     53 NC
Anne                            46 Tn.
Benjamin W. Ferguson    14 Tn.

1860 Carroll Co., Ark.
James L. Ferguson               47 Ga.
Zerelda                 38 Tn.
Henrieta                        11 Ar.
Thomas                    9 Ar.
Roaine female                     6 Ar.
Alvin                             3 Ar.
Missouri                         6/12 Ar.
Absolom L. Gardenhire   17 Ar. Laborer
1860 Carroll Co., Ark.
David T. Ferguson               44 Ga.
Elizabeth                       37 Tn.
Susan C.                        18 Al.

1860 Carroll Co., Ark.
George W. Ferguson              41 Ga.
Mary                            36 Mo.
James P.                             Mo.
Nancy E.                             Ar.
John J.                      Ar.
Margaret J.                          Ar.
Lucinda T.                           Ar.
William F.                           Ar.
Mary H.                      Ar.
David                                Ar.

1870 Carroll Co., Ark.
pager 063, Prairie Twp.
Elvid Ferguson female   15 Mo.

1880 Carroll Co., Ark.
page 037, Kings River Twp.
James Ferguson          65 Ga.Va.Va.
Gerelda         wife    58 Tn.Ky.Tn.
Alvin M.                son     23 Ar.Ga.Tn.
Massuri         dau     19 Ar.Ga.Tn.
Alice                   dau     16 Ar.Ga.Tn.
William         son     13 Ar.Ga.Tn.
        Gerelda is Zerelda, Massuri is Missouri, see 1850 & 1860

1880 Carroll Co., Ark.
page 037, Kings River Twp.
T.J. Ferguson                   29 Ar.Ga.Tn.
Elvina                  wife    25 Ar.Il.Ky.
        T.J. is Thomas, son of James and Zerelda.

1880 Carroll Co., Ark.
Pg. 37, Kings River Twp.
James Ferguson 65 Ga.Va.Va.
Gerelda wife 58 Tn.Ky.Tn. Zerelda in 1850 and 1860
Alvin M. son 23 Ar.Ga.Tn.
Missouri dau. 19 Ar.Ga.Tn.
Alice dau 16 Ar.Ga.Tn.
William son 13 Ar.Ga.Tn.
1880 Carroll Co., Ark.
Pg. 37, Kings River Twp.
T.J. Ferguson 29 Ar.Ga.Tn. Thomas, s/o of James and Zerelda
Elvina wife 28 Ar.Il.Ky.

1850 Carroll Co., Ark.
Prairie Twp.
James Ferguson 34 Tn
Zirelda 28 Tn. Elizabeth 11 Ar.
Mary J. 9 Ar.
Absolom L. 7 Ar. Shown as Absolom Gardenhire in 1860
Hennrietta 1 Ar.
James probably son of Elizabeth, shown in foregoing census. Sinclairs were mixed into this line. In the early census reports we sometimes find the enumerator asks the question as to state of birth improperly, asking, "What state are you from", instead of, "In what state were you born". That is apparently what has happened in the case of the above James Ferguson, he was born Ga. but they spent some time in Tenn. before arriving in Ark

1850 Carroll Co., Ark.
Prairie Twp.
Brice Byrne 53 NC
Anne 45 Tn
. Benjamin W. Ferguson 14 Tn.
1860 Carroll Co., Ark.
James L. Ferguson 47 Ga. Shown as b. Tenn. in 1850
Zerelda 38 Tn. Think she was nee Sinclair
Henrieta 11 Ar.
Thomas 9 Ar.
Rosine (female) 6 Ar.
Alvin 3 Ar.
Missouri 6/12 Ar.
Absolom L. Gardenhire 17 Ar. laborer

1860 Carroll Co., Ark.
David T. Ferguson 44 Ga. David Terrel, b. Dec 1816
Elizabeth 37 Tn. Elizabeth Ann Gilam, father b. Va.
Susan C. 18 Al. Susan Catherine

1860 Carroll Co., Ark.
George W. Ferguson 41 Ga.
Mary 36 Mo.
James P. Mo.
Nancy E. Mo.
John J. Ar.
Margaret J. Ar.
Lucinda T. Ar.
William F. Ar.
Mary H. Ar.
David Ar.
Sorry, when I collected these census reports only the first two individuals age was shown.

1880 Carroll Co., Ark.
Pg. 37, Kings River Twp.
James Ferguson 65 Ga.Va.Va.
Gerelda wife 58 Tn.Ky.Tn. Zerelda in 1850 and 1860
Alvin M. son 23 Ar.Ga.Tn.
Missouri dau. 19 Ar.Ga.Tn.
Alice dau 16 Ar.Ga.Tn.
William son 13 Ar.Ga.Tn.

1880 Carroll Co., Ark.
Pg. 37, Kings River Twp.
T.J. Ferguson 29 Ar.Ga.Tn. Thomas, s/o of James and Zerelda
Elvina wife 28 Ar.Il.Ky.