Henrico Co. - Southside, 1736
Preface [Henrico Co. - Southside, 1736]
[page 365 in book]
These abstracts are taken from a Sheriff’s Account Book. This was kept by John Nash who included store accounts in it. He was Sheriff of Henrico Co. in 1736. The records are of persons who lived in Henrico on the south side of James River. This became Chesterfield Co. in 1749. And also records of persons who had properties of business in that section.
It has been difficult to abbreviate these accounts. The abstracts cannot pretend to be more than a tax list and the names of persons who were alive in the period 1733 to 1737. In most cases figures, in tobacco and in money, have been omitted for the sake of brevity. A Levy was 51 lb of tobacco. The fee for registering a birth or death was 3 lb of tobacco. Quit Rents were paid in cash to John Gibson. I do not believe that, for these people did not have any way of obtaining cash. A few accounts were paid in deer leather. That of Saml Hatcher by a game of “Cross and Pile”.
This book is 5 ¾ x 3 ½ by 1 inches. 240 pages not numbered. It is bound in good old tough deer skin. The handwriting, while very small, is firm and clear, that of an educated and careful gentleman. The ink used 200 years ago has not faded. This little volume has never been available for students, having been packed in a truck of Nash family papers. It is now in possession of a descendant, Mr. William Nash Beverley of Richmond and of “Blandfield”, Essex Co., VA. He has always been very kind in regard to VA Colonial Abstracts and is generous enough to lend the original for the series.
The next available tax list for this section, that we know of, is in the Archives Division of the VA State Library. It is dated after the Revolution.
By the way, right here the Demon Rum rears its ugly head in old Henrico. Some think it pretty. In fact had not my delightful cousins passed out the book sandwiched in between two stout rum highballs, I do not believe I’d had the courage to attempt these abstracts. John Nash tells us he kept a Rum Ledger. This interesting item is lost. The accounts here show about a pint or a quart a year. Very moderate, even if the correct and accurate Miss Estelle Bass of the Archives Division (a descendant of a number of the more distinguished of these old families) quotes, with a twinkle in her eye, “We aint always done what we oughter in Chesterfield”.
Beverley Fleet, 20th April 1944
[370 in book]
Mr. Henry Cary. Dr. 1736. 29 Levys. Clks fees. Fees for Mr. Langham. Q-rents 316 acres. Q-rents for Diggs 17000 acres. Q-rents for Treat 150 acres. To Mr. Secr’ys fees. To Majr Kemps Fees. To Arrest Trent. To serve an order Court vs Edwd Osborne Senr. To a pl and Sum vs you for Ballantyne. Willm Trent says you are to pay for making over his land. “Balance of your Q-rents is 7356 £8.11.8 Currency”. To arrest Trent. To Sum 2 Witt. To a Jury. Credits are mainly a list of names with acreage of land upon which Q-rents have evidently been paid to Mr. Cary.
By acres By acres
Danl Fore 400 Isajah Burton 600
John Fore 400 Wm Harris 730
Jno Hancock 200 Mosses Ferqurean 200
Saml Weldon 1000 Walter Scott 200
Mr Flournoy 450 Jno Price N Side 500
Jno Easley 400 Wm Trent 300
Jno Hobson 400 Thos Cobbs 1100
Matt Branch 660
Jno Branch 600 By Walter Nunally £0:1:1
Jno Davenport 260 By John Cobbs order 400
Jno Wilson 1500 By Alex Trent yr Ex vs him 5.15
Caleb Ware 200
[page 371 in book]
Jane Duprey. Dr. 1736. “To 2 Co Levys 22”, “To 1 Co Levy 11”. To Q-rents 117 acres Ld”, “To Q-rents for Moses Ferqueron 170 (acres)” “To clks fees for yr son Peter”. Paid “By the Inspector at Warwick for Pet’r Ferquren”. “By Do for herself”.
[page 372 in book]
James Farguson. Dr. 1736. 4 Levys. 200 acres. Store a/c. Pd by an Inspector’s note.
[373 in book]
John Farguson. Dr. 1736. 1 Levy. 1565 acres. Clks fees. 2 qts Rum. Store debt. Paid by Wm Nube Clks fees. By Wm Nube for Q-rents 300 acres. By Inspectors at Warwick. “By Col’o Rd Randolph the Q-rents of 1265 acrs Land”.
Moses Farguson. Dr. 1736. 2 Levys. 850 acres. Also to Jno Frith Q-rents on 400 acres. To Wm Perdue’s Levy. Store debt. Pd by cash. Also cash by Tho Rudd. By an Inspectors note. By Wm Perdue.
Robt Farguson. Dr. 1736. 3 Levys. 205 acres. Store debt. Pd by cash.
Wm Farguson. Dr. 1736. 1 Levy. Clks fees. Store a/c. A bal due to J Worsham for last year. “Sh’r fee for sumn’g yr Brother”. To Sum’g Jackson and Bass for you. Pd by cash to J Gibson.
[page 374 in book]
Moses Ferqueron. Dr. 1736. 1 Co. Levy. Q-rents 170 acres last yr and the same this yr. Store debt. Cash pd Danl Fore for you. Q-rents of 200 acres per Cary pd by Peter Ferqueron. Paid by 3 Bbl corn by John Thomas for me. Also by cash, 2 more bbl corn and “Yr part of a doe skin”.
Thos Goode. Dr. 1736. 1 Levy. ‘he is List’d also with James Farguson”.
[page 379 in book]
Wil Nube. Dr. 1736. 1 Levy. 100 acres. “To Q-rents 300 acres Ld for Jno Farguson”. Store debt. Clks fees for Amy Farguson. Paid. By cash to J Gibson and by Inspectors at Warwick.
[380 in book]
Wil Perdue. Dr. 1736. 1 Levy. 1 qt and 1 pt rum. Your order to Moses Farguson. Paid by Moses Farguson and by Jos. Gill.
[page 386 in book]
“That Part that was formerly Bristol Parrish”
Henry Anderson of Amelia Co. 3 Levys. 400 acres. Clks fees. Mr Secretary’s fees. Mr Cary’s debt. Shr fee Tho Bryan vs Farguson. Fees vs Cutts. Other fees. Pd by 2 hhd tobo. Bal to end of book.
[pages 395-396 in book]
1736. A List of Fees belonging to Major Cocke against Persons that have no accounts in this Booke (Viz)
Peter Ferqueron (carr’d into Jane Duprays a/c) 100 lb tobo
[pages 398-399 in book]
Messrs Redford and Wilkinson, Inspectors at Warwick. Debit. 1736. Febry.
To John Ferguson 51 lb Tobo.
Debit. 1736. [Which is actually February 1736/7 and is stated as 1737 on the 2nd page of this account.]
Peter Fergueron 87 lb tobo.
[page 400 in book]
Col’o Rich’d Randolph. Dr. 1736/7. Includes 5 hhd tobo with marks. 1 hhd bought of Thos Friend. 8 hhd tobo to Col Rd. Randolph by Mr Edw Cox. Benj Lee’s note on you. Mr Cary’s debt. Yr promise to pay John Farguson’s Q-rents on 1265 acres Ld. To Thos Osborne’s bal. To John Hardin’s note. Credits include: My note on you to pay Mr Edward Cox. By John Worsham junr the ball’a of his last years Shr acc’t £2.13.4 By tobo which Dan’l Jackson pd me last year which I did not acc’t with you.
[page 402 in book]
Mr. Henry Anderson. Dr. 1737. 3 Levys. Q-rents 400 acres. To John Elam. Bryant your overseer’s debts. To deliver pet’o vs Farguson. To serving his attachmt vs Cutts. To pay the Sheriff of Amelia on yr order. Mr. Cary’s debt. Bryants debt 5 qts rum 0.6.3. Aug 1st To Cash pd Major Bolling for you. Cash pd you by Col Cobbs 5.14.11 Other debits, fees, etc. Credits include: 2hhd tobo. He refused paying for Jno Elam. He refused paying for Bryant. He also refused paying Mr. Cary’s debt. Sept 24th Thos Bryant paid cash for the rum and tobo for other charges.
[page 408 in book]
Other Henrico Co. Records. 1736. These records are included in this volume in an attempt to give a more complete census for this year. Of course many of these, as is plainly shown, do not apply to the Southside. The abstracts to follow are taken from Henrico Co. Wills and Deeds, 1725-1737, Part 2.
Page 585, Deed, 28 Aug 1735. John Farguson of Henrico Co sells to Ame Farguson of the same County, for 1 shilling, 100 acres on S side of Swift Creek, adj Grill’s line, across the main road, etc. Signed “John ferguson”. Wit: Benjamin Fernando, John Bowman, Peter Hudson, Richd Cawthon. Rec 2 Feb 1735/6.
[page 414 in book]
Page 567, Deed, 3 Aug 1737. John Cox and Elizabeth his wife of Henrico Co sell Peter Forkran [Ferqurean] of same county for £14., 200 acres in Dale par. This land pur from lien Cary and adjs Jno Fore, Majr John Bolling, etc. No witnesses shown. Rec 1st Monday in Aug 1736.
[page 415 in book]
Page 580, Deed of Mortgage, 4 Aug 1736. John Cobbs of Henrico Co. mortgages Jno Nash of same county for £20.12.0, 352 acres on S side Swift Creek, the land where Cobbs now lives. Was formerly purchased of Robt Bowman and adj land of Maj Jno Bolling, Abraham Bowman, John Neuby, etc. Signed John Cobbs. Wit: Robt Cobbs, Jno Childers, James Farguson. Rec 1st Monday in Dec 1736.