Abstracts from 18th-Century Virginia Newspapers

By Robert K. Headley, Jr.


Page 47:  Lawson Burfoot, deceased, estate accounts with John Fergusson (The VA Gazette: Parks; Hunter, Royle, Purdie, Dixon; Dixon & Nicolson 23 May 66)


Page 79:  Robert Crawley, deceased, his est. near Wmsbrg. to be leased by John Fergusson (not further identified) (The VA Gazette: Parks; Hunter, Royle, Purdie, Dixon; Dixon & Nicolson 14 Jan 75)


Page 92:  Deserted from the Virginia Regt. at Ft. Cumberland:  James Ferguson, Virginian, 44 (The VA Gazette: Parks; Hunter, Royle, Purdie, Dixon; Dixon & Nicolson 12 Dec 55)


Page 93:  Deserted from Virginia Regt.:  Peter Ferguson, Louisa Co., 26; . . . all of the above are soldiers lately drafted out of the militia of the colony to serve in the Va. Regt. (The VA Gazette: Parks; Hunter, Royle, Purdie, Dixon; Dixon & Nicolson 2 Sep 57)


Page 97:  Deserted from the 3rd Georgia Bn. of Continental Troops:  Obadiah Ferguson, c. 17 (The VA Gazette: Parks; Hunter, Royle, Purdie, Dixon; Dixon & Nicolson 19 Dec 77)


Page 98:  Deserted from quarters, 1st U.S. Regt., Richmond:  Benjamin Fergusson, from Va., 18 (The Virginia Gazette & General Advertiser 27 Jun, 25 Jul, 1 Aug 92).


Page 118:  Ebenezer Ewing, deceased, estate accounts with Joseph Fergusson and David Miller of Wmsbrg., his exors. (The Virginia Gazette & General Advertiser 20 Jan 96).


Page 119:  Robert Farguson, deceased, 300 ac. of his land in Amelia Co. will be sold, pursuant to his will, by his ex., Benjamin Bridgforth (The VA Gazette, or, The American Advertiser 4 Jan 83)


Page 119:  Sarah Farguson, who came ind. from Eng. about six yrs. ago and served her time with Charles Lewis, deceased, on Rappahannock, will hear of something much to her advantage if she will apply to the printer (The VA Gazette: Rind 14 Jul 74)


Page 119:  John Farquharson of Norfolk, deceased, estate accounts with his admix., Margaret Farquharson of Wmsbrg.  (The VA Gazette & Weekly Advertiser 25 Sep 84)


Pages 119-120:  Mrs. [Margaret] Farquharson, spouse of John Farquharson late of Wmsbrg. [sic], deceased, d. last week (The VA Gazette & Weekly Advertiser 6 Sep 87)


Page 121:  Robert Fergus of Amelia Co., 83, mar. Ann Jones, 14-15, as his third wife on 3 Mar. (The VA Gazette: Parks; Hunter, Royle, Purdie, Dixon; Dixon & Nicolson 12 Mar 67, New York Mercury 30 Mar 67)


Page 121:  Abner Ferguson, appr., c. 20, ran away from Thomas Humphrey Jr., Loudoun Co., suspected of being in Frederick or Berkeley Co. (Bowen’s VA Centinel & Gazette or The Winchester Political Repository; Bowen’s VA Gazette & The Winchester Centinel 22 Jul 93)


Page 121: David Ferguson, killed in a wagon accident between Winchester and Stephensburg on his way to Georgia on Sat.; he left a wife and five children (The VA Centinel; or, The Winchester Mercury and The VA Gazette, & Winchester Advertiser 25 Nov 89)


Page 121:  James Ferguson, Virginian, 44, enl. by Capt. Bell, des. from the Va. Regt. at Fort Cumberland (The VA Gazette: Parks; Hunter, Royle, Purdie, Dixon; Dixon & Nicolson 26 Dec 55)


Page 121:  James Ferguson of K & Q Co., deceased, his land there to be sold by his ex., Richard Tunstall (The VA Gazette: Parks; Hunter, Royle, Purdie, Dixon; Dixon & Nicolson 6 Jul 69)


Page 121:  The Rev. Robert Ferguson, of Pr. Geo. Co., deceased, his est. there to be sold on 11 Feb. (The VA Gazette: Parks; Hunter, Royle, Purdie, Dixon; Dixon & Nicolson 19 Dec 51)


Page 130:  Benjamin Furgurson, appr. hatter, c. 19, ran away from Jesse Thornton, Richmond (The VA Gazette & Manchester Advertiser 16 Jan 94).


Page 188:  Thomas Jones, Esq., att. at law, deceased, of Edenton, N. Carolina, his ex., Daniel Earl and Walter Ferguson and Charles Bonfield, will sell all his PE as well as tracts, houses and lots near Edenton and in Edgecombe Co. (The VA Gazette: Parks; Hunter, Royle, Purdie, Dixon; Dixon & Nicolson 28 Feb 77)


Page 195:  Killed by Indians in KY on 4 Nov 1791:  Gen Butler, Col. Oldham, Majors Brown, Hart, Clark Ferguson, Capts. Bradford, Tipton, Smith, Purdie, Newman, Phelan [also given as Philon], Kirkwood, Peate [also given as Pratt], Price Swearengen, Cubbs [also given as Cribbs], Guthrie [also given as Gutherie], Lts. Warren, Spier [also given as Speer], Lickins [also given as Lukins], M'Nickle, M'Math, Hopper, Ried [also given as Reed], Kelso, Boyd, Ensigns Beally [also given as Beatty], Cobbs, Brooks, Balsh [also given as Balch], Chase [also given as Chafe], Turner, Purdie, Quartermasters Ward, Reynolds [also given as Reynold], Sample, Adjutants Anderson, Burgess, Dr. Grayson; all were members of a force under Gen. St. Clair which was attached by Indians 15 miles from the Maume Village (King George 12 Nov 91, The Virginia Gazette & General Advertiser 7 Dec 91, The Norfolk & Portsmouth Chronicle 10 Dec 91)