Number Date First Name Last Name Event Summary Source Source Location
1 17420730 John Furguson JF got 780 acres Evans Creek in Amelia Co SWEM V 22V096
2 17500000 Anne [Thompson] Ferguson AFT m. Robert Thompson; query: Thompson-Gill '58 VAGI JFD V 02:138 /Q
3 17530000 VA Co   Prince Edward Co from Amelia Co VLR  
4 17640000 Anne () Morton Ferguson A_MF M. First Samuel Morton Briery Pres Church (before 1764) VAGI JFD V 16:056
5 17711200 Peter Farrar Sale PF 400a Sailor Creek And 6 Or 7 Slaves VG R31Oct71:41
6 17840000 Bryan Ferguson BF d. had m. wife Ann_Morton. They to KY. (before 1784) VAGI JFD V 16:066
7 17870000 Alexander Furguson taxed (Alexr.F.) - B 4 + 2; horses + 1; Cattle 5. List B Census 87 1296
8 17870000 Jethro Furguson taxed - horses + 3; Cattle 6 - List B. Census 87 1296
9 17870000 John Furguson taxed - Alexr. Furguson - List B. Census 87 1296
10 17870000 Richard Ferguson taxed - not tithable [RichdF] - B 2; horses + 1 Census 87 1289

* Entries mostly compiled by John Markham Ferguson, jr.