Number Date First Name Last Name Event Summary Source Source Location
1 0     Bulletin Chester District Genealogical Society - WW Brewster CDGS 95-03 024-028
2 17270000 VA Co   Goochland Co from Henrico Co VLR  
3 17280000     Goochland Co VA ,Wills + Deeds Benjamin Weisiger (1728-1736) Gchln BW 2 F232.G65W4V1
4 17280000     Goochland Co Road Orders by Pawlett et al 1975  (1728-1744) Pawlett F232.G65 P38
5 17350610 Alexander, Sr. Farg Alex'r Farg Sr witness Cox-Spear deed - S side James Gchln BW 1 DB01-128
6 17360000     Goochland Co VA Wills + Deeds Benjamin Weisiger  (1736-1742) Gchln BW 2 F232.G65W4V2
7 17380222 Agnes Addams Farguson AAF parents Robert + Mourning Addams, siblings listed; WDB Gchln BW 2 WB03-305
8 17380222 Agnes Addams Farguson AAF 400a fork of Lickinghole Cr. NE side of Thomas Saunders; WDB Gchln BW 2 WB03-305
9 17401112 Ann Fargeson AF willed rest by husband James Ferguson; see also 1741 07 21 Gchln BW 2 WB03-429
10 17401112 Ann (Croxen) Fargeson AFC eldest daughter of James Ferguson. Will book Gchln BW 2 WB03-429
11 17401112 James Fargeson JF + AnnF - James+Ann+John+others [home w/Ann] Gchln BW 2 WB03-429
12 17401112 James Fargeson JF will "sick + weak"  - wit William + Jos. Crenshaw Gchln BW 2 WB03-429
13 17401112 James Fargeson JF willed pistols etc by father James Ferguson Gchln BW 2 WB03-429
14 17401112 John Fargeson JF willed horse + saddle by father James F Gchln BW 2 WB03-429
15 17410000 James Fargesson Jas. F will VWA T,WC 145
16 17410000 James Farguson JF Wills, Inventories, etc. BK3 page 429 Dgls Rgstr 392
17 17410000 James Farguson JF Will Book 3, page 429. Will, [not in 07W(2)] SWEM W2 07W(2)052
18 17410000 James Farguson James Farguson - will book WB03-429 VWR 3 JMcG 124 + 128
19 17410721 James estate Fargeson JF will recorded, wife Ann, 5 [+?] children - USE 1740 11 12 Gchln BW 2 WB03-429
20 17410801 James estate Ffargesson JF will bed L7 - 4 more beds, 3038# T [etc] - £101.18.1 CDGS 95-03 OB-05-005
21 17410801 James estate Forgeson JF dec'd inventory £101/18/1 by George Payne, Phill. Webber + Gchln BW 2 DB03-459
22 17410801 James estate Ffargesson JF will 13 cattle, 14 sheep, 3 horses, kitchen items, broken sword CDGS 95-03 OB-05-005
23 17410801 James estate Ffargesson JF will weavers loom, 2 spinning wheels, old gun, small books 6s CDGS 95-03 OB-05-005
24 17420000     Goochland Co VA Wills [only] Benjamin Weisiger (1742-1749) Gchln BW F232.G65W4V3
25 17430000 Charles E[dward] Ferguson CEF born, age 39 in 1782 MASON GEK O69
26 17430117 John Farguson JF [St. James] witness Abram Purkins will 1742/3 Gchln BW 3 DB03-151
27 17440619 James Ffarguson JF work new road Three Chopt Rd to Church, F622! Pawlett 53
28 17440619 James Ffarguson James f road work opening Three Chopt Rd [US 250] WWB by FPS Aug 1995 ltr
29 17441120 James Farguson JF deed to David Parrish [JMFJr:  SEE ALSO NC old Granville Co] Gchln BW 3 DB04-443
30 17441120 Agnes Farguson Agnes + James F signed DB04-443/444 40a > David Parrish; Licking Hole WWB by FPS Aug 1995 ltr
31 17441120 James Farguson JF > David Parrish 40a tract N side James on Lickinghold Cr brs WWB by FPS Aug 1995 ltr
32 17460000 John Ferguson John Ferguson vs. James Daniel - JF failed appear - dismissed WWB by FPS Aug 1995 ltr
33 17470000 James Ferguson JF vs. Richard Ward - JF won L30 + to pay JohnF witness expense WWB by FPS Aug 1995 ltr
34 17471100 Ann Farguson Ann Farqusond died intestate - James Ferguson administrator WWB by FPS Aug 1995 ltr
35 17471100 James Ferguson James Ferguson administrator estate Ann Farguson intestate WWB by FPS Aug 1995 ltr
36 17471120 Ann Farguson AF deceased, inventory L37/2. Record 1748 Aug 16 Gchln BW 3 DB05-465
37 17471231 Peleg Ferguson PF witness Abraham Micheaux will/probate LnnbrgLCB WB1/030 #356
38 17480000 Ann Fargueson AF inventory [estateassumed] VWA T;WC 145
39 17480816 John Forgeson JF, Wm Adams, 4 Woodson etc - deed from Michel Maddox estate  Gchln BW 3 DB05-465
40 17490905 James Ferguson JF 417a LP Bk 28 p712-713 on late John Smith et al Mag VA Gen Vol 30 151
41 17490905 James Ferguson JF 417a adj E side Licking HoleCr N side James R Mag VA Gen Vol 30 151
42 17490905 James Forguson JF 417a adj E side Licking Hole Cr on N side James R L2.S5 C Pioneer 5 PB-28-415
43 17490905 James Forguson JF adj John Smith decd, David Parish, Humphrey Parish; Licking Hole C Pioneer 5 PB-28-415
44 17490905 James Forguson JF adj Welcom William Hodges; Licking Hole C Pioneer 5 PB-28-415
45 17500000     Rev Wm Douglass at Dover & Lickinghole Churches (1750 - 1797) DglsRgstr F232.G65D7
46 17531120 James Farguson James Ferguson 75a on Lickinghole Creek to David Parrish; DB06-318/319  WWB by FPS Aug 1995 ltr
47 17531222 Agnes Farguson Agnes + James Farguson signed 367a > Richard Johnson; Northam P WWB by FPS Aug 1995 ltr
48 17531222 James Farguson JF parish of Northam plantation 367a > Richard Johnson WWB by FPS Aug 1995 ltr
49 17531222 James + Agnes Farguson JF + AF "land where James Farguson now lives" - DB06-332/335; Northam P WWB by FPS Aug 1995 ltr
50 17550710 James Farguson JF 25a LickingHoleBr adj JF own land 5s - p486; LPB 31 Mag VA Gen Vol 31 159
51 17561217 Sarah [Ogilsby] Fergusson SFO + Richard Ogilsby - first child in Registry DglsRgstr 131
52 17570906 Rachel [Perkins] Fergusson RFP + John Perkins - first child in Registry DglsRgstr 131
53 17580508 Mary [Knowling] Fergusson MFK + David Knowling - first child in Registry DglsRgstr 131
54 17590125 Elizabeth Dunman Ffergusson EDF + SamF married - DR 004 DglsRgstr O20
55 17590125 Samuel Ffergusson SamF + Eliz Dunman married - DR 004 DglsRgstr O20

* Entries mostly compiled by John Markham Ferguson, jr.